Choose Life - Don't be Sorry!

I can see it still in their eyes ... A mentally challenged young man still being raised like a child, a cancer ridden husband toting his I-V and oxygen into other hospital patient's rooms, an elderly widow on her last breath wanting to encourage still, a brokenhearted husband trying desperately to keep his marriage together, a small child patting the hand of a parent in a hospital bed ... "What would you say to Jesus, if He was here, right now?"

"IF" ... the word seemed to fuel an energy that could not not be reckoned with ... and there seemed to be a powder-keg of that energy now rushing to the senses of each of these individuals. What would come from their lips would anger and baffle the skeptics, but would knock the socks off of a tenderhearted believer. There were no requests for their personal healing? There were no complaints about their current fragile situation? "What would I say ... to Jesus ... right now?"


If your callous heart, right now, ... even remotely begins to chill away and your dull senses are already asleep at this HLFA ... there is something you need from Him, something that you are crying out for, but afraid to totally commit the results to Him. You are afraid you will be disappointed. You are afraid that you will be introduced to more pain and more disillusionment. In your perception, the introduction to the people above is a daunting fairy tail and even a cruel scandalous make believe story that is only meant to drive you further into depression over your situation ... because God doesn't even know you exist. (contrariwise - He is holding you close but you are afraid to admit it ... just like the pain that shouts "don't touch me, get away!").

Take a quick walk with me into God's Word ... Nehemiah 8:10 - Then he said unto them, Go your way, eat the fat, and drink the sweet, and send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared: for this day is holy unto our Lord: neither be sorry; for the joy of the Lord is your strength.

Israel had been in captivity for 70 years in Babylon, and a remnant was back in their land. Though their land was now torn to pieces, they were attempting to put back up the walls and rebuild the temple. Enemies were threatening them all around and would continue that threatening even until today. No wall is stronger than the one we allow the Lord to build inside us ... no temple is more joyful than the body occupied with the written and spoken Word of God flowing through its corridors.

The quote above came to the people after hours of standing and hearing the Word of God for first time in the lives of most of them. These were the spiritually maimed, lame, halt and blind... these were those found in the hedges, and alone the side of the highways and the by-ways. These were the abandoned and forgotten ... BUT GOD DOES NOT FORGET HIS PEOPLE, NOR DIOES HE FORSAKE THEM.

Let's break down the Word into bite size pieces and really hear it.

"Go your way" - go into the life He has given to you ... take ownership and stewardship of your life.
"Eat the fat" - receive the rich things prepared for you, take them gratefully into your life.
"And drink the sweet" - drink in the good and pleasant things via gratitude also. Remember.
"And send portions unto them whom nothing is prepared " - go into the world and share the good news;
"For this day" ... this day ... today ... "is Holy" (set apart as specially His) "unto the Lord."
"for the JOY" (gladness) "of the Lord" (the All sufficient lover of our souls) "is your strength" (stronghold, safety, protection and base station for victory)."



Joy in the Lord is an intelligent and worthy choice that not only changes your attitude, but heals the hurting around you ... Be Glad!

He came unto His own and His own received Him not, but as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become sons of God, even to them that believe on His name. And we beheld His Glory.