
Is it wrong to imagine the unseen rescues that God has planned for his beloved ones? Is it presumptuous of us to think that HE WILL HEAL us? The simple answer to these questions is a resounding, "NO!" 

We say that He is almighty but are so timid to truly rely on His power to defend, to deliver, to hide, to save, and to keep ... Or could our hesitation to believe come from the daily negative interactions with and from those that we depend on for love. 

A mutual shrug, an exchanged growl, an ignorant silence, a returned sharp look, a quick and careless word... These all can culminate from our lives when the winds of adversity sweep into our souls. Oh, if only we could develop a reflex... that when the winds blow, we would bow before God in our time of need, before we start spewing our disappointment and resentful opinions toward others. 

Could it be that we have become the negative affliction in the lives of others? We need His Spirit and Love to rejoice with those that rejoice and weep with those that weep (Selfless abandon to be there for others is not in our DNA, it has to be Heaven sent.) 

If His Love is our filter and connection to our God, then our eyes will automatically be opened to see the amazing provision of His ultimate care for us. The end result is what we really want in our lives: that innermost being that has an unending, unstoppable force of grateful praise; that like a geyser of timely love offerings to the needy world around us, we will unleash an irresistible "listen UP - God loves you" message. 

Picture ourselves hurled into the middle of a skirmish involving the most violent hand to hand, sword to sword combat, along with the flailing of the most unrecognizable weaponry that we have ever encountered. The enemy has devised cruel, subtle weapons to devastate our lives and souls. Satan hates every bit of creation, especially the part created in God's likeness. With an active eternal hatred and he is relentless to achieve your destruction ... Usually from the inside out. 

Stand still and see the salvation of your God. He is our - ("My" is the Word used to describe each of these attributes of God in the midst of our battles): 

"My" Rock - (Seh-Lah) - The Crag or the cliff, putting me in a position where there is no other place to go. "My Fortress - (Maw-stood) - The net for prey, the bulwark, the siege work where He capture me in His love and sets a defense against my enemy. 
"My" Deliverer - (Paw-lat) - He actively saves, provides escape, and delivers me into His security. "My" God - ('el) - He is my Strong Man, my Warrior, my Mighty One, my God none can stand before Him. 
"My" Strength - (tsoor) - He is my Rocky Wall, my Cliff, putting me in an unscalable position in the face of the enemy - the enemy cannot get to me. "In whom I will trust"- as I seek refuge and flee for protection, 
"My" Buckler - (maw-gane') - He is my moveable shield that constantly surrounds me with protection. 
Horn of "my" Salvation - (Qeren) the horn, flask, Ray of light of my Deliverance -- He will always sound the triumph of His Love over me ... He Will always Win. 
"My" High Tower - (Mis-gab) - He is my Higher Security, His placement of my life is far out of reach of the enemy. 

What an amazing provision for us in the midst of the battle ... Oh if only we could grab some of these gems of truth and march forward fearlessly into our future. We HAVE the victory and need only claim it! 

"I bowed my head and then raised my eyes and prayers above the hills, in the midst of the Battle; and stood still until He had WON." -- read Psalm 121:1,2 

Jesus is MY Victory! 



Calling All Hewers

Can we truly see the deliverance of God when we are in the midst of international, national, local, or personal pain that is filled with life threatening strife? Why is it so hard to rise up beyond the verbal ruckus and the voices of panic plagued confusion ...AND become a conduit of Hope's deliverance? What does it take to be a Praise-Making-Hope-Deliverer? 

{Take the time to read Judges 6 --- this is a prelude to deliverance}

Waking up daily, to the smell of the damp air of the cave with its dank moist belly-like feeling, slithering over the occupants of the crevice of the rock, like a large anaconda ... just waiting to strike; this was absolutely the most depressing way to start every day. This was a dawning reminder of the oppressing enemy that brought on this life of loathing and barely surviving. To be truthful the real enemy is rarely faced because it is easier to blame than seek forgiveness. 

Years of oppression? Seven! ... (If one doesn't see that it has eternity written all over it ... the oppression's numbness may have taken its toll). Seven years of wasteful oppression with every crop planting destroyed, every potential harvest uprooted, every bit of cattle slain, every lamb bleat stifled in blood and the mangled meat left rotting. Any increase left out in the open was plundered and destroyed ... Death would be via the ache of starvation or by diseases urged on by malnutrition and stress. 

