Purity You Can See Through...Where We Will Walk

There is a world that is so dead to the following concept. There is a Church that is dying from ignorance of the following subject.


"Thy will be done in Earth as it is in Heaven"...Whose will? whose desire? is to be done

You're going a little too far ...stop now while you have the chance!

Revelation 21:21b ...and the street of the city was pure gold, as it were transparent glass.

And the Broad Way of believers' new native city (homeland) was purified gold as it were tansparent, like glass that brings light through it.

Here is a thought to be consumed by ...to control your actions and reactions, your platitudes and attitudes, your emotions, promotions and demotions.

Does the "Broad Way" I walk today ... bring light though my life that let's those around me know that my homeland here... has merged with my Homeland there?

Heaven's Broad Way is increased in its value due to its transparency to light ....

Choice of desire: Allow His light to be brought through you and increase your value

or live like a pulled down blind and shout "closed" for business.

READ God's Word Believe without hesitation JOYFULLY radiating His light through you.

