Crash Landing

"The plan for the days ahead seemed full of delights and promise, but something went tragically wrong. Unknown to us because our strong desire for self-satisfaction, the decision was to be one that would lead to poverty and destitution. We did not see that the decision was in direct opposition to the loving instructions of the Father. From our vantage point ... those instructions were meant for another time and another place ... definitely not applicable for today. So off we went on our fantasy filled flight ... no one warned us of the dangers of too high, too fast, too hot, too long, too much... and soon our magnificent vessel for the journey was reduced to a flaming ember heading for a crash landing right in the middle of the garbage dump of failed expectations... right in the middle of the Kingdom.

When we had finally been dragged from the catastrophe by a few reluctant rescuers - all condemning eyes were upon us, all hearts were hardened against us, and the door of love's opportunity was slammed in our face. We found ourselves on the other end of holiness ... we were now abhorred as unclean, set apart for shameful reproach, and holiness was a flaming sword being swung mercilessly in our direction. " Exerts from The Scarlet Sinner.

There is an amazing thing that God has provided for the entire world of "whosoever believeth" ... rescue from eternal damnation and a secure Home forever in among His Beloved. For each passenger of this flight of faith there seems to be the same promise but with it there is a paradox of "we are not there yet" and "I will fall, but He is with me." Sorry no perfectly smooth landing into the Kingdom, and every landing on this promise of faith will have repercussions. Have you ever pondered this thought? Could we state it this way ... that all of the landings in the Kingdom are crash landings?

The place where the temporal and eternal collide will be a catastrophic event. The repercussions in the world shaped by this event are weighed by the amount of shrapnel that explodes and flies upon the impact, and the "fame" or influence of the occupants involved. We have heard wishes for salvation for famous individuals throughout the years, "Oh, if only he or she were to get saved... can you imagine the amount of lives that would be affected for the glory of God." (Our prayers for all should be with fervent desire for their rescue from the penalty of sin, Hell Fire; other than that end to prayer ... we have no concept of the effect of anyone's crash landing).

There is a big flaw in this thinking that "fame saved" is the hope ... It is earthy and doesn't even consider the power of this Kingdom Upside down. God's Kingdom is where prideful personal fame is a spiritual handicap and a potential hindrance to kingdom influence; and the realized needs and humble gifts of servants are the keys to powerful spiritual leadership. Every man no matter the status, in God's eyes stands naked, wretched and lost until the crash landing takes place. Every man should be the target for the actions of real holiness not just a few.

"I am sorry for my sin. I am truly sorry for the pain it may have caused others." We have heard and even said these words at some point throughout our short journey on this planet, usually right after our crash landings. Fact though, we are rarely aware of the handicap and ineptness that the "crash" has infused into our lives. We know forgiveness "from above" because we always live in it (though we may not acknowledge it), but our ongoing conflict is how to allow the adequacy of the Grace of God to become the abundant help for our inadequate and powerless existence among the throngs of crashing humanity. How do we emulate true holiness? (now there is a word that can incite emotions)

Here is the challenge from scripture that you have heard leveled at us all from pulpits of frustration, rather than from the nursery of tender care: "But as He which called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; because it is written, be ye holy; for I am holy." I Peter 1:15,16 ... AND the dire shame is that holiness has become a club that people join to beat others across the head. ("I have a notion to join a club and beat you over the head with it!" Groucho Marx)

Here is a devotional dive into this scripture to give you a better view of HOLINESS.
"He who has called you - to name you; and has called you - by that Name... to be the bearer of that Name, is most sacred and set apart in His fostering and cherishing of His pure, warm, and tender care of you. Turn the world upside down by placing yourself as He would ... in the midst, in between, amidst ... and being sacred in your offering of tender care in all that you do... turning yourself back even to those who have no care for you.... HOLINESS."

True power comes from Holy Kingdom Leadership when believers enter the fragile garden of abandonment that was faced by Jesus and worship from brokenness. Take a moment and Read Psalm 89: 1 -37 , stop reading and praise God for His amazing secure provisions provided to His children via the One Beloved. NOW begin prayerfully reading Psalm 89: 38 - 51 ... feel the brokenness, the disconnect, the rejection, the abandonment, the disappointment, the cry, the plea, the hopelessness, ... there is no verbal "I love you!", no expressed "thank you!" , there is no "you are beautiful!", no "you are important!" ... there is only 14 verses of Questioning if God even cares if we live or die. Now comes the strangest verse to finish up this heartache: "Blessed be the LORD for ever-more. Amen and Amen." Psalm 89:52

He is in the crash site ... to offer tender care ... what about you?