In the seventh year the sporadic intense cries that intensified with every passing year had finally molded the character of God's nation into "a cry".... And God heard "The Cry", and sent a prophet who responded to the cry ... "After such an amazing deliverance from Egypt and the nations of this land ... that God had given to you ... Why do you fear the breathless gods of the nations? Fear God!" 

What a prophetic message, but who even heard with the blame game still in play.The blame game had to stop, the heart needed to see itself as the real enemy ... so that deliverance could begin. With a People unknowingly lost in the fear of false gods, the game would continue until it would be met with a life altering conflict. 

So, God focused His Word on the "Hewer"... who would take on the task of "the one man" deliverance challenge, because he had been a source of resistance in the midst of the nation's compliance to false gods. God's Call Came and the "Hewer" placed his perceived poverty and foreboding insignificance before God: and God declared him a "Mighty Man of Valor!" 

The events that followed in the life of this man need to be recognized to realize that God is calling prepared people with a strong purpose; His call is to those who are not just "news sharers", "whiners and complainers", self proclaimed "spokespeople", emotion driven "rabble rouser"; God is looking for those ... who will or have: 
- taken responsibility for the condition of their world of influence. 
- already been "doing", not just spouting that "someone needs to" or "someday"!" 
- offered the threat point of their will to recognize the Voice of God. 
- Humbled themselves before Him. 
- Asked the hard reality questions of the Character of God. 
- will Obey the Voice of God to the tearing down of the altars of worship and supporting groves of devotion to false gods. 

"But the Spirit of the Lord came upon Gideon, and he blew a trumpet; and Abiezer was gathered after him." Judges 6:34 

These are our prerequisites to aligning with God's Voice and Plan for the battle ahead. 

Are you willing and/or have you been willing?

Calling all Hewers! 



I Love You

It really didn't matter one bit when the neighborhood bully shouted in the face of the four year old boy. The bully truly thought that his fierce facial expressions and 100 decibel screaming would shake the little boy loose and send him crying home to his Momma. Surprisingly, the four year old stood firm and smiled into the face of the much older madman. When the bully's screams didn't phase the little one, he shook his monster sized fist in the face of the child saying "What is your problem, aren't you afraid that I will trounce you into smithereens?" 

Still smiling and seeming unmoved, the little boy motioned with his tiny finger for the bigger than life bully to come closer because he was whispering something that he wanted him to hear. The bully moved in to see the smile broaden even more... as the little one whispered "My Daddy is standing right behind you!" 

"My sheep hear My Voice, and I know them, and they follow me. And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of My Hand. My Father which gave them Me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of My Father's Hand. I and My Father are one." John 10:27-30

There seems to be a notable tenderness sown into the fabric of a child that has that simple contagious faith that moves the mountains of the heart. That tenderness if nurtured and strengthened can become an incredible growing source of hope, as well as a living example of the Kingdom.; And yet ... I wish it weren't so .. that same tenderness is very fragile and can easily be violated, making it a source of darkness that stains the steps of the little one as he moves through life. 

This is potentially the reason that a Millstone Neck Tie accompanied by a deep sea dip has been offered in three of the Gospels (Matthew 18:6, Mark 9:42, Luke 17:1, 2) to the offender as declared by Jesus. Offend one of His little ones "it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea." This ...May seem harsh, but O how He loves His little ones! 

Jesus desires us all to turn to Him, and turn away from the distractions that so easily crowd in on us while we are trying to establish the vanishing foundation of this temporal mirage ... Let's live for things that Last Forever! In the swirl of affairs of this life, live to offer His Love... little children thrive on love and potentially die without it.

"And said, Verily I say unto you, Except you are converted, and become as little children, you shall not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven." Matthew 18:3 

There was a pain filled trek to the top of a bloody hill purposed for torture and such a cursed death. There was a royal Spirit that surrounded the One upon whom "This Day's" violence had been so savagely focused and ordered. The battle had been fought with a strange lack of concern for His own welfare, in so much that it would truly appear that "One Man, would die for the nation ... the world." 

The testimony of His duty bound persecutor was amazing ... wow could so many other be so oblivious of this "Surely this Man was the Son of God!" Oh yes ,,, what appeared to be defeat by calloused on-lookers... three days later ended up in a terrifyingly awesome victory - He lives!!! But that Victory doesn't have Jesus forcing His way into the lives of people. 

