Thief Faith

The life of faith is like a race that we need to run with perseverance... Laying aside all weights and sins that so easily entangle us. Now faith is the "under force" of things expected because of hope, and the tested proof of accomplishments that are not discerned by eyes. Since we are undergirded by the unlimited power of the merciful kindness of God, run with confidence the race that is set before us. Faith is not the performance of a perfectly run race, but a race of the handicapped who are totally dependent on God for the outcome.

"O praise the LORD, all ye nations; praise Him, all ye people. For His merciful kindness is great toward us; the Truth of the LORD endures forever. Praise ye the LORD." Psalm 117 ---

"And she shall bring forth a Son, And thou shalt call His Name Jesus; for HE shall save His people from their sins." Matt. 1:21.

Jesus never invited any one to become a "Christian". Huh?

Are you having trouble with this statement? Please stop and meditate on this.

Jesus met people where they were and challenged them to follow Him; and He did this by letting them know that their choice to follow would connect them not only to Him, but it would connect their life work, love for each other and humility powerful connectors of people to Him. Notice this prime example: To a bunch of fishermen the challenge went out like this: "Follow me and I will make you fishers of men!" Their former occupation that only connected them to daily personal survival, now would be refocused to affect the lives of others for Eternity.

There is a possibility that we have shifted the focus from the "Savior" to the "Saved" as the means of Salvation -- In the congregations there is subliminal but overwhelming, personally compelling message - "Wear what we wear, eat what and where we eat, talk like we talk, walk like we walk, listen to what we listen to, like what we like, love what we love and love like we love and you shall be accepted and possibly saved" ... "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten people that whosoever believes in them should not perish, but have everlasting life". Joke 3:16

"Christian: those who borrow life from Christ, the anointed":
In the early Ecclesia/Church (called out assembly), the focus was following the preaching, and teaching of "Jesus" and loving each other. Antioch, was where we found the first snap shot of the "Christian" name pinned on the believing followers, -- there, the called out assembly gathered together to watch Barnabas train up Saul (as his conversion led Him to be called Paul because he followed Jesus passionately), they were first called Christians in Antioch.

Note: They did not call themselves Christians.

I truly apologize to those around me who have been compelled to come to Church to see me and others perform as Christians, while our occupations suffer with the absence of the living connection with and to Jesus. I have a sneaking suspicion that the "sacred and the secular" concoction to a separate lifestyle did not come from God haters but from those who may have been embarrassed by believers behavior outside of the gathering.

Though there is no doubt that this "Sacred and Secular" indoctrination was spawned in Hell. It has become a disappointing philosophical excuse for the absence of a validating faith that treats every day as a Holy day, every bush as a burning bush, and every honest occupation as a high calling of God. The assembly time was to be a place to encourage, restore and reset the hearts of followers to live fully alive for Christ ALL THE TIME, EVERYWHERE and sharing JESUS WITH EVERYONE.There is no secular only sinful and sacred is the life given to follow Jesus in the ministry of His Love's redemption of whosoever.

The Church is the Body of Christ - does that Body dress in an overcoat, gloves, ski mask and dark glasses except during the Meeting times?

That type of living is usually done by the thief!

Love don't steal,




Bare with the bending of the following story, It actually could have been delivered by the scrambled brain of a terrified reporting witness:

As Jesus approached the well in Samaria, He told his disciples "I must needs rest here awhile, you all go ahead and get supplies for our journey... but beware of the leaven of the Pharisees." this caused the disciples the normal confusion that they had come to expect when following this enigma of eternity; and they made certain that they did not go to a Bakery run by Pharisees ...

As Jesus sat resting on the ledge of the well in the heat of the day, a woman of questionable character approached the well with a large water vessel ... Apparently to fill with water, quickly, and get it back to her home without being noticed by the other locals. (What an opportunity for restoration!) When she saw Jesus at the well, she was greatly discomfited.

Jesus looked her in the eyes and raised His hand pointing to somewhere beyond and said to her  "Woman, lift up your eyes unto the fields, for they are white and ready to harvest!" The woman immediately began speaking with a scowl on her face, "You, obviously being a Jew, don't expect me ... A Samaritan ... To go to work for you, what in the world?"

Jesus strengthened the resolve in the tone of His voice "I am the Door, by me if any man will enter in he shall be saved!" This caused even more consternation in the heart of the woman as she retorted, "So now you want me to buy the water of this well from you, all though Abraham our father dug this well, and up until now ... We could draw from it and drink at no charge?"

Jesus hung His head but for a moment, and then raised His gaze towards her and spoke with conviction ... "Woman, where are thine accusers?" The woman's expression was totally aghast as she blurted out ... "Now you are getting personal, is it my makeup, or my braided hair, or my perfume, or my luxurious scarlet clothing... that has given you a thorn in your posterior? The reason I get water at this extremely avoided time of day is because I don't want to run into hypocrites like you that are blocking my way to the much needed water!"

Jesus without hesitation replied "It is not meet for me to give the bread that is designated for the children of the Kingdom to dogs!" With her face reddened as the anger was rushing blood to the capillaries of her NOW impudent face, she shouted back, "Hey ... The worship that Abraham set up here in Samaria is good enough for me ... Don't even try to preach some other type of "holier than thou" message to me ... I am getting my water, and I am out of here."

The woman began to draw from the well, ignoring Jesus and not even attempting to be careful with how the water was sloshing here and there ... and on Him. With her vessel full, she hastily turned and bolted away in a huff.  Jesus mumbled one more nugget of wisdom but seemingly just beyond hearing and possibly for His benefit, as she stomped off , " Don't cast your pearls before swine!"

When Jesus' disciples returned with their arms full of shopping bags of provisions, they were taken back by the scene ahead of them --- Jesus was stomping around and shaking dust off of himself in a way that reminded them of a wet dog trying to dry off ... What in the world? When Jesus saw them approaching he stooped down and began doodling in the dust with His finger.

His disciples watched, As His "tic - tack - toe" was getting more and more erratic and almost violent. One by one His disciples quietly walked away, leaving Jesus to His own lack of adapting.

If you are reading this and wondering where in scripture this story is found, do not search ... It is not there. My hope is that you have been shocked or shaking your head with unbelief because this could not be the Jesus we trust. The story would be better suited being told about a pretender or a narrow minded, "stick with the script", guilt ridden Christian.

BUT if you soak and saturate your heart in the words of scripture, over and over ... You will find Jesus, God in the flesh, constantly adapting His mannerisms and words, creatively loving people in all of their differences and all of their messes; and meeting them right where the are and carrying them through and beyond their circumstances.

The Message of Hope was always the same BUT the delivery showed that the Creator was fully aware of His audience, and adapted his fully engaged delivery appropriately to their specific needs in that moment.

Psalm 104:33 - 34 "I will sing unto the LORD as long as I live: I will sing praise to my God while I have my being. My meditation of Him shall be sweet: I will be glad in the LORD. Let the sinners be consumed out of the earth, and let the wicked be no more. Bless thou the LORD, O my soul. Praise ye the LORD."

This passage devotionally (in the last line) could have you think of taking up a sword against sinners and the wicked, but what if we see it as a promise of our battle against the garbage in our own lives as we LET Him consume or sins and wickedness.... Bless the LORD O my soul!!!

Are you a stumbling block or a stepping stone?

ADAPT - Actually "SEE" those people that are in your field of influence,
and break inside for their possible distance from God,
and then LOVE!!!

