Move - Limp No More

Limp no more!

Most of the time I wander through my days with loose random thoughts rolling through my head (Oh! You too?)As long as there is no challenge to my self-security system, I am OK living in a selfish pluralistic society. I am no different than the bulk of my fellow companion aliens that flesh-out our existence on this temporal planet. Here, because of our higher desire for righteousness, we can rise to the platitudes expected of us as long as our living doesn't create conflict. BUT HEREIN LIES THE RUB. You are the conflict whether you like it or not!! {before I get too far let's qualify this statement}

First things first … a few questions to answer, and if the answer is “Yes”, then please keep reading. If the answer is “No”, the following verbs will not apply to your life and you are dismissed (only kidding and please respond if you have difficulty with the following questions).
1. Have you at some point in your life realized that you are a sinner in need of forgiveness?
2. Did you also realize that there was a awful eternal consequence for your sin – a place called Hell? 3. Did you realize that Jesus Christ died for The Payment of Sins penalty (Hell) and rose again to secure Heaven for those who would trust Him?
4. Did you realize that you could act on that need to trust, and call on Him, and He would save you and secure you?
5. SO you called on Him, trusted Him and He is your Savior and Lord?

No tricks, but when He saved you, His Spirit began His dwelling in you to secure you as you travel through this life. Now...parallel to His general ministry to the world to convince them of their Sin, His Righteousness, and of impending Judgment … He now carries on this same ministry “personally” through you. Your very presence with Christ in you (The Hope of Glory), will cause a bridge, an ache, a longing, a resistance, and even antagonism that will be vented toward you or aimed at you. Our Living Lord will not allow our existence to be unchallenged, and people around us to be unaffected when eternity is at stake.

I Kings chapter 18 contains the story of Elijah(“My God is Jehovah”), Obadiah (“Jehovah's Servant”), Wicked King Ahab (“Father's Brother”), the prophets of Baal (“lord”) and God's people in Samaria (“watch mountain”). This is an amazing story that most remember it as the story of the Contest between Elijah and the 850 prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel. (This is a great story to read and study with devotional reflection.)

This is the story that brings out the well known phrase “How long halt ye between two opinions?” [Devotionally translated –Upon what grounds do you limp around between two divided opinions... thus making the Lord appear as lame and as powerless as the dead idol lords of this world]. This eternal phrase uncovers the fulcrum of the conflict that shouts within the hearts of all the players.
OUR GOD IS ALIVE AND LIVING IN US … and this is why there is conflict... “GOD IS NOT WILLING THAT ANY SHOULD PERISH” … Are you? Here and now we can become active as part of the solution in the conflict or we can limp through it causing even more confusion and conflict. AWAKE – ARISE – AND TAKE FULL ADVANTAGE OF OUR GLORIOUS POSITION. “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain” Phil. 1:21 – I have nothing to lose by really living for Him!

There is always a drought and famine in the land where pluralism abounds and  where God's people see no need to be open and visible in their love for Jesus. We cry out pitifully ... “But God has to bring the rain, it is up to Him, and appears He doesn't care!”  Please, stop your limping … rise up and remember the Cross, the empty Tomb, and the promise of His Coming …then you will be able to look and see the small cloud of hope appearing on the horizon, TRUST, for the rain of revival is not far behind. Soon you will feel His healing shower!!