Picture this - Jesus stands and whispers to the heart of every soul ... "For I so love you!" Will we truly love Him in return... 

As the door closes to another day ... and He watches over what is left of that tender child, will we hold back the words in silence or will we let our hearts move our lips upright to speak the words He desires to hear ... "Jesus, I do love you!" 

"For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation." Speak the words of Love ... in response to the Lover of your Soul. 



PS. If you cannot love and forgive those whom you can see, how can you even begin to tell Jesus that you love Him?


No ... Your soul doesn't have to be ransacked and reduced to total spiritual depravity to understand the brokenness within the heart of a demon possessed soul. BUT in order for you to become remotely challenged by the Resurrection Story ... You must break a little for those who have been burdened beyond belief ... Imagine your position in life spiraling out of control and no one hearing your cries for help; instead of your name being attached to the voice of a Comforter, you now constantly hear it as the most abusive word in your history, over and over again, in the midst of continuous daily devastation of soul and spirit ... Your Name feels like a whip, a club, a dagger being twisted deep into your heart, mind and soul ... 

Mary: You will never amount to anything; 
Mary: You are lost, and we possess your soul; 
Mary: All have abandoned you: you worthless piece of human rubbish; 
Mary: There is no hope, never, ever, for you - just look in the mirror, you don't even want yourself;
Mary: Because of the abominable sins you have committed against earth, heaven, and your own body there is absolutely HELL awaiting you at the end of this living death; 
Mary: You have no friends, you have no family ... The only ones that love you are these Seven voices ...And Mary: we hate you too! 


In the midst of our pitiful little world of examining the Easter story, and trying to find comparisons of different levels of faith... We forfeit a blessing by not seeing the obvious. All of us have the same level of doubt filled faith ... without resting in the Power that He has when He speaks our name. The intimate connection to Jesus is the only true game changer for all. In Him, Mary now had life worth living. But was it now over?

John 20:1,2 - It was Mary and the women that were at the tomb first, BUT only Mary ran with the emotionally disappointing message after finding the stone rolled back and the tomb empty. Picture Mary Magdalene ... known as the Women that Jesus "drove out seven devils"; there is no doubt that her personal change, because of her Jesus rescue, was so life changing that she actually was now "believable". 

Picture the broken hearted Apostles cowering together in fear of their own their own potential crucifixions; and this frantic woman comes running to their hiding place. Out of breath, and emotionally devastated she cries out ..."They have taken away the Lord out of the sepulcher, and we know not where they have laid Him!"... Her message is so believable that Peter and John take immediate flight to check out her story ... (Don't casually walk right by verses 8 & 9) - Peter went in first "Then went in also that other disciple, which came first to the sepulcher, and he saw, and believed. (Don't stop here) ... For as yet THEY KNEW NOT THE SCRIPTURE, THAT HE MUST RISE AGAIN FROM THE DEAD." 

Their need to see and fully perceive the TRUE Story had not yet been completed ... it was still under construction. They only believed what Mary had said to be true ...Everybody went home, except Mary ... 

She "stood without at the sepulcher weeping: and as she wept, she stooped down, and looked into the sepulcher". She saw two angels, and was still wanting to find His body ... a Moment later she would see "Jesus", supposing He was the gardener ... And not recognizing Him ... Still craving the preparation of His body for burial ... Until she heard her name from the lips of her Redeemer - "Mary!" Game changer! ... Now she would deliver the message of Her Alive Lord Jesus ... To the disciples... And soon they would see Jesus also, and "know" the scriptures. 

Will we finally allow ourselves be so awed by His rescue of us, that His Voice calling our name will be the sound that restores us to renewed faith in His Word ... moment by moment, day by day? 

Life on the other side of the tomb, has endless possibilities ... Wait! He is calling your Name.

Mary - I eternally value you - you are worth my death for you.
Mary - You are fully rescued, and I live to preserve your life.
Mary - I will never leave you, nor forsake you. You are my treasure.
Mary - There is full hope, daily ... awaiting for you in the mirror of my Word.
Mary - You are fully forgiven - your sins are gone, AND there NOW awaits treasures of darkness giving you real purpose ... Powerful weapons to break chains and give life to others in the Kingdom. Your captivity was not in vain.
Mary - You are my child ... Heaven is your Home.
Mary - I Love You!

