"I am not a Christian"

"I am not a Christian!" - quoted from an interview of a notably famous persona in the Music industry. The interview was almost interesting until this statement was made, then the persona seemed to lose focus and fail to connect with relevance... Duh!

What an overused, cowardly, politically correct phrase: "I am not a Christian!" For so many who think that this makes them more neutrally acceptable and noted as "educated", they have actually stigmatized their lives... Especially when they try to quote Jesus' Words as "Someone once said". Wow!!! "Declaring themselves to be wise they became fools."

Oh, I understand the historically warped and irrelevant events of the past that have been unearthed by self-proclaimed experts in their field; dusted off, and polished in an insidious way too bend the events' actual history to create a hatred for the term "Christian". I also, too keenly, understand the inerrant wicked evil that loves the darkness and hates the light, but appears to the naïve in our generation as an "Angel of Light". This entity is powerfully persuasive in his portrayal, master in his lying presentation, and viciously accusatory of the followers of Christ. He makes sure that true believers take the fall for events where wolves in sheep clothing hid their sin under the guise of the Cross. 

We live In such an arrogantly ignorant time in History; a time of literal educational suicide: where current and historical events can be virtually altered to create unbelievable biased public opinion. Many swayed by the media are taking the cowardly way out by not identifying with the term "Christian" but making claims that they are very knowledgeable of the Bible. 

I have a feeling the title may have made you wonder about what was going on in my life. There have been times in my life where I have observed good, trusting, and giving people being hurt by those claiming that they were Christians; and to boot many of the scarred scenes seem to have been inflicted by those in ministering or ministry situations. I can understand at a personal level why someone would not want to identify with the abusers; but those of us who are Christians because we have been crucified with Christ (never the less we live, by the Faith of the One who loved us and gave His life for us)... are following Jesus, and hopefully our identification marks are "kingdom" commendable. 

There are only 3 verses in the New Testament where the name "Christian" is called out: 
- One time in Act 11:26 where "The disciples were first called Christians in Antioch" ... because they gathered together as a called out assembly to learn and followed the teachings of Jesus Christ"... more than likely they marked by "love for one another and others" and thus Called Christians (Note: they did not call themselves Christians). 
- Second Time ... Acts 26:28 where King Agrippa responded to Paul's passionate Gospel persuasion "Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian". The name "Christian" now being identified with the sacrificial obedient following of Jesus Christ... for what ever personal reason, King Agrippa had not the will to take on the that stigmatic snapshot of life. 
- Third Time ... I Peter 4:16 - "Yet if any man suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed; but let him glorify God on this behalf." Peter knew what it felt like to deny Jesus, and wasn't about to let other believers make that mistake by suffering as a "love promise" breaker. The believers choice to sin puts Christ's name in jeopardy of being undesirable instead of irresistible by His Spirit and Love.

Let's raise the bar of His Love through us - let others discover the goodness of God that leads to repentance - and do everything to stay close to Jesus; but if we fail and fall- and we will at some point in time... I John1:9 - "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness." 

Perfection is not expected - but integrity (transparency in our struggles, our open reflex to trust Jesus, and a humble admission when guilty) is a great place to start when under the scrutiny of seekers. 

We will always have adversaries, God will take care of them. 

Let's long for others to see Jesus in us! 



PS - I AM A CHRISTIAN - early in my walk with Jesus, I was told by a Satanist that I was and that being a Christian was my weakness (though he was physically terrified of me).

Oh yeah? Oh yeah!

The Judaean night was as brisk as the season had promised, bringing with it the cool evening dew and clear night sky. His station in the field though: was not his choice ... It was the luck of the youthful draw. "It is your job tonight!" ... He heard his older brother Eliab, say over and over again, night after night. So "Beloved, David" submitted to the care of the flock.

On the night, of the day, that his three oldest brothers joined the army of the King; "Beloved" sat alone in the field, head bowed in sorrowful abandon, he spoke prayerfully ..."Is anyone mindful of me? Does anyone remotely care that I exist?". At that moment as he might have drifted into a tearful nap, he felt the warm brush of a lambs tongue against his chilled cheek; opening his eyes and wrapping his arms around the little lively body of the lamb - He reveled once again in the memory of the power of that childlike faith that had slain the bear and tore the lamb from the jaws of the lion; He lift up his eyes and voice to the skies:

"Your amazing Heavens declare Your Glory, O God; the way you have laid out your shining ones, undeniably, shows your Artistry. Day talks to day and night to night as your eternal knowledge is being spoken. There is no speech nor language, where the voice of these shining ones is not heard." Psalm 19:1-3 

This same Childlike faith had no issue taking on a 'larger than life", threatening, entity that cursed the Eternal Source of his Love and the objects of that Love... The God of Israel and His people; and that battle lasted only moments with God's giant-killing-guidance-system empowering a small smooth stone to embed itself in skull of the Giant. The battle was won by a Child-like faith that submitted to the God over All.

