Welcome to the Party

Mary looked like a crazy lady when she burst into our "Sad Celebration" screaming ... "Come see the place that "they" designated for our Lord". "THEY have done something weird!"
After she ran seven small frantic circles in the midst of us, Mary bolted out of the room like she was blown by a mighty wind, and we all raced after her. Upon our arrival at the designated area, we stopped momentarily in total realization that we were about to enter alien and unfamiliar territory.

We humbled our hurried appearances, took deep breaths, and then peered into the Wal_____. What in the world had "they" done? The designated area was filled with: Easter eggs, Easter Rabbits, chocolate bunnies, robin egg candy, jelly beans, sour patch beans, crazy baskets with plastic colorful hay hanging out like an alien's nest or a clown's hair ... "Peeps" galore and in the craziest colors, and a massive pile of stuffed animals all endowed with rabbit ears ???.. Aisles and Aisles of beautifully basket-ed surprises ... on and on into oblivion, totally covering the entire interior of the space.

There was something so wrong here, BUT there was something so very right about what is going on. "Someone celebrating?" A elderly but wise looking man cried out "Convert the candy and let's celebrate!" ..."What and Why?", we asked him. He yelled his response even louder , "Because it isn't Bunny Day, Egg Day, or even Candy Day. It is the Pascha ...It is Easter! Praise Jesus! " We stubbornly stood there shaking our heads in negative resistant silence as the celebration rolled right over us. {I hope you realize that this is an immaginary cartoon-like story ... now settle down!} 

We all have things we don't like about the "worldly" cover up of the Resurrection (and we may even be very vocal about it). Let's quit walking the Easter Aisles at local stores shaking our pompous heads and wearing pious facial expressions of open disgust. Let's celebrate Eternity's Greatest Rescue by infusing the scene with openly joy filled praise making. Come on Praise Makers!!! Welcome to the party ...    Sure it starts on a sorrowful note, but don't miss the triumphant fanale!

Luke 23:44 - “And it was about the sixth hour, and there was a darkness over all the earth until the ninth hour.” THEN IT CAME ... the last cry, and the last breath was heard,and then the stillness crept over them like a lengthening shadow. Immediately there was that sense of separation that created a fountain for a multitude of other feelings associated with the abandonment caused by His death.

They would stare long and hard to see some sign of life. A twitch, a shallow breath, anything... but the stillness always shouts back louder than any supersonic boom ..."It's over!" As for the lives of the followers of Jesus of Nazareth, during the three days following his death ... it was over. Scripture seems silent as it leaves the group of early disciples to their own private grief. The is only a brief mention of what they did ... Luke 23:49 - “And all His acquaintance, and women that followed Him from Galilee, stood afar off, beholding these things.”

Why do we want the same experience as the disciples of old? God thought it was necessary that we are here and now; and they were there and then... both for such a time as this! Apparently, He has chosen us to be the praise makers for this generation. So what is the deal with our almost manipulative "sad parties"? Do we need to somehow super-somber-size the historical events in order to feel connected with that moment of old?

We all like to feel alive ... and somewhere in the grand scheme of things "feeling very sad" in short dramatic bursts can make us feel alive (kind of like an amusement park ride that challenges our physical well being and gets our hearts pumping). To try to create the "it's over" experience may satisfy for a moment... but be encouraged... For the believer, eternity is just beginning. Easter is now the reality of the Resurrection's Living Lord offering a "Welcome to My Love, forever"; not only to us, but also through us.

I know that "holy days" and "set apart times" are very important to many, and especially to those desiring a miracle moment or a pinnacle intersection in time that could change their lives. My fear is that there is a loss experienced in the Kingdom by not having this expectation daily. Why can't everyday be an opportunity for a "God Moment"?

Here is the bonus in a daily celebration of the Resurrection: If we do not sense that a God Moment has happened today, we may have another today, even tomorrow. We do not have to wait an entire year or season for that once a year - small window of "per-chance" opportunity to experience the eternal.

In the midst of the once a year, piles and aisles of resurrection cover ups and celebration substitutions - God takes great pleasure in an active reliance upon Him for the daily celebrations of His love. "Now" is still the accepted time, and today is still the day of salvation, and "if" is always the imminent opportunity to hear His voice... AND while we have breath, He is always calling; just don't harden your heart. I would much sooner have us in love with Him because we thought we heard His voice,or imagined we heard His voice; instead of choosing to be deaf because the voice we heard did not fit our religious criteria or spiritual preference.

"And as they were affraid, and bowed down their faces to the earth, they (the angels in the tomb) said unto them, Why seek ye the living among the dead?" Luke 24:5
Don't wait for the holiday ... let ever day be a holy day of celebrating your life with Him ... welcome to the Party ...  Happy Pascha! Happy Easter, everyday!
Jesus is Alive! 