Jesus - softly speaking these truths to us ... also.



Devotion Wept

For sure, he was the head Worship pastor of a large growing congregation ... and as the team gathered together holding hands, as tradition deemed, within the circle of prayer (committing to the Sunday morning time of music for the LORD) ... And as they were all depending on his leadership; he had hidden well that there was a brokenness in his soul... a brokenness that he was terrified to reveal. He felt that the revelation of his soul constraint would interrupt and negatively change the course of their morning and all future perception of worship. Both Hype and Devotion were standing there waiting. He gave into the terror to rely on Hype, and he left Devotion standing there... once again... And weeping. Devotion wept.

(John 4:4-26) True Power and Glory was momentarily resting and thirsty next to a strangers well, opening an opportunity for devotion ... But the issue of the superficial differences had to be conquered first. "There will come a time when they that worship God, will worship Him in spirit and in truth." ... This leveled the playing field; but the argument that had ensued because of pride, finally crumbled and folded when the Savior revealed that he knew her secret hypocrisy and still loved her. For this moment, Pride was left in the dust and Devotion rejoiced.

Pride, disappointment, hype, provocation, position, prescription, possessions, passions, expectations, perceptions ... Will all jockey for the rightful key to the kingdom because it can only be fully realized through devotion.

John 11:35 - "Jesus Wept." He saw all the wrong connections at the funeral of Lazarus ... There were professional ... Friends, mourners, traditions, reality's song; and feelings of disappointment and grief that could not be conquered by any thing other than devotion. Jesus tried to help Martha and Mary to connect the dots ... But neither of the women had realized the salvation connection yet, let alone the open arms of devotion. 

They were very close to understanding but six inches away is all it takes (from the head to the heart) ..."If only You had been here ... (questioning His devotion)." Later the cross would cry so loud it would shatter all questions as to how devoted Jesus truly was to "whosoever". Oh How He loves us ... totally devoted.

Love, loyalty, fidelity, faithfulness, trueness, steadfastness, constancy, commitment, devoutness, ... "Truly active unbroken loving connection" ... Not a Religious Service and not a time where we pause with the Lord in prayer and scripture and call it "Devotions". If we don't catch anything in this diatribe - I pray the Spirit challenges us to move ... from assigned moments of efforts that we hope to satisfy our guilt and prove our love; ... to a connected life of constant longing to be openly loved and truly knowing that "Overwhelming Love" ... His Love, that has no bounds, no measure. 

"Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm; for love is strong as death; jealousy is cruel as the grave: the coals thereof are coals of fire, which hath a most vehement flame." Son of Solomon 8:6 




The Kingdom is much like a precious gem that is locked in a light-less vault. Its value is often passed by until it exposed to the full spectrum of light and then the desire for a connection begins. Very few risked touching Jesus in a devotional way ... I can only think of two (named) that are mentioned in the Gospels ... Mary Magdalene and John, the beloved Apostle. 

In the verse below there are two different attitudes in the stride or run to the tomb to the tomb caused by Mary's announcement of the "emptied" tomb (they have taken him!) One of guilt because of a hype-filled failed response to the Jesus connection and the other was a devotional broken curiosity movement. None the less, they both end up at the tomb. ... See the verse below: 
John 21: 20 - "Then Peter, turning about, seeth the disciple whom Jesus loved following: also leaned on His breast at supper, and said Lord, which is he that betrayeth Thee? " 

NOW - Peter was able to walk briefly on the storm tossed waters, but it was John whom leaned back into the comfort of the breast of Jesus. Possibly by the movement of the Spirit (that stemmed from the words of promise to the tribes of Israel from Moses in Deuteronomy) ... But regardless, John acted devotionally appropriate to the call of the Spirit -- Devotion differentiates the substance and evidence of faith from the fading hopes and dreams of fantasy. Deut. 33:12 "And of Benjamin he said, the Beloved of the Lord shall dwell safely by Him, and the Lord shall cover him all the day long, and he shall dwell between His shoulders" (Sounds a little like the character and actions of John, the Beloved). 