It is hard, with the "older and wiser" eyes of adult-kind to see the true power of the innocent faith of a child. The purity of knowing, that the God of the impossible "can and will" perform valiant acts of Love in our favor, is the reason Jesus would say "Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven"

Before a child is corrupted by the psycho babble of an adult (who only believes as far as his fear will allow him) ... Fear forces the child to become dependent on One stronger for protection, and that fear becomes the launching pad for "My Daddy is bigger and Stronger than yours!" Oh yeah? Oh yeah!

Listen to Matthew 18:3 again, devotionally and see your faith strengthened. The dialogue was set up by a question, "Who is greatest in the Kingdom?" And Jesus set a small child in the midst of them to make the point clear ... "Amen, I eternally say unto you; unless and with no exception, that you allow God to turn you around so that you are no longer caring about your former "missed-mark" direction; and come into His-story... Onto His stage ...as His toddler; you shall not even begin to entertain the potential of the God possibility of the Royal Power of the Vaulted Expanse (Heaven) ... Conferred on His Kids with all of its splendor and dignity." 

The Key - Let Him convert us from our rebellious selfish will ... and convert us to His lavish love ownership ... And begin to truly belong to Him!

If ... We are His ... Let this truth sink in ... We belong to Him!

And the Giants will fall!



No First Name

Do we even begin to consider the treasures of Heaven that are loaned to us, while in this temporal place that we try to establish as our own? We search out the perfect community, that has the most potential for safety, accessibility, and comfort. We purchase our claim. We bring in the professional land surveyors, drive in the boundary stakes, set up elaborate fences and then boldly proclaim this mirage of a parcel is our own. We build a house on the sand, and stress the ever fading "curb appeal" to gain admiration from all that pass by. We garnish our possession with sheds, garages and vehicles that also state that we are "somebody". 

How could we fail in a community called "The Place of Fragrance".

Nine long months of waiting ... Longing ... Dreaming... Living within the precious promises and love of their Father. Timaeus and his wife were expecting no less than God's best. For they had heard His voice, they had performed their vows, they had opened their hearts to the needy and downcast, and they were "all in" for God's plan ahead for their lives. As one in Him, and His purposes in heart... There was No turning back - they proclaimed "only blessings ahead!".

The day finally arrived ... The window of Heaven opened with the beautiful fragrance of eternity as Timaeus' wife labored intensely to deliver their bundle of Joy. Oh such a beautiful baby boy (at first glance)... But then the joy of the moment was interrupted by the sobbing of the midwife, for the little boy was marred ... He had no sight - HE WAS BLIND!. 

In that moment of great disappointment ... All the choices for given names that were attached to parental dreams were no longer important; for who has great dreams for the blind and what namesake even begins to bring encouragement? So the boy was called the Bar(Son of)-Timaeus. And by this name, his father took the blame, and shouldered the proclaimed curse.

Oh, if only they had known the glory that was ahead for this blind boy without a real first name. 
Oh, If only they had known of another little Boy that had been born about 18 miles away in a town known as the "House of Bread", who would bring to light the gift in store for this boy born blind. 
Oh, If only they had known that this little Boy from the House of Bread would take on the curse via a greater curse - "death on the tree", and that He would lift the curse from their little blind boy and the curse of Sin from the world.

Although Bar-Timaeus could not see, the misty veil of physical blindness had not completely removed hope from his listening heart throughout the years of begging. He had heard and waited on the Lord, and today his heart would be overwhelmed. This was the day! 

He heard the crowds murmuring at the purposeful steps of Jesus as he came through town. And Bar-Timaeus waited, as always, at the exit gate knowing just what he would say; ... Sensing Jesus was near: he cried out - "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!" Although his peers tried to squelch his crying, he just cried out the more ... "Oh, Son of David(the Beloved), have mercy on me!" 

When Jesus stopped and called for him, the crowd stopped and changed their tone from a harsh "hush" to a helpful encouragement. Within the heart of this blind man there was absolutely no hesitation to come... he left his outer garment behind, potentially with no intentions of going back. 

When asked what could be done for him... Reflexively he cried , "Lord, that I might receive my sight!" ... (Lord? There must have been a holy hush from the crowd in anticipation of what would transpire next, Lord?):In what ever delay was perceived, one thing was certain, Bartimaeus (Meaning Son of Timaeus ... No real first name), and his family now stood on the threshold of the blessing that was waiting in store at that intersection of faith. Here in that waiting and longing mode to be freed from the curse were the seeds of hope to be fulfilled. Jesus would call it Faith.

Mark 10:52 - "And Jesus said unto him, Go thy way; thy faith hath made thee whole. And immediately he received his sight, and followed (continued to follow) Jesus in the way."

Let's not spend our days under our own self proclaimed curse of life; Let's Open our eyes; and claim the Glory and the Power of the Gift of God's Grace on our situation. Whether we find ourselves in a life altering set back, a life long handicap, a broken relationship, an overwhelming hardship, a life threatening illness, a debilitating pain, or a deep depressing failure ... Let's not lose sight of the power of His Name. Call unto Jesus, the Son of God! 

Living under the curse of our circumstances is like being a blind child in oppression, with no real first name! For there in no other Name under heaven, given among men, whereby we Must be saved ... That Name is Jesus.

Faith in His Name can make us Holy, Wholly, Whole in Him. 
Praise His Name and Live!



Established; Relinquish

Strong and sturdy, rugged and true, stylish and festive, ardent and faithful, set like a flint, endowed and performing, ... The basic human element is the same, but the descriptors are a dream's desire to have recognized and declared about our lifestyle in the presence of our peers. No one has a goal to submit to suffering; no one dreams of the wonders of persecution; no one cries out to be abused and misunderstood. We all long for appropriately rewarded results for our efforts to put others first and to love others in a selfless way. 

To many, these moments of strength and prosperity are seen as a blessing , but to God, who is with us on the mountain as well as in the valley-- this is an opportunity for us to know Him with only the blessing and our pride as the distraction. Don't compare, don't complain, be grateful and know Him deeper.

Teachers of truth, be very careful not to heap unnecessary burdens on others because of your perception of God via your history with Him. Your story is not "the" example though it is an end-sample; and stories of encouragement of God's goodness should be declared. But His Goodness is not tied to steps of success or ingredients of a foolproof recipe. His goodness is tied to His faithfulness.

Every life is unique; and the Divine pattern for a solitary life is hidden in the mysteries and love troves of a God who has loved us even before the miracle of life in the womb.His plan for us is to be that pure and spotless object of His desire to love us. We cannot become that perfect desire without Him.

This Love Divine is what set the stage for the Crucifixion and the Resurrection of Jesus that would pour grace and mercy into our faith adventure to know Him. To say that following Him is guaranteed to bring tangible wealth or unwarranted sacrifice is a philosophy of a one sided opinion that will either motivate or discourage others in their unique walk with Him. To espouse and isolate either of these philosophies, will bring a personal pride that literally sets up an almost violent wall of judgment to any opposition to that espousal (We will defend what we espouse).

The only guaranty is that He loves us in and through whatever state of comfort or pain that we find our adventure taking us. Just "declaring" the truth of where we stand will only feel right until the situation changes... And it will. To have a grateful heart that glorifies Him, whether we "abound or abase" is learned while His Word is transforming us in His process, that makes us less and less like the world and more and more like Jesus. (Sorry no magic wand of instant glorification while we are still on this walk ... on this side of the Veil.) 

Broken and shamed, bruised and abused, handicapped and limited, scarred and ashamed, immobile and unlovable ... To some this would seem to be a curse, but to God, who is with us on the mountain and in the Valley -- this is also an opportunity for us to know Him with only our pain and pride as the distraction. Don't compare, don't complain; be grateful and know Him deeper.

A few verses to meditate on in the middle of these philosophies:
Isaiah 40:1-2 - Comfort is in the Lord - Wait on Him for strength for every season of life 40:31.
Matthew 11:28-30 - Life on this side of Heaven can be both exciting and unbearable - Take on His Yoke, knowing Him creates the lift.
Matthew 10:38; 16:24 - These passages continue to be misunderstood and philosophically bent by perspective and usually carry an "either or" bias instead of a "both, and" humility to learn. The "Cross", our cross... is way beyond just the thought of suffering and sacrifice. 

No matter what state we find our selves - through the Word and the Spirit: the Fruit of the Spirit will allow others to see Jesus through our temporal situation and will allow us to see Jesus the temporal situations of others. 

A devotional Hint in digging for treasure: -- our "cross" is moveable, already upright, it is where we take our stand, our defense, life's emphasis, it leaves us with no choice, and must go with us in Following Jesus (combine the meaning of stauros and histimi - "both, and", and pray How much of my established life do you want me to relinquish?)

