On My Knees - Will You Be My Eternal Beloved?

Woe...can't hold back the tears (now remember this is always written with somewhat of a incoherent vantage point, so do not ever jump to conclusions until you have taken the whole ride).
He is on His knees asking his beloved "will you marry me?" (shouldn't she be begging Him to marry her, He is...the King!) His garments glistening with Gold, Silver and Precious Stones while she remains poised looking so frail in her filthy rags. However, the look in His eyes(full of joyful tears) send Love's message deep into her soul as she melts into His open arms crying "Yes, I will marry you" (she'd be stupid not to, He is the King...Duh!). Then with His powerful but gentle hands He tenderly lifts her face to His and......

A scream rips through the airlock, and a cry comes that chills this beautiful love scene until all the decor drips with the frost and ice of the deepest darkest winter that you could possibly imagine...And the scream like a tempestuous wind rips at the core of there souls like a merciless flailing flesh hook, devastating the King's composure and His beloved's security:
"Now the Battle Will Rage!"...
"Now will be the death of love!"...
"Watch as trust diminishes and hatred arises!

I strained my eyes to see where these lethally poisoned words were spewing from, and to my utter horror they were coming from an extremely beautiful woman who had now wrapped her arms like an octopus' tentacles around the heart of the King. Her name was "Pethee Keseelooth"...(foolish, foolish, simply stupid but so intoxicating). She continued, "Stolen waters are sweet, and bread eaten in secret is pleasant"...
"Come the master will be away on a long journey
and will not even have a clue as to what we do
with our illegitimate but exciting love...
And look! Your beloved is looking the other way".

When we back away from the fairy tale for a moment there is a very real battle that rages within the support system of marital love.
Stage one: The battle starts when "Submission one to another" (the under girding empowerment of love) is demanded and/or expected; instead of being wholly given, tenderly guarded, and actively appreciated.
Stage two: The battle moves things backwards when love is seen as an "option" motivated by feelings; instead of an imperative that creates the ever growing summer that keeps the marriage together.

At this point winter-ravished love may think that a new direction could be the ticket to real life.

A re-newed direction maybe... but let's not throw caution to the wind unless we know for sure that we have heard his voice.

"And be not drunk with wine (intoxicated with the momentary release of Love's responsibilities) wherein is excess (absolutely NO LIFE), BUT be filled (completely full of the focus of loving as Christ also loved the Church and gave Himself for it) with the Spirit (as He indwells and is given more of our life by acceptance of His loving support ,we truly live)." (Eph. 5:18 - expanded with the hope your heart will reach to love, where love seems to have grown cold).

And the King turned to his beloved with...(To be continued),



PS: Be slow to judge but quick to deliver.