Story Time: 

As the terrifying shrieks and snarling howls of the Hordes of Hell filled the terrestrial Sound Scape of the Lost; The Demonic legion of warriors left behind nothing but pillaged and burnt remains (of what was once life) as they raced across the fields of fallen dreams. The hopeless and deceived occupants of the land were no match against this Horde's weapons of soul destruction that were dripping with the blood of the fainted innocent, the pridefully resistant, the hyped sympathetic, and the worldly submissive ... All alike, those without Love's pure connection had no strength to stand against the onslaught . 

The goal of the horde: Smash through the Door, take the keys of the Kingdom by Force, destroy all Hope, and raise their Black Flag of Evil Victory over Eternity destroyed. 

The tumultuous event stopped short of the Door, as a strange almost paralytic fear swept over every warrior in the ranks of the Horde. Caught off guard, one of the rank had all but reached out and almost touched the handle of the Door ...when ... There was an overwhelming realization ... before them ... that there was no obvious resistance, no opposition army prepared for defense, no shout or call to arms ... But there was a still small voice that was cancelling out all the noise of this destructive host ... The Still Small voice said "Enter In!" 

One shaking gruesome warrior was pushed reluctantly to engage the handle of the door - And his touch, O That touch, rippled through the entire host with a terrifying vision flashback of something "vanishing point" ancient, pure and good ... But hauntingly... long lost in the memories of rejection ... 
The Touch sent a sensation that that they all so longed for, but now and forever sat in the prisons of denial. The result of the shock wave of the memory actually accidentally forced open the door. The vision inside overcame and totally obliterated the mindset and purpose of the enemy.

As it swung wide open ... There was an immediate blood curdling scream from the Horde that blasted like a subsonic wave and turned them to flight. As they fled in the total opposite direction of the Door, a self-slaughter began and continued furiously by the fear of being slaughtered, and the total destruction of the Army of Evil took only a moment. By the panicking swings and trashing of their own destructive weapons that had been purposed for others... Their destruction was complete, the battle was over. The Black flag fell onto the carnage pile of their own demise. 

What was the image behind the door? 

Picture a Father in a well lit, warm, stately, comfortably, welcoming chair ... Picture Him holding a small sleeping child in the protection of his arms, within the comfort of His breast. Let this picture of love fill your heart ... 
It is what we all desire ... 
To be held, 
to be covered, 
to be safe, 
"between the shoulders" of the Father ... 
Within the Heart of our God. 

Move forward by devotion, not by the hype of duty. 
Only those who know His Love, can truly share His love. 
Drop your heart to its knees, cast aside all pride 
... Let Jesus Love You! 



Protected Communication

"The unknown wood of the Ark was covered with a tar/pitch on the inside and the outside ... that no matter what would batter the vessel from the inside or the outside ... Atonement was protected - the occupants would be safe, and saved." (RS) 

“Praise waiteth for Thee O God” Psalm 65:1, God’s character is so different from ours. We really have no clue as to the manifold difference of His amazing character, but if our hearts are welcoming His care, we can get glimpses of glory for “faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen”

For a moment ... Think of the communication gap and bridge between an infant and a parent. Even though there is a momentous physical, mental and emotional difference between them; trust and reliance grows as it is learned moment by moment with every interaction on the part of both the parent and the child. {Trust Him as an infant trusts the parent. “Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the Kingdom of God as a little child she in no wise enter therein.” Luke 18:17. Seek this relationship early on.} Because of needs being met, a most beautiful smile develops between of the forming character of the infant and the parent; this smile was directly related to the helpless response of the child to the reception of the parents tender care. 

But we still have such a long way to go and there will always be a gap in communication “Why is the baby crying?” - “He is a grown man, what was he thinking?” This earthly relationship is always under the scrutiny of our “quick to doubt” hearts; and stays within the never ending turn of our mortal learning curve. 

His ways are not our ways ...God does not have to stare at us, nor carefully scrutinize our condition, nor question why we did whatever we did, or plan what is His next steps would be with us: He hears our prayers ... He is constantly connected by the faithfulness of His Spirit to our deepest needs and desires. Unlike us, In Him there is no misunderstanding, no ulterior motives, no embarrassments because of our poor decisions, no disappointment by our self-inflicted scars ... only the purest preparation for the outpouring of His Grace into our groaning for His Eternal Love. 

