What is Going on Up Ahead?

John 9: 10 - 12 "Therefore said they unto him, How were thine eyes opened? He answered and said, A man that is called Jesus made clay, and anointed mine eyes, and said unto me, Go to the pool of Siloam, and wash: and I went and washed, and I received sight. Then said they unto him, Where is he? He said, I know not."

No matter what you do in life you will sooner or later find yourself in the intersection of "Sent" (Siloam). You might be entering the intersection as a passer-by. You may be the one pulled into the intersection to be observed. You may be the scrutinizing observer. This intersection is unavoidable, but to allow the intersection to have the greatest impact ... we must not hinder the participants from seeing that Jesus was there.

In this day and age, there seems to be a magnificent pile-up in so many cross roads of life, where God's Spirit is highly charging the scenery (I hope you are getting the sense of urgency that He is planting in the hearts of those in these Last Days). These intersections are popping up everywhere. They are a hub-bub of tension in many cases because here Faith is colliding with unbelief. The prophets of "Perhaps" flock to these events by the droves to do everything in their power to help everyone find any answer other than "Jesus". If Jesus is the answer there is a fear that there will be one endless traffic jam ahead and nobody will get to where they wanted to, and get to do what they wanted to (At least this is what the voices of the day tell us). If you are going to believe the Bible and trust this Jesus... you are old fashioned and need to get out of the way ... you are thwarting evolutionary progress.

You have got to understand the one constant truth: If Jesus is truly discovered in this intersection LIVES WILL CHANGE. And there are some lives that may be violently opposed to that change. They are threatened by the fact the God's Love demands His attention, and His attention means we will be held by His accountability. His love moves Him to be accountable and responsible for us. He does not answer to us ... he answers for us. He does not do things to us ... He does things for us. He does not keep score to curse us ... He has won the victory Himself to bless us. BUT YOU MAY STILL GET CAUGHT IN THE CROSS FIRE.

As His Kids, this Cross Fire in the intersection of "Sent" will purify and will consume the things that are truly handicapping our lives. The Cross Fire will strengthen and satisfy our need to know Him, His Love, and the power of his Resurrection.

Yes, He took the power of creation, and focused it on my specific need. He spit in the dust to form what I was missing, and told me to go to the Pool of Sent and wash ... now I see, and am seen of others. Now my life has been given to me as a gift to challenge on-lookers, "Wasn't this the beggar (I hear them say)?" It is so good to know and experience His loving me.

Truly without Him I was a pitiful mess, and with Him in the intersection I am now a conundrum? What to do with me and ultimately, what to do with Him who has changed me?

In the intersection? Don't cop a "holier than thou" attitude, don't ignore the opportunity, and don't be ashamed to openly admit that it was Jesus that put you there. Everyone needs to know "Christ in you"... the Hope of Heaven. Caught in the Cross Fire? Burn Brightly, please... Jesus Loves You.



There are Aliens among Us

The sky was pretty much a dud at the end of the day. Large, threatening clouds had crowded in like a massive herd of hairy mastodon blocking out any view of the sun that was trying to share its last moments of color exchange. Night seemed to just ... turn on, and it was dark. So like any grateful earth dweller, I decided that the early darkness was a gift for the sole purpose of rest. I had no idea that right on the heals of the clouds there were Aliens smuggling in there tools of "perhaps" and "mind altering leadership". They were coming in slowly and subtly under the cloak of the night, but also in a fashion that met my need to rest from the constraints of the Ruler. How oppressive it was day by day to have to say "no" to my desires, and turn my walk away from opportunities for advancement just because "they" said "He" said so. As I lay restless in the darkness, I had little idea that the Alien intruders had already crept into my domain and were already hard at work attaching unseen probes and stimulation devises that would soon persuade me to join their cause ... which really was my cause...wasn't it?

Sounds like the beginning of a science fiction ... "something" ... doesn't it? Trust me though, it is not ... it is literally a story-like briefing on the events that can happen in our lives if we are selfishly being caught unaware. The wisest man that ever lived, Solomon, was trapped because of disobedience that crept into his life via his "love desire" to satisfy his "strange" ...or alien wives - making them comfortable with their alien self-destructive beliefs.

I Kings 11:2,3 - "Of the nations concerning which the Lord said unto the children of Israel, Ye shall not go in unto them, neither shall they come in unto you: for surely they will turn away your heart after their gods: Solomon clave unto these in love. And he had seven hundred wives, and three hundred concubines: and his wives turned his away his heart."

Know this ... and hear this right now: if you just had an Ah-ha moment that blames someone else for your troubled life, you have already been infected by the two most subtle alien doctrines. You may think that you have found yourself in an impossible situation that no one else ever came out of unscathed ... and you are right. But to say that you cannot commit to doing right; and/or that something that appears "sinful" to others may be right for you ... PROVES that you have been listening to the teachings that are alienating you from the truth of God's Word. The probes and stimulation devises are already affecting you deep in your soul. Let's briefly but prayerfully look at two doctrines that keep trying to creep into our lives (We need to wholeheartedly cling to Jesus and overcome):

The Doctrine of "Perhaps" - this opens up the thought that we have the right in some cases to partake in the fruits and fellowship of idolatry, and that fornication is just fulfilling our created desires. We would not openly announce that we get comfort from idolatrous and adulterous situations but this is the end result of believing a teaching that allows us to think that "perhaps" God has another plan for us although it may appear sinful, perhaps it isn't sinful for me? CAREFUL THIS ALIEN THINKING IS TURNING OUR HEART AWAY.

