Something New!

Something New? Everyday! How about today?

Have you ever stopped just for a moment and wondered why do I always desire something new? Do you feel guilty desiring and enjoying new things? Why do things have to get old with use and misuse? Clothing fades and frays. Doldrums set in after the first taste of new. Drive your new car for the first time ... now it is not new. "New" in this mirage of a world is a very important driver on this side of Heaven. Time always distinguishes the Old from the New. Even when I search through scripture my heart is looking for something that my my mind will say "hey, that is different." The desire for NEW will either put us right at His doorstep or leave us empty as we search for something new in the Devil's garbage can.

This week was a "time-out" for our typical ways ... vacation week ... and with it the Lord seemed to give me a break from the normal intensity by giving me a few passages to go "Huh?" He knows that I love the strange verses that create an almost humorous picture for my "easy to entertain" mind.

Verse One that caused a Huh?:

Psalm74:14 Thou brakest the heads of leviathan in pieces, and gavest him to be meat to the people inhabiting the wilderness.
An incredible Seven Headed monster known as Leviathan ... lurks unchallenged within the depths of the ocean terrifying the hearts of the most experienced sailor. But even though the shoreline fishing villages have yet to taste him as a delicacy (let alone stop the nightmares of his potential appearance and destruction of boat and sailor); one day on Main Street in the Wilderness (miles from the shore), all of a sudden it starts raining ... Leviathan parts. The Front page news from the Wilderness Times has a picture of a bunch of smiling children standing around a humongous ugly fish head, and a Headline that reads "Monstrous Fish Fry Falls from the Sky." Go figure, Sailors wouldn't dare try to face the Leviathan but lo and behold, Leviathan fillets just drop from the sky. What a day in the Wilderness!

Verse Two that caused a "What?":

Psalm 76:5 The stouthearted are spoiled , they have slept their sleep: and none of the men of might have found their hands.
The enemies of God are gathered together in their raging war council to make their final plans for tomorrows battle against the King of Kings and His people. "Lights out," and the Warring Host gets their final night's sleep before that great battle. Morning Light flashes, the Enemies of God can't even begin to prepare for battle. What in the world? Mighty men of War stumble around dazed as they search for their weapons??? ... NO ... they can't even find their hands to pick up their weapons. Men who absolutely have no fear for the consequences of their lives as long as they can wield a weapon now have no hands to begin to control their destiny. What a day on the Battlefield!

Daily, we live in a wilderness, a dry and thirsty land which so needs the water of the Word (that slays Leviathan and declares God's Newness). The wilderness needs this "water" pouring through our lives. Moment by moment, we walk through a battlefield that needs to see that our greatest fighting is done on our knees while our God delivers our enemies helpless before us. Our hands are strengthened daily while the enemy searches for his.

(II Cor. 5:17) Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a "new" creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become "New."

(Rev. 21:5) And He that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are faithful and true.

