Half an Hour

Phil: 4:6 -"Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.

"Revelation 8:1 - "And when he opened the seventh seal, there was silence in Heaven about the space of half an hour."

One Scripturally noted "half an hour" - and a silent "half an hour" at that; and it happened like a snapshot portrait of and "in Heaven". Lets look at the portrait:
There is a scroll like book that has the focus at first by the Heavenly photographer and it's seventh seal has just been broken ...The seal's opening brings a half an hour of silent preparation for the next Apocalyptic sequence of events. Seven angels that are standing before God are given seven trumpets. And another angel comes and stands before the alter with a Golden Censor for Frankincense; and he is given much incense that he should offer it with the prayers of all the saints upon the golden alter that is before the Throne of God. The smoke of the incense mingles with the prayers of the saints and ascends upward before God out of the angel's hand. The angel then fills the censor with the fire from off of the alter and hurls it to the earth...at that point there are voices, thundering and lightning and an earthquake on earth.The finish of the portrait refocuses on the Seven angels that are preparing to sound their trumpets.  (Read - Revelation 8:1-6)

I had to stop and realize that all the prayers of all the saved culminate in this moment in a royal fragrant ascent before the face of God. A silent half of an hour -- where all Heaven's focus is the frankincense mingled prayers of God's kids. God pauses the cataclysmic events of judgment to let all of Heaven's witnesses and all of Earth's readers of Revelation know that HE RELISHES THE PRAYERS OF HIS PEOPLE.

How do we value our time of prayer with our God? Is it a duty? Is it a repetitive labor? Is it a time of regretful wording of phrases? Do we hesitate because we feel unworthy to request anything from God? Have we agreed with the discouraging whispers of Hell saying ... "who are we to presume upon the goodness of God"? Do we even pray at all?

When the disciples heard Jesus pray -- They desired that He teach them...They must have sensed there was a power filled connection there ... He gave them an outline (that some call the Lord's Prayer or "The Our Father"), and then encouraged them over and over again throughout His time walking with them... to pray. He knew that life would fill in the burdensome details, and that they could learn to cherish the time as much as He and the Father have cherished their time together throughout all eternity.

Think about it: A "half an hour" out of the "thousand years as a day and a day as a thousand years" --- Eternity stopped for a measure of time that we understand, so that we would know that God values our prayers ... they are the cherished royal scent of Love's connection between Earth and Heaven.

Please come boldly to the Throne of Grace in these days of growing need -- and you will find GRACE to help in yours and others time of needed supply.

PRAY!!! And let God love you.



PS - 1/2 hour as 20.83333 years or 20.83333 years as a 1/2 hour.