I'm Out of the Way - Hear His Voice!

Psalm 29:1-2 Give unto the LORD, O ye mighty, give unto the LORD glory and strength. Give unto the LORD the glory due unto His name; worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness.

"What would Jesus Do?" This has been used as reminder by the devout to do right, or to stop and think before doing ... so the right decision might be easier to see and do. This W.W.J.D. idea surged in the 1990’s and had been popular enough to become fashion statements, bumper stickers, tattoos, music themes and a pattern mimicked by antagonists ... W.W.Z.D. (What would Zappa do?).

Never the less it actually started with deep devotion and had far reaching and lasting results in the lives of many believers seeking to know Him on a daily basis. Charles Sheldon’s 1896 book In His Steps, was subtitled "What would Jesus Do?" This book actually challenged my life as a young Christian though the book was almost a century old at that time. So when the W.W.J.D. logo hit the trinket and "merch" racks in Christian bookstores in the 90's I was a little irritated. Something the inside of me twists uncomfortably when I see Faith fading into fad. (Pride puffs me up!)

BUT USUALLY THIS IS THE BEGINNING OF A CONFLICT DISTRACTION ... While I'm trying to correct all of Christendom of its shallowness ... a shabbily clothed, new to the faith, believer is standing for the first time in a "Christian" Bookstore (Never knew a store like this existed prior to His new found faith in Christ) and is so excited about all the cool bracelets, T-Shirts and breath mints that can be used to announce the effect his new "Friend’s" love in his life. (I’m humbled by the faith and love of a child!)

My self-achieved knowledge and pride kills my joy and deafens my ear to the real "Mover and Shaker" in this whole thing. My attitude of judging those who appear to profit off of the naïve vulnerable babes in Christ actually dampens my zeal to love all for Christ’s sake. Why do I trouble myself by thinking that any person, movement, law, country, organization, or event can derail God’s Love Plan for Mankind? Who can stop God’s plan? Who can silence the Voice of God? (I am Starting to bow down!)

OK - OK so what if I do know some awesome things that create strength in my soul that carries me daily into situations with great effect for the Kingdom. Do I give this Strength to my selfish irritations and set up a “Separatist” battle station, or do I give it to the Lord in a glorious life of worship in the beauty of holiness? WELL – NO, definitely "NO" to the first thought ... It is already being done and it is definitely an obnoxious stink in the Kingdom. (I realize I am part of the stink!)

OK - OK ... I will give my life to worship Jesus in the Beauty of Holiness. One problem ... Can’t give something that I haven’t a clue as to what it really is. (By the way ... read the verses at the top ... open Psalm 29 and see what happens when our decisions{glory} and choices{strength} bow before Him ... "The VOICE" will be heard and handle all the flow, force, favor, resistance, pride, energy, emptiness, secrets, changes, and people in our lives ... Within this we will find His Strength and Peace) ... Here is a final thought: Oh you Mighty Ones, handicap your desire to control His world, bow your gifts before Him, open your eyes at this level to "the least of these" and let His Voice flow over you and to His world ... and you will be filled with the "Adornment of His Sacred Love of You." Want it? Bow down!

(I am bowing ... Hear the Voice!)