Today, tomorrow or sometime in the near or distant future, we will all face a discrepancy or defect in our character that will produce a falling that will be of our choosing: we will need Him. We will need His grace, His forgiveness, and His love ... that will lead to our restoration and new re-purposing of our lives. 

He was a fisherman, then a follower, then a denier, a liar, and a curser. Oh, there was no way he could be brought back into the Love circle. No way, until he would hear “His voice” say - "Lovest thou Me?" And three times he would hear his own voice say “Thou knowest!” 

Our sinful choices will deny our eternal position in Him. Our momentary iniquity will cause us to lie about our “blood” connection to Him. And we may even find that we will try to fade and fold into the crowd of unbelievers via a curse or an oath. BUT because "He first loved us"... we will find Him waiting, we will know He is longing for us to turn His way ... and when even before it happens He will be running toward us with open arms, a robe, a ring and a welcome home reception. 

The pain and memories of failure 
will be ours for a time, 
but daily applying His words to our scars 
they will become His and not just mine 
... little by little ... 
Our past indiscretions will be forged into a weapons
that will be turn back the darkness of pride and bring a new dawning of freedom and light. 

“Iniquities prevail against me: as for our transgressions, 
Thou shalt purge them away.” Psalm 65:3 
(Purge - to cover over, propitiate, atone, reconcile, to cover over with pitch ... do you remember anything that was covered by pitch - within and without?) 




A small ray of sunlight found its way through the crack in the grate at the top of a broken cistern that had been converted into a prison cell. Days before the prophet had been lowered into the dank, cold, and unwelcome surroundings that was to be his reward for speaking the Truth of the LORD. "Thus saith the Lord" hit hard hearts provoking them the wrong way, and this wet hole in the ground would be his opportunity for ministry, and he would minister. What?

Beloved as he was, he was also perceived to be an arrogant witness to the Resurrection of Jesus, and therefore, an insurrectionist of worst kind; no threat on his life would silence him. Even boiling oil did not kill him ... so off to an abandoned island for the rest of his life, but when the day of the LORD arrived he worshipped as at other times... but in a choir of one. What?

Though she had rescued so many from the cruel capture, torture and death of so many of her people, she watched her life slipping away in a concentration camp, powerless to stop the death of her family. As a strange turn of events set her free ... Did she walk into freedom... bitter and angry? No, her heart full of His love and forgiveness would continue to allow her to open her life, mouth, and pen to offer praises to the Grace of God. What?

Her life had a daily constraint because of the pain and scars of an accident. That accident that would have killed her if not for the voice of God saying "Move to the middle!" But even with this rescue, the impact left its scars ... Every step, years later, would scream "How could God do this to you if he loves you?" Her heart many times would agree until she would purposely stop to hear the promises of God. And though so many days it seemed healing was not coming any time soon ... She looked with her aching heart at those that she loved, longing for their comfort, and she said... "Can you get me some cookies out of the freezer?" And she would rise up, walk against the pain and faithfully care for and love those that God had put in her life. What?

"Be not deceived God is not mocked, for whatsoever a man soweth that will he also reap". Phil. 6:7 ... "And let us not be weary in well doing, for in due season we shall reap if we faint not." Phil. 6:9 ... "Be ye kind one to another, tender hearted forgiving on another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you." Eph. 4:32

The story of our Christlike service to others has its real power when our weakness in suffering is overshadowed by His strength to love others through us. We may be hurting at this point in our lives, and it may not even be obvious too others, but healing begins when we lay our lives down for those whom Christ died for... all. 

Live openly for Jesus! 

Go bake those cookies!



A View Through Another Window

A View through another Window (Careful in your reading - there is a purpose for repetition - Learning!)

"Call me not Naomi (meaning delights), call me Mara (meaning Bitter), for the LORD hath dealt very bitterly with me." Ruth 1:20 Naomi (at this point of her life) had no idea ... at first ... that God had a greater plan; a plan that was far beyond the imagination of creation. 

Here is a fact that we must consider: When our delight for life is stripped naked by the bitterness of loss, loneliness and incapacitating pain... unbelief easily wraps its arms around "the broken one" chaining hope in a prison of dark despair. But He, who is altogether lovely in His plans for His kids, is perfect in His deliverance ... if only the darkened eyes will turn to acknowledge His light... And that those, called on to encourage the abandoned, will hear the Voice of the Encourager and rise up to ... Touch!

