"Emanuel - God in the Midst of us". My thought in writing this weeks devotional challenge is not to offend the reader and definitely not to embarrass those who may have been involved in the narrative portion of the diatribe. (Take a deep breath and follow along if you will, bear with me because this may be stark and even offensive).
The early morning lower decibel endearment was broken by the sound of a harsh piercing voice of a female who had definitely had too much to drink, way too early in the morning. She was having real trouble maintaining her posture and not slurring her words. She wasn't trying to hide it, in fact she loudly announced to all near the exact potion of choice and her triple abuse of it. She let every one know that she was physically hot, but "not that way" with a laugh. She could barely hold her eye focus in any one direction.
Fortunately to her surprise and pleasure, she was standing right in line where she needed to be to catch her flight... (of course she needed help by kind bystanders to get her phone ticket in place for boarding). "Do I look ok? Man am I hot! Am I slurring my words...laugh?" Was repeated over and over as we boarded the plane.
Those near her in line did all they could do to avoid eye contact; and once on the boarding ramp, they did their best to leave her behind and scatter into the belly of the plane.I was one of those ... but ... her place in line was right behind me and she must of made a strong mental note of that. I was able to duck into the plane under the stowaway bins of the plane into a window seat, and immediately stare out the window like I had always been there. Hopefully, safe from embarrassing interaction.
Then I heard that same irritating voice ... "There you are!" and to my initial dismay she chose the seat right next to me. And it wasn't long that she cajoled another "male" passenger to take the aisle seat next to her. His first question to her was "You been drinking?" And so with awkward laughter she proceeded to brag on the volume of her "fire balls" and how hot she was and how numb her lips were. It turned out that he was a fan of her choice of drink.
For some reason I became deeply burdened but knew that serious communication was out of the question... she was ready to flirt with any male that would show her attention. Her laughter was only a guise for the real pain that had created her choice for over-medication. The banter was so broken and disconnected that it was hilarious to passengers and crew all around her - she became the flight entertainment.
Before long though, her plan and her pain was being revealed. Three failed marriages, and an "ass-hole(quoted by her 3 times in a row)" 21 year old son, and she was on her way to a lewd weekend getaway with a "friend"{that she met through work communication where they both overly revealed each other through e-mail, texting and nude pictures}. "But I am not a bad person, I am an honest CPA, and my mother used to make me go to church and I used to play the autoharp." WOW what sad fragmented thinking. Although she was laughing this all off, the undertone was breaking me somewhere inside of the Father's shared heart.
As one more drink on the plane led to her momentary sleep; I was given a glance of an unveiled past, and I saw a tiny little blond haired, blue eyed girl ... with a stare and a smile that would fill a room with innocence, but the image was immediately shattered by the nightmarish reality of her adult choices without Godly guidance. She slept; I stared out the window and let the tears of God's Spirit work on my soul. She was so in need of a rescue ... "Jesus, you intervened and changed the life of a woman who had gone through 5 husbands and the one she was living with was not her husband ...please rescue this fallen princess, I know you care."
Just that morning I had read through every 20th chapter of the New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs (My day of the month plan); and Proverbs 20:1 came to mind, "Wine is a mocker and strong drink is raging, whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise." Then my heart saw a fallen princess - "It is not for kings, O Lemuel, it is not for kings to drink wine, nor princes strong drink. " Prov. 30:4. "Give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish, and wine unto that is of a heavy, harlot's heart." Prov. 30:6 . My eyes clouded as I prayed for this dying, heavy hearted fallen princess. "O is there not a Father to care? Oh yes there is, and I will continue to intercede for this one fallen princess for she told me that her name was Laura."
In the last days there will arise many deceivers, false prophets, and parroting followers of those that go about leading by the dilution of the Words of Scripture with educated opinions and claims of offering a cafeteria style approach to solving Theological divisions. These dark clouds without healing rain purport to offer unity, but then choose what and who to berate and belittle. Rather than seeking unity among believers based on firmer foundations of scripture, and a "both, and" approach to interpretation of the words, this empty dreamers reflexively name and mark those (in mocking disrespectful fashion) who may not see it their way .
We need to rise up Oh people of God with greater personal devotion to the reading and study of God's Word, to times of more compassionate outward living, and seasons of more passionate prayer. Having hearts full of his Word and lives full of His Holy Spirit let us intercede in the presense of our High Priest, Jesus, for the souls of humanity.
In light of His Coming -
Live fervently,
Love undivided,
and stand amazed at His daily rescue!