My Frog Croaks Louder

My frog croaks louder than yours!!

Can we evoke the Presence of God .... So that the louder we sing, the more God responds by pouring out a bigger blessing?

Can we earn the righteousness of God .... So that the more fervent and sincere we are, the more secure we are in His salvation?

Can we excite the Spirit of God? So that the happier we are with Him, the happier He is with us?

 I just heard someone cry out ... "God is Holy!" And the congregation did some pop corn praise - (tiny bursts of "amen" here and there). All of a sudden, I heard the preacher repeat the notion and cry out again, "God is Holy!"; then the congregation with a loud voice said "AMEN!" And this made it so?? ... or is this Because my opinion is that ... my frog croaks louder than yours?

Something is backwards in this warped worldly kingdom mentality...and disappointment may be waiting to explode within this type of expectation. "Hype" is felt to be wonderful in the specks of time amidst the specks of eternity ... And it can make for an exciting moment, that will make for an unforgettable event -- but was that God's doing, someone else's or mine? King David was always impressed with the "Congregation" that were in the house of God, until their lives hit the sidewalks and began to rudely and sometimes violently interact outside of the temple.

My frog croaks louder than yours ...
That is the third time I have used that statement because... in light of the roaring of the oceans of the world - what is the win of one croak on the muddy bank of a small algae filled puddle?

Now watch the next statements and do not disconnect ---
Spiritual gifts draw us and others to God. He is always eternally present. He is not lacking to supply in any area of performance or power. He is Emanuel ...God With Us. Matthew 16:18 - Upon Him, and Him alone, is the Church established and unstoppable...not because of who we are and how sincere we are, But His Church is unstoppable because of Who He is. And "He is Holy"!

Are we willing to walk in worship in a way that ... something other than our purported gifts, are transparent enough that He is seen. {Something is still missing if we have to challenge God's people to give God the applause.}

But please, on the muddy bank of our algae filled puddle, do not assume arrogantly that we have captured the fullness of the essence of His Holiness. Do not judge other congregation puddles and other feeble followers in light of the croak of our frog. "Judge not lest you be judged, for what ever standards and methods you have used to establish your perception of judgement, those standards and methods will be echo back and be the judgment of you."

Here is a glimpse into the positioning of our hearts to observe His Holiness -
Psalm 99:5 - 
"Exalt ye the LORD
(not our gifts, not our biased and sometimes bigoted perceptions of Him - He is LORD; are you content and secure in that fact?)
our God,
(there must be a personal connection via the water of the Word, the Blood of Christ and the Holy Spirit)
and worship at His footstool;
(are we willing to ungird our filthy putrefying righteousness, and serve at His feet as He did ... cleansing and refreshing others at the "broken" point of contact with this dusty old fallen world?)
for He is Holy."
(Until the He is valued as eternally different to us, and our daily movements are resurrected and empowered by that "all heart, all soul, all spirit, all mind, all strength" connection ... we will continue to live in a powerless muddy algae filled puddle of self.)

If our identity is in anything other than Jesus... We will resist the personal and intimate call of God. Does Jesus define us?
Or Is our life just built on judging others, personal pain avoidance, risk management, strengthening our safety net and squeezing our frog in an attempt to make it croak louder than someone else's?

We must obey God rather than man.

With my head bowed and my surrender flag held high --"He is my Hero and roars louder than the noise of the universe with His still small voice!"

- Listen!!!