Don't miss this ... God made it obvious, it is not just a nice story in the Word ... He attached her name to the Book - "RUTH" - for she would do what others could not do, and probably would not do. She saw the unseen rewards of a future with God's "Still small voice", more influential than the loud boisterous lies of temporal pain. And she began the life of the name she was given - "Friendship: 
- with the depth of continued companionship
- for the purpose of shepherding 
- to the end of Love's protective and nurturing deliverance. 
Every component of Ruth's life had made her perfect for God's repurposing of all of her broken pieces (that typically would be an immense handicap in the midst of this world's economy) and place her in God's mysterious eternal plan for His Glory and our good.

"Uniquely prepared by life's experience to be repurposed for the Will of God amidst the conflict of spiritual forces at work in the struggle for the souls of men"
Have you trusted Christ as your Lord and Savior? 
Are you feeling the inequities and injustices in the Kingdom around you? 
Do you hurt with the hurts of others? 
You are strategic; He has and is repurposing you ... You are called to potential discomfort to bring comfort where HE CALLS YOU .... DAILY! 

The promise is this 
... If God calls us to come beside an embittered one, we will have to have a thick skinned prayer life ... We will have to fight back a river of curses, with many of them seeming to be aimed at us but hang in there - "Though weeping may endure for a night season... Joy comes in the morning." 
... We will be part of God's amazing plan to work all things together for the good of "those who are the called according to His purpose" 
... We will be those who will hear "Pray as touching" 
... We will be those who "Comfort with the comforts of God whereby we keep on being comforted." ... We will experience being "more than conquerors" through Jesus Christ. 

Psalm 54:7 - "For He hath delivered me out of all trouble: and mine eye hath seen His desire upon mine enemy." 

For you, I'm quietly waiting,
For you, I'm weakened by the wonder,
Of you, I know the weight you're under
When He's calling your name.
For you, my heart is breaking ... 
For you ... Oh please listen to the Voice of God.



Call me Mara

"And she said unto them, Call me not Naomi, call me Mara: for the Almighty hath dealt very bitterly with me." Ruth 1:20 She had no idea that God had a greater plan, a plan that was far beyond the imagination of men. Fact though: when delight is stripped naked by bitterness, unbelief easily wraps its arms around the broken one bringing its chains of despair. But He, who is altogether lovely in His plans for His kids, is perfect in His deliverance ... if only the darkened eyes will turn to acknowledge His light. 

From out of the far end of the hallway of overwhelming depression, walked a lonely and broken but resolved encourager; and together... Bitterness and Friendship locked hearts for the hope of future delights. They would move forward into the light of Faith's amazing journey, while slowly sensing a resolve that the journey was not about them. The journey's blessing would extend beyond their earthly existence, and Ruth, an outcast, would become and known as one of the direct ancestors of the Messiah (but generations after her time). 

We never know this fully, BUT His plans for us are always beyond our wildest dreams. "Delight thyself also in the LORD, and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart". Ruth's story is not an isolated event that has no significance to our lives today. She must have known in her heart that she had joined herself to a family that was destined by the delights of the God of Israel. She was chosen by a son of Israel for marriage, and his banner over her was love, but short lived. 

Although she was an outcast, a "less than desirable" with an estranged heritage... Illegitimacy was involved in her nationality; but she was brought into this blessed family and no doubt cherished that relationship even when that connection seemed severed by the loss of her Father n law and her husband in one fell swoop. There was potential comfort and purpose awaiting her if she returned to her people; but her desire was drawn by the wisp of eternity's sweet essence. 

The prospects of the present was to be the walk with her widowed Mother n law, who at best was embittered due to the events that had waylaid them both. 

The past was like a snuffed candle with a very limited time for its smoke to arise. The present was in the hands of a Kindred Redeemer who didn't even know they existed yet. And the future was where the future always is... behind the veil of promise but encircled both by the birds of song and birds of prey.

Isaiah 53:1-3 - The struggle ... A faith that founded on the appearance of success and prosperity for its proof will flounder miserably in the reality of a God who values the uprooted, the dry ground, the common, the outcast, and the insignificant... Prophetically like Jesus.

Psalm 45 - The vision of the Beauty of the King Beyond ... 

John 14:1-3 - Planning for us beyond the devastation, but the perfect rescue of the Cross ... 

