There Once Was A Man

"There once was a man"... does that catch your interest? Probably not, unless you are trusting there will be more to the story, bored to death, or just reading to read. BUT herein lies the problem with faith...because this is where our thinking is anchored. "In the beginning ... ME" .

We think, we taste, we touch, we smell, we see, we hear, we feel and therefore we must conquer, we must win! NEWSFLASH - Just like a tether ball attached to the top of its "cemented into the ground" pole, we will continue to be contented with the game until someone stronger and taller joins the game and/or the cord breaks. When this happens the game is out of our control --"out of control!"

"If only you had more faith you would have won the game!"--- this despicable lie always oozes out of the riffs of a damaged moment in the lives of so many of the faithful. Scriptural cliches start flying to back this lie, and the truth that could encourage very quickly becomes a "Cat o' nine tails" in the hands of those well meaning souls who have not been caught "yet" in an out of control moment (or feel their deliverance was exemplary of true Godliness.) Watch it!

"If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed you can move mountains". .... The mountain does not move.
"Without faith it is impossible for you to please God". .... God must not be pleased with me.
"Have faith, believe and your prayers will be answered." ... My prayers aren't being answered , my weak faith probably makes God not to care.
"Ask in faith and you shall receive". ... I pray for what? I never receive.
"God will answer the effectual fervent prayers of a righteous man (woman or child)." ... Maybe God doesn't hear me because I'm not His.
(Scarey responses but On the mountain top it is easy to say "amen" to these insufficient truths, but they seem so wrong and hollow when we are in the valley).

So much truth but unfinished, unqualified and thus potentially abusive. Hey "Instant Mashed potato faith" spiritual leaders ... get your head out of your instant cure, flesh motivational, easy fix suggestions and realize that relationships with men and God are a rewarding, but many times, are a painstaking task. The task on this side of Heaven will have us standing at times with no answers, no words, rolling tears .. BUT we will know Him more intimately in these times, because these are the moments we will find "HE IS NEAR!"

So why do the the kids of the King -- stay broken, sick, troubled, unstable, afflicted, addicted, bound, discouraged, and defeated? Why ..Even though many of us pray ... there seems to be little miraculous deliverance? Why in the midst of worldly and even great Kingdom success does a Godly leader choose sin instead of righteousness? Why ...Though many pour out their hearts ... the sin and suffering still takes its toll, and disgrace and death still whisk away loved ones?

Careful, do not respond too quickly to this ... This is where so many that are already wounded, are slain by their brothers and sisters. This is where so many are aborted and abandoned because their suffering does not fit the bill for someone elses definition of faith. Only God knows best the seasons and reasons for pain and for healing - "Wait on the Lord, be of good courage and He will strengthen thine heart; wait, I say, on the Lord" Psalm 27:14

Micah 6:8 (The prophet's words stand in the midst of the Godly and unGodly efforts of men as a testament to a daily attitude to help us keep balance) "He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee: but to do justly,and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?" There is a strange little "?" at the end of this passage ...careful.

Here is the essence of victory over the controversy, the victory that overcomes the world: Faith in Christ - Genesis 1:1 "In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth." ... Revelation 22:21 "The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen." Faith that spoke worlds into existence: was born of a virgin, lived among men, died for our Sins, arose from the grave, is alive forevermore, and is coming again ... and because of Him and Him alone ... "Out of Control" is in His Control.

Therefore walk with Him, wait on Him, and grow in His love.

There once was a man ... who walked humbly with his God. Genesis 5:24 - "And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him." O the cliches that flew that day.

