There are Aliens among Us

The sky was pretty much a dud at the end of the day. Large, threatening clouds had crowded in like a massive herd of hairy mastodon blocking out any view of the sun that was trying to share its last moments of color exchange. Night seemed to just ... turn on, and it was dark. So like any grateful earth dweller, I decided that the early darkness was a gift for the sole purpose of rest. I had no idea that right on the heals of the clouds there were Aliens smuggling in there tools of "perhaps" and "mind altering leadership". They were coming in slowly and subtly under the cloak of the night, but also in a fashion that met my need to rest from the constraints of the Ruler. How oppressive it was day by day to have to say "no" to my desires, and turn my walk away from opportunities for advancement just because "they" said "He" said so. As I lay restless in the darkness, I had little idea that the Alien intruders had already crept into my domain and were already hard at work attaching unseen probes and stimulation devises that would soon persuade me to join their cause ... which really was my cause...wasn't it?

Sounds like the beginning of a science fiction ... "something" ... doesn't it? Trust me though, it is not ... it is literally a story-like briefing on the events that can happen in our lives if we are selfishly being caught unaware. The wisest man that ever lived, Solomon, was trapped because of disobedience that crept into his life via his "love desire" to satisfy his "strange" ...or alien wives - making them comfortable with their alien self-destructive beliefs.

I Kings 11:2,3 - "Of the nations concerning which the Lord said unto the children of Israel, Ye shall not go in unto them, neither shall they come in unto you: for surely they will turn away your heart after their gods: Solomon clave unto these in love. And he had seven hundred wives, and three hundred concubines: and his wives turned his away his heart."

Know this ... and hear this right now: if you just had an Ah-ha moment that blames someone else for your troubled life, you have already been infected by the two most subtle alien doctrines. You may think that you have found yourself in an impossible situation that no one else ever came out of unscathed ... and you are right. But to say that you cannot commit to doing right; and/or that something that appears "sinful" to others may be right for you ... PROVES that you have been listening to the teachings that are alienating you from the truth of God's Word. The probes and stimulation devises are already affecting you deep in your soul. Let's briefly but prayerfully look at two doctrines that keep trying to creep into our lives (We need to wholeheartedly cling to Jesus and overcome):

The Doctrine of "Perhaps" - this opens up the thought that we have the right in some cases to partake in the fruits and fellowship of idolatry, and that fornication is just fulfilling our created desires. We would not openly announce that we get comfort from idolatrous and adulterous situations but this is the end result of believing a teaching that allows us to think that "perhaps" God has another plan for us although it may appear sinful, perhaps it isn't sinful for me? CAREFUL THIS ALIEN THINKING IS TURNING OUR HEART AWAY.

The Doctrine of "My Way must be Accepted" - This is powerful because we actually think that if enough people agree with our "alien" position ... that it is right, OR that if enough people don't agree with our "alien" position then they just don't understand. (Please read the last statement carefully and to understand that pride has set in, and that "controlling the situation" is now the dominant attribute in charge ... we are no longer listening but for the need to gather information to prove that we are right.)

Listen Carefully - God's Word is final, Covenants should be honored, Commitment to Truth is the first step ... Jesus said " I am the Way ... the Truth ... and the Life, no man comes to the Father but by Me."

Why do you feel that His Word, as absolute truth, is oppressive? Remember He said "You shall know the truth and the Truth, shall set you free." Careful there are Aliens among us ... confess you alienation thinking and trust Him for the future.



Revelation 2: 17 - He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches: To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and I will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.