We may momentarily want to be called Mara (bitterness), but He has sent another Comforter ... let Him walk us through the Vale... we will find ourselves in the Field of Blessing. 



Recover the Smile

"O spare me, that I may recover strength, before I go hence, and be no more." Psalm 39:13

While the King was measuring his life by the precepts of the scriptures, he glanced at those bowing before him in fain adoration. He noticed the dagger-like looks at him... coming from the dark corners of the room ....while they thought he was not looking; but he held his tongue. While he was musing, he began to hear, within his heart, one of the sweet songs of praise that he had written while under the stars of the Bethlehem sky not that long ago keeping watch over sheep.

As the song played in his heart, a fire was kindled and began to burn within him ... Then he spoke: "Lord, bend my focus to know that I have an end, that I am not eternally invincible, and help me to begin to value my days. In that valuation, let me know my frail nature against the backdrop of your awesome eternal power. I stretch out my hand and realize that my life in my hands is not much longer than that fragile span, and that my age is nothing when I measure that against You; for every man in his most excellent moment is nothing more than nothing." 

And the song played on as he bowed his spirit in a broken and all but crushed worship. Reality opened an assault on his lust of the flesh, his lust of the eyes and his pride of life. He saw that his walk, as well as all other men, was without eternal substance and significance; and his pious quiet moments, while shuffling proudly through his riches was a vain exercise because those riches would no doubt end up being gathered by strangers. The king also realized that every stroke that bruised his life, every backhanded blow of cruel correction, every rebuke for his stepping aside when no one was watching ... Was beginning to dry him up and all of his superficial glory was consuming away like the dry dead moth dust. And why... because he had learned the sweet taste of stolen bread and the numbing deathlike peace of the sleep under the strong drink of this worlds delusions. 

"Hear my prayer, O LORD, and give ear unto my cry; hold not Thy peace at my tears; for I am a stranger ... with Thee, and a sojourner ... As all my fathers were."

The King's brokenness was real as he called out to God -"O spare that gaze that can cast me away, look and consider me; that I may recover the strength of my smile which is Thy smile, before I try to move one step more ... For without your help to recover the joy of Thy salvation, I will be no more." 

We dress in solidarity and we act in uniformity. We are proud of our conformity, though lost in purposeful ambiguity and pompous regality. "The wretched cause" has controlled us in our choice of identity to the point ... that we think that our stubborn appearance tells all on-lookers that "we are strong and we are right"; but in reality, even the simple see that we look exactly like the spoiled, selfish children that we are. Like the long line the misguided actors that are added to failing history, we take our stand like so many other white washed mausoleums that have stood against the storms of time; but inside our hearts are sullen, rotting and fading as we draw further away from His eternal provision of real and lasting Grace Life. The Smile of God is Gone! 

"O Spare us, that we may recover Your Smile."



Only a Song

Hey Tenderhearted Believer ... 

Here is something for a breath - a little visit into His-tory – Pray before you read and listen with your heart --- this will take about 10 -15 minutes of your time but give you a special blessing when it is all said and done. 

Jeremiah 2:34 -"Also in thy skirts is found the blood of the souls of the poor innocents: I have not found it by secret search, but upon all these." 

(With all the current ongoing conflict over the precious lives of the unseen ones in the womb, it is worth the visit to a time when the world was not too much different 23-24 years ago - we are living in the increasing birth pains of the Second Coming of Christ): In 1995 a Senior at Chambersburg Area Senior High school (Joshua Redding) … wanted to impact his school for Jesus. He had started the first “Bible Club”, and was enjoying the liberty of the Mission field that he found both in a store front mission, "pizza" ministry(that God had placed on his and his Dad's heart), and the Halls of his High School (after leaving a Christian School situation). 

In this challenging senior year … He entered the yearly school talent show, but not without a fight. The Song he had chosen had a very brave and stark message that he wanted to deliver to his classmates and potentially the world (a world around him that seemed to be hardening its heart to the cries of the innocent). Due to this message, it was blocked in its original form because of the obvious “Prolife” message, but with the help of his “Pastor” Dad, we worked a compassionate compromise that widened the scope – “Child Abandonment and Abuse”. With the rework of a few key words no one blocked his performance – BUT the now broadened Message pierced far more hearts than can could have been expected. 

During the passionate brokenness of the performance ...Teachers, administration, and the