The Christmas Abuse

"What a miraculous season! And about the time that hope was rising, and my soul was about to sing: (When the one that should have offered arms of loving kindness) a curse was shrieked in my face and a strong backhand was sent to the side of my head, sending me into a fade (the impact actually numbed me before the abuse actually began)... Oh, how I wish that I had the strength to give them the same, and an hundredfold. Darkness surrounded my battered frame." from the Christmas memoirs of the Scarlet Sinner.

Vengeance is such a strong narcotic that is always attached to an incredible disabling emotional investment. It is an extremely risky direction for the footsteps of men. For a man to carry through to the ultimate end of vengeance, means that his life could be overcome by hate and murder; instead of mercy and love. Any act that proceeds from the heart of man, that is not founded in the love and mercy of God, will ultimately end in a catastrophe of the human soul. Humanity's mandate from above, if and when faced by an offense, is to love and forgive.

"O Lord God, to whom vengeance belongeth; O God, to whom vengeance belongeth, show (shine forth) Thyself." Psalm 94:1 (Read it in it's entirety and hear the echoes of your own thoughts because of those who have offended and abused you).

Life on this side of the Veil seems to cultivate so much injustice and inequity that it bleeds over and touches the life of every human being. The savage onslaught of wickedness will cross the threshold of our comfort and safety via a relentless and merciless intruder of the heart. This intruder, though seemingly dormant through most of our mundane movements in life, won't even be there until someone causes an event that pokes a hole in the security of "Mine".

We are all content in our fragile "happy place" until our big rubber bumper is violated, our safety bubble is popped, and/or something(usually attached to someone) messes with what is "mine".At the moment of the violation of "mine"... Pride, the intruder, steps in to fuel an ungodly vengeance. This is a direct result of our pitiful idolatry.

What? Did you see/hear the word IDOLATRY?

Anytime that "mine" is held so tight that it is no longer under the authority of HIM, it has become an idol. (Now at the sound of this vindictive statement we will all stand up and stand our ground to justify our situation by declaring ... "BUT YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND ... They are mine and they are under my authority and protection. My wife, my kids, my family, my friends, my home, my job, my car, my house, ..... My _______ and on, and on.... It's all MINE!") "Mine" makes me sovereign over a situation where I was abused, I am not capable of God-like authority to determine vengeance ... Only God is able.

"O that there were such an heart in them, that they might fear me and keep all my commandment always, that it might be well with them and their children forever." Deuteronomy 5:29

"It was but a moment ago that hope was dashed with the whack to my head ... But it had caused the world to fade away and the glitter of the season to boil down to a strange fog like image of one very small gift. The gift was resonating a gentle song and it had an illustrious tag containing my name. As I tried to reach out and receive the gift, my reaching caused an ugly impish creature to lunge at me from out of the darkness."

"I froze as it snarled at my every movement towards the gift. It's layers of sharp, filthy, protruding teeth were menacingly shown with each snarl ... It was almost as if I was looking into a mirror of my wounded soul... it was truly offended, truly abused, totally justified in the prevention of my acquisition of the gift."

"I decided in that split second to make a dash for the gift, brave the piercing of the viscous teeth, and tear open the gift meant for me. Surely that gift held some mysterious power and supernatural strength to destroy my abusers. Could it contain the weapon that would allow me the upper hand to demand full payback from my enemy?"

"Oh it was a furious and painful moment, but even as the impish creature was ripping at my flesh, I still found the strength to tear off the gift's wrapping, and pry open its protective box ... And there within the tissue lining of its casket-like interior was a small bronze plaque that read ... (My eyes were fighting back tears of resentment and unbelief) could the tears be deceiving my heart at the ridiculous request of the inscription? ... The plaque read only one word:  ..........................forgive."

and do good to those who have offended you;
even as Christ has forgiven you.



"Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. And they parted his raiment, and cast lots." Luke 23:34 - It is so unfair if I offer anything less than the Savior.