What if it Doesn't Work Out the Way I Want it To?

Thy will be done.
Doesn't it make you sick to your soul that most "Christians" live like obnoxious spoiled little brats, holding tightly to what they think they own of the Kingdom ??... (a very disruptive attitude of) it's "mine and don't mess with it!"

We actually touched the following verse briefly in a Wednesday night Bible Study ....didn't stay there very long but I couldn't let it lay dormant until I looked a little closer.

Matthew 11:12 And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom(authority) of heaven(the heavenly realm) suffereth violence , and the violent take it by force .

It ? The Violently forceful carry it off by force just to carry it off by force. "UNTIL NOW"....

There is something out of balance and out of step with a life the uses the Law to rebel against the Grace, Mercy, Love and Forgivenss of Jesus.

Have you faced the NOW? We will use the law to stop loving, to not forgive and to walk away convinced we were just in our Judgement. We will try to be at peace with our choice to HATE, our choice to Reciprocate,our choice to walk away and never look back ....never considering GOD's HEART in the Matter. To destroy because we have been dissappointed ...To anilalate because we feel alienated ...To trash because we have be tainted ... WHAT IF GOD DEALT WITH US LIKE WE DEAL WITH THOSE WE CHOOSE TO HATE? Did you ever wonder why Jesus said to "love your enemies"?

Stop your violent heart in its tracks ...surrender to the

love that pours from one of the most violent scenes in HIStory ...The Cross..."and the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all of our sins". you have no right to "not forgive" ....you have no right to hate someone ...quit robbing yourself of His active presense in and through your life. NOW! And if you haven't until ...turn from your sin and turn to Him.



Ps. It is the Kingship Authority of the realm of the God. Gifted to His kids ...use it to storm the gates of Hell and not to damn souls with it.