The Doctrine of "My Way must be Accepted" - This is powerful because we actually think that if enough people agree with our "alien" position ... that it is right, OR that if enough people don't agree with our "alien" position then they just don't understand. (Please read the last statement carefully and to understand that pride has set in, and that "controlling the situation" is now the dominant attribute in charge ... we are no longer listening but for the need to gather information to prove that we are right.)

Listen Carefully - God's Word is final, Covenants should be honored, Commitment to Truth is the first step ... Jesus said " I am the Way ... the Truth ... and the Life, no man comes to the Father but by Me."

Why do you feel that His Word, as absolute truth, is oppressive? Remember He said "You shall know the truth and the Truth, shall set you free." Careful there are Aliens among us ... confess you alienation thinking and trust Him for the future.



Revelation 2: 17 - He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches: To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and I will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.

Choose Life - Don't be Sorry!

I can see it still in their eyes ... A mentally challenged young man still being raised like a child, a cancer ridden husband toting his I-V and oxygen into other hospital patient's rooms, an elderly widow on her last breath wanting to encourage still, a brokenhearted husband trying desperately to keep his marriage together, a small child patting the hand of a parent in a hospital bed ... "What would you say to Jesus, if He was here, right now?"

"IF" ... the word seemed to fuel an energy that could not not be reckoned with ... and there seemed to be a powder-keg of that energy now rushing to the senses of each of these individuals. What would come from their lips would anger and baffle the skeptics, but would knock the socks off of a tenderhearted believer. There were no requests for their personal healing? There were no complaints about their current fragile situation? "What would I say ... to Jesus ... right now?"


If your callous heart, right now, ... even remotely begins to chill away and your dull senses are already asleep at this HLFA ... there is something you need from Him, something that you are crying out for, but afraid to totally commit the results to Him. You are afraid you will be disappointed. You are afraid that you will be introduced to more pain and more disillusionment. In your perception, the introduction to the people above is a daunting fairy tail and even a cruel scandalous make believe story that is only meant to drive you further into depression over your situation ... because God doesn't even know you exist. (contrariwise - He is holding you close but you are afraid to admit it ... just like the pain that shouts "don't touch me, get away!").

Take a quick walk with me into God's Word ... Nehemiah 8:10 - Then he said unto them, Go your way, eat the fat, and drink the sweet, and send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared: for this day is holy unto our Lord: neither be sorry; for the joy of the Lord is your strength.

Israel had been in captivity for 70 years in Babylon, and a remnant was back in their land. Though their land was now torn to pieces, they were attempting to put back up the walls and rebuild the temple. Enemies were threatening them all around and would continue that threatening even until today. No wall is stronger than the one we allow the Lord to build inside us ... no temple is more joyful than the body occupied with the written and spoken Word of God flowing through its corridors.

The quote above came to the people after hours of standing and hearing the Word of God for first time in the lives of most of them. These were the spiritually maimed, lame, halt and blind... these were those found in the hedges, and alone the side of the highways and the by-ways. These were the abandoned and forgotten ... BUT GOD DOES NOT FORGET HIS PEOPLE, NOR DIOES HE FORSAKE THEM.

Let's break down the Word into bite size pieces and really hear it.

"Go your way" - go into the life He has given to you ... take ownership and stewardship of your life.
"Eat the fat" - receive the rich things prepared for you, take them gratefully into your life.
"And drink the sweet" - drink in the good and pleasant things via gratitude also. Remember.
"And send portions unto them whom nothing is prepared " - go into the world and share the good news;
"For this day" ... this day ... today ... "is Holy" (set apart as specially His) "unto the Lord."
"for the JOY" (gladness) "of the Lord" (the All sufficient lover of our souls) "is your strength" (stronghold, safety, protection and base station for victory)."



Joy in the Lord is an intelligent and worthy choice that not only changes your attitude, but heals the hurting around you ... Be Glad!

He came unto His own and His own received Him not, but as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become sons of God, even to them that believe on His name. And we beheld His Glory.

Don't be Left with Just You!

What to do when it is just you?

I know, here we go again ... a question that has so many answers ... depending on the details that have to be pulled out of the one doing the asking.

I always have a tendency to be like the child impatiently tugging at his parents, and all the while he keeps coaching them on with the phrase: "Hurry up or we are going to miss it!"

Funny thing, he has never been there before, and he has no idea what is around the corner, but every fiber of his being is expecting a surprise. I ache so many times when I realize that the child has been ripped from so many lives by life's inevitable but unexpected events. So many of these events would be easier to work through if there weren't so many "naysayers" throwing doubt in the mix (most of these were previously sucker punched by the "dream hater"). Satan is such a marketing master when comes to feeding God's highest creation (humans) false accusations about their loving Creator.

The Devil's billboard always throws a magnificent doubt into the face of those who God truly loves with an everlasting love. Satan boldly splashes on the brightest colors and the boldest lettering to push on the obvious bruised area of our deceitful hearts:

...If God really cared...

Then there would be no ______________: just fill in the blank with whatever has disappointed you about God or whatever you want to blame Him for ... add a good dose of anger and self-pity, and there you have it:

You have killed the little child in you and you stand there all by yourself.

And what do you do when it is just you?

Rest your next step confidently on the truth of God that never changes ... it can't because He doesn't lie.

1. There is no "IF" with God.
2. The "IF" is always with us.
3. God Really Cares.

Even when we have no ability to go any further, and we have come to the end of ourselves " He never turns His back on us.

What should I do if it is just me and I have bought into the doubt?

Psalm 97:12 - Rejoice in the LORD, ye righteous; and give thanks at the remembrance of his holiness.

Be Glad! - Give thanks and remember how sacred and set apart God's love is for you.
Jesus set aside all eternity to take care of yours ... He is definitely committed to you until you are safely with Him. Rest! No event whether expected or not can separate you from His love. BUT when the impact of the event takes place, You have a choice ... choose to trust Him and enjoy the journey with him (don’t be left with just you).



"Res Judicata" - eternally; Rest.

The Fine Line Power - Choice

I couldn't believe how sick I really was; I could barely get out of bed to get to the bathroom when the viral activity would rack my shaking frame. I had no control over this situation and the bodily responses that came in vandalizing my life; but it seemed (for dignities sake) when the waves of nausea would begin, I would pull what strength was left in me to allow the uncontrolled responses to bring momentary relief. As the course of most viruses, the hope is that it is only a matter of time wrestling with the activity, and rest should come (maybe 24 hours and all might be well).

I had one interesting problem.  I had less than 4 hours to shake it so I could catch a flight home. To get home would require the following: 1. packing my bags. 2. Getting down three flights of stairs and a 300 yard walk to my rental car. 3. Drive the 15 minute ride to the rental car return. 4. Manage to ride an unusually long escalator up to the security/check in area of the airport. 5. Wait for the flight. 6. Endure the 5 hour flight. 7. Get from the terminal to ground transportation to the parking area. and 8. Take the 1 ½ hour drive home. Not so bad on a normally healthy day, but at this moment in my hotel room I would only enjoy minutes of relief (if you can call a spinning room relief) before I was driven unmercifully to the rest room. How in the world was I to accomplish "getting home" without a mobile bucket and toilet tied to me? I couldn't even stand up without the room spinning out of control.

Can't give you all the details but I made it home. As I look back on that event, I would not attribute it to being a strong stable individual, but I would tell you this ... "the motivation or determination to ‘get home' with God's gracious moments of strengthening intervention allowed me to prevail".

(My apology for taking your mind to embarrassing and disgusting places ... but this is what God has brought to my heart in these early morning hours).

Someone reading this is being pressed to the max and tempted with giving up on love ... your life is so miserable or complicated that you truly feel that your situation is unresolvable, and that no one truly can understand the gravity of the moment. Trust Jesus when I say this next statement, commit this moment to Him.  DESIRE to get back home!  I know it looks impossible right now ... but laying down and becoming invalid to what you know you should do is not the answer. NEVER GIVE UP ON LOVE, because real Love (He) will never give up on you.

I didn't care how awkward, uncomfortable or unsure the next steps would be in moving from that hotel room, I committed that moment to Him and pushed my strength home. There was an easier option for the body ... I could just lay there (get kicked out of a hotel room, default with penalties on my rental, miss my flight, disappoint those waiting for my safe arrival, and spend the rest of my life explaining the penalties) ... and then  work through any of the painful repercussions of my "give up" decision. BUT the best choice was to exert my strength to not giving up, rather than dealing with what I might cause in giving up. Don't sacrifice your future on the altar of the immediate.

Song of Solomon 8: 6-7 Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm: for love is strong as death; jealousy is cruel as the grave: the coals thereof are coals of fire, which hath a most vehement flame. Many waters cannot quench love; neither can the floods drown it: if a man would give all the substance of his house for love, it would utterly be contemned.

Set Jesus as the lock ... (the seal, not to be broken until the cargo is at home port and under the jurisdiction of the true owner of the cargo) ... upon you heart (seat of life giving and life taking emotions). Jesus is the Lord of your love ... commit to giving up to Him, He is committed to you and get home.

This is just a shot in the dark ... and it is being sent with tears and many miles and hours of prayer. There is a fine line of power to be given to you ... power to proceed or power to give up ... each will bring relief sooner or later. Surrender to none but the King! I would sooner be a ragged beggar walking with my God, than a rich man walking without Him.

Notice the last line of the passage above ... "if a man would give all the substance of his house for love, it would utterly be contemned."    The house "it" would be despised but not the man.

Do right!

