It's All Coming Down

It's all coming down... The cry has gone out ... The rescue is in place ... For the most part it will be unseen; like a seed that has lain dormant in the cold ground of winter: the shoots will begin to introduce themselves to the world around them as the warm spring breezes and the gentle showers urge them from hiding. The green will be seen.

All little miracles, in the beginning, show no visual difference or definitive family markings or distinguishing difference because they all push out of similar earth, and they all bear the human colors. However, it is amazing how the flaws will be focused on by the attending experts. There may even be premature rescues or interventions suggested because of the experts glare and fake sympathetic compassion (more pathetic and pathological than truly caring). These predators of fear, these life sucking Gain-Sayers will say {"We advise you to consider a 'premature preventive care termination plan' in order to spare you, the parent, and "it", the "growing mass" inside of you the expense and embarrassment of not having a normal life."}

Have we ever even considered the blessing of the "flawed" differences? Have we noticed the effect on the cold planet by those who have "less" of what we call normal, but so much more of what we would define (if normal) as unconditional love. Unconditional love, enduring mercy and amazing grace are labeled as weaknesses and handicaps in this world of deception. These Heaven sent traits are touted as the "baggage of the simple", "the failure of uneducated", "the stench of the deplorable", and "the blemishes of the despicable".

With the strange events surrounding Mary's conception, had they been reported to the experts ... There is no doubt there would have been an almost violent push for the abortion of Jesus. (with the strange events that surround the New Birth in the life of God's kids...there is a guarantee that the wicked accuser will no doubt try to talk us into aborting Jesus from our lives in the name of "Why can't we just be normal?" Do we really want - just a normal - life (what is it anyhow?)

Now let's fast forward to the verge of 2017. Let's daily look intensely for the little miracles that draw us ever forward into the extravagant love plan of our God. Let's desire His Word as much more precious than gold, than the finest gold; let's long for the taste of Heaven as being immensely sweeter than honey and the honey comb. Let's see the souls of men as precious in the sight of our God. If all we do and all we are is rooted and grounded in Him, O how strong in His tenderness will be the new life that springs from our innermost being.

It's all coming down... The cry has gone out ... The rescue is in place ... embrace the days ahead for the Glory of God and the victory that is found in Him!



Psalm 111 --- Read this as we are on the verge of 2017 --- OUR FOCUS, OUR GOD!!!

The Cry

The Sides of the North were sitting on edge with the anticipation of the imminent events. Everything was in full preparation in the celestial city, all the players had been ready from the beginning, and "The Plan" that was established before the foundation of the world was about to shake the groaning creation, releasing the death hold of the curse and breaking the chains of the fall.

It was evident that the only full knowledge of the plans were held by The King. Every one else involved held but a piece of the plan, and all were on a "need to know" basis. The Messenger had already been sent and delivered the edict. "Fear not, Mary, for thou hast found favor with God. And, Behold though shalt conceive in thy womb and bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS."

In secret and under the cover of full purity, the Almighty and the Spirit cast a shadowed veil over a humble servant girl creating The Salvation Miracle within her womb. In that moment of salvation's time capsule, only a small portion that Virgin Girl's song of humble praise would reverberate off of the souls most intimate in her life; because the veil would remain until she would be delivered. Even her fiancé would be held in wonder by the words of the Messenger, and take her as his wife in order to keep all appearances as normal and keep his bride out of public scrutiny.

Who would even notice one insignificant couple whom history had removed from out of the view of their royal bloodline... This was held under the veil until the fullness of time and the Word would reveal it.

Heaven in all of its splendor was ready to burst salvation forth upon all of creation. The Star had appeared and positioned, the Angel of the Lord was ready with the announcement, the angelic host was ready for their Glorious moment of praise. And to what epicenter of Earth's power and prestige would they appear in all of their glory??

The Angels didn't question this remarkably strategic move of simple stealth: Their glorious announcement would be revealed in the remote hillside pasture outside of a small and violently insignificant town of thieves known as Bethlehem (the House of Bread) would be their destination.

Their audience: The outcasts - "Shepherds" keeping watch over their flocks, to whom alone... the message would make sense ... "You shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a feed trough!"

Imagination will have it: There may have been a pause as eternity waited for the signal. Then quietly the veil was pulled back to reveal a young teenage mother entering the pains of death to be delivered of her firstborn child... And then it happened; from the thick darkness of the Judean night rang a small but distinctly wonderful sound ... The first tender cry of Pure Unconditional Love wrapped in the brokenness of humanity... And they called Him, Jesus.

What? A Babe ... He shall save His people from their sins? Time stopped: almost hesitated in Awe!

Then the Host of Heaven praised God in such glory that the shepherds left off their keeping of their sheep to see this thing spoken by the Angels. And the Shepherds saw... "The Babe, wrapped in swaddling clothes, just as the Angels said".

