The Vanishing Dream

"Now, it should have been a lot more fun than this. Everyday as I left my office I passed into the alley of broken dreams and wasted years. Everyday I reasoned within myself: I have everything, every opportunity, every break and I took hold of my own destiny ... only to find time wrapping its tentacles of spent years around my vision and tightly restraining my slowing steps. As I gained recognition and prestige, I had to face the unavoidable --- was losing liberty and sacrificing rest; and with no such occupants visiting my house, my life was waning for lack of lasting purpose. I had gained the whole world, but I fear I may have lost my own soul." The Vanishing Dream of the Scarlet Sinner.

"Blessed is he that is reading to understand, and they that are hearing the words of this prophesy, and are carefully attending to the details written therein; for the measure of time is closely enfolding"... Revelation 1:3 --- This is truly the challenge found with the reading of every word of scripture, but this verse spells out that the devotional and passionate reading of the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ will bring a blessing.

Where is the reading and study of the Bible in your life?

Where are you in this moment of "Thy Kingdom come"? Where is your Heart in the midst of His desire "Thy will be done"? ... "On Earth as it is in Heaven" .. Are you open to a daily overwhelming sense of His presence in your life, that carries with it the burden for the souls of others? Do you have a tough time with passing the moments of potential eternal opportunity by spending them in the muttering of superficial non-consequential sentences shared with others?

Real life in Christ is the game changer, will you live it?

A heart addicted to The Truth and engrained by the passion of God (to reach lost men, women, and children with the Good news of His Son Jesus Christ), will always find itself in "the middle". There will seem to be a inequity in the lifestyles of those who are oblivious to the nearing end of time (whether by death or by the "catching away"). Why does the Christ Follower have to always sense the perilous position of one not connected to Christ?

Why do those in love with Jesus fear for the lives of the disconnected, but at the same time fear being targeted for demotions or overlooked for the promotions of the world?

NOTE to the listening heart: BECAUSE The Truth is so obviously simple and devastatingly compelling, it is often shoved out of the way in order to not risk it growing in control over our lives, or hidden away to not risk offending someone that could be our opportunity to the acquisition of temporal "success". The "Now " needs of this life weigh heavily on every life - "What will we eat, what will we drink, and what will we put on?" Eternity presses us also but with a different force of reckoning - "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you." A life without a connection to Real Life has no lasting purpose here and forever; and sooner or later will implode with the realization of the vanity of vanities, all is vanity. Truly without Christ "all is vanity" now, and without Him is Hell forever.

2 Peter 3:9 - "God is not slack concerning His promises, as some men count slackness; but is long-suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance." His promises are sure -- whether promises of eternal joy, or promises of eternal sorrow...what appears to be a delay in either is called long-suffering.

What He says - He will do!

Trust His word, don't resist His word.

Don't Live the Vanishing Dream!

