The blitz is on ... with the dimensions being greater than the actual, I need someone larger than life to lead me through this spiritually hazardous wasteland.
It isn't enough to just to sit there and complain when we are bombarded by a media that constantly reminds us of the debauch nature of the world we live in. Even when we step out of the “viewing” room, we are jostled back n' forth in a world that believes that plunging necklines and skimpy revealing clothing is the normal presentation of the body, and filthy “potty” mouth communication is the way to assert and elevate your opinions into the sea of endless deception. Don't just melt into silence and apathy.
The voices of the last generation will become louder, and more obnoxiously belligerent to the idea that there is any other way than theirs. “Stake your claim and claim you stake if you don't someone else will.” “Release the power of the goddess within you.” “Assert your authority or you will lose yourself.” To not bow to the philosophies of the day means you just haven't “evolved” yet, or that you are an uneducated bigot that lacks enlightenment. We are challenged to question and even mock all that is right and good, but at the same time dare not create a “faux pas” by challenging the obviously overt sinful presentations of a Godless worldview.
Turn down the vibe, and look at the immediate world we interact in ... even within our families,we are plagued by heartbreak, anger, disappointment and confusion because we are offered choices of unfaithfulness, dishonesty, immorality, divorce and suicide. And if these choices aren't jockeying for position, they are sitting on our doorsteps just waiting for our lives to fracture into vulnerability. AND just to say, “I know what's right, I do what's right, and this doesn't have anything to do with me” is the quickest way to disenfranchise, disengage, and voluntarily line up for Satan's firing squad.
It was pointed out to me by a scoffer, that even God can't make up His mind, so why follow a God who is confused (he pointed out the TWO verses below): Leviticus 26:19 - "And I will break the pride of your power; and I will make your heaven as iron, and your earth as brass" & Deuteronomy 28:23 - "And thy heaven that is over thy head shall be brass, and the earth that is under thee shall be iron." "Now, which one is what?" What the unbelieving scoffer failed to see in his haste to belittle a God that He could not see or control, was that these verses referred to the “curses” that would plague a man who would choose any other god over the One True God. He failed to see that these statements were just one of the “curses” spoken over a generation who would chose to disobey God (who was offering such great opportunities of blessing as a reward for simple faith and obedience to His opinion). God was letting them know that without Him they wouldn't know which end was up.
Listen ... with your heart to the two verses intertwined: When I refuse to give the rule of my life to God as Supreme, God will break the pride of this choice; and that which is above and below will capture me in unbridled shameful desires (brass); and that which is above and below will become an unbreakable fetter and an impenetrable prison cell with walls (iron) that will crush me with unmerciful, unforgiving, unrelenting containment.
Sin (missing the mark of loving, honoring, and obeying God) is idolatry. Sin refuses to hear God as Authority. Sin does not lead to freedom and security, it leads to not knowing which end is up in a world chained in rebellion against Real Love. God's Real Love in Jesus is the only Hope for this hopeless generation; and if we are His we need to actively live in humble proclamation of His love. The world is truly dying to see us living for Him.