Why do you think that the world has made such a fuss and clamor in the centuries to follow?Could it be that it wants to make so much noise that the Babe's cry is driven under the notice and beyond the hearing of the desperate heart. What makes this time of year so broken and yet so miraculous. Perhaps it is that fact that this Babe was not just born for the romancing of the Christmas season, but to extend the shadow of the cross over all of the glamour and glitz as the last hope/remedy for mankind's potential eternal separation from God.

True Christmas of the heart comes when we see that the whole story ... The feed trough, the swaddled baby, the shepherds, the wise men, the words, the healings, the tears, the life, the betrayal, the mockery, the thorns, the beating, the cross, the blood, the swaddled broken lifeless body, the sealed grave, the rolled back stone, the empty tomb, the resurrected LORD, and the soon Coming King: and we, by faith, realize this was and is for US. And He shall be called Emanuel, which being interpreted is: God with us.

The Veil of His Grace, still remains, and all those who believe are safely hidden under it until time is no more and the Father makes the final announcement .. "Merry Christmas to all who have come, and to the chains of the past ... Gone with the night - Come Home!"

Don't be far away from Jesus this year, gather close to know Him and the Miracle of His Love.



The Christmas Abuse

"What a miraculous season! And about the time that hope was rising, and my soul was about to sing: (When the one that should have offered arms of loving kindness) a curse was shrieked in my face and a strong backhand was sent to the side of my head, sending me into a fade (the impact actually numbed me before the abuse actually began)... Oh, how I wish that I had the strength to give them the same, and an hundredfold. Darkness surrounded my battered frame." from the Christmas memoirs of the Scarlet Sinner.

Vengeance is such a strong narcotic that is always attached to an incredible disabling emotional investment. It is an extremely risky direction for the footsteps of men. For a man to carry through to the ultimate end of vengeance, means that his life could be overcome by hate and murder; instead of mercy and love. Any act that proceeds from the heart of man, that is not founded in the love and mercy of God, will ultimately end in a catastrophe of the human soul. Humanity's mandate from above, if and when faced by an offense, is to love and forgive.

"O Lord God, to whom vengeance belongeth; O God, to whom vengeance belongeth, show (shine forth) Thyself." Psalm 94:1 (Read it in it's entirety and hear the echoes of your own thoughts because of those who have offended and abused you).

Life on this side of the Veil seems to cultivate so much injustice and inequity that it bleeds over and touches the life of every human being. The savage onslaught of wickedness will cross the threshold of our comfort and safety via a relentless and merciless intruder of the heart. This intruder, though seemingly dormant through most of our mundane movements in life, won't even be there until someone causes an event that pokes a hole in the security of "Mine".

We are all content in our fragile "happy place" until our big rubber bumper is violated, our safety bubble is popped, and/or something(usually attached to someone) messes with what is "mine".At the moment of the violation of "mine"... Pride, the intruder, steps in to fuel an ungodly vengeance. This is a direct result of our pitiful idolatry.

What? Did you see/hear the word IDOLATRY?

Anytime that "mine" is held so tight that it is no longer under the authority of HIM, it has become an idol. (Now at the sound of this vindictive statement we will all stand up and stand our ground to justify our situation by declaring ... "BUT YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND ... They are mine and they are under my authority and protection. My wife, my kids, my family, my friends, my home, my job, my car, my house, ..... My _______ and on, and on.... It's all MINE!") "Mine" makes me sovereign over a situation where I was abused, I am not capable of God-like authority to determine vengeance ... Only God is able.

"O that there were such an heart in them, that they might fear me and keep all my commandment always, that it might be well with them and their children forever." Deuteronomy 5:29

"It was but a moment ago that hope was dashed with the whack to my head ... But it had caused the world to fade away and the glitter of the season to boil down to a strange fog like image of one very small gift. The gift was resonating a gentle song and it had an illustrious tag containing my name. As I tried to reach out and receive the gift, my reaching caused an ugly impish creature to lunge at me from out of the darkness."

"I froze as it snarled at my every movement towards the gift. It's layers of sharp, filthy, protruding teeth were menacingly shown with each snarl ... It was almost as if I was looking into a mirror of my wounded soul... it was truly offended, truly abused, totally justified in the prevention of my acquisition of the gift."

"I decided in that split second to make a dash for the gift, brave the piercing of the viscous teeth, and tear open the gift meant for me. Surely that gift held some mysterious power and supernatural strength to destroy my abusers. Could it contain the weapon that would allow me the upper hand to demand full payback from my enemy?"

"Oh it was a furious and painful moment, but even as the impish creature was ripping at my flesh, I still found the strength to tear off the gift's wrapping, and pry open its protective box ... And there within the tissue lining of its casket-like interior was a small bronze plaque that read ... (My eyes were fighting back tears of resentment and unbelief) could the tears be deceiving my heart at the ridiculous request of the inscription? ... The plaque read only one word:  ..........................forgive."

and do good to those who have offended you;
even as Christ has forgiven you.



"Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. And they parted his raiment, and cast lots." Luke 23:34 - It is so unfair if I offer anything less than the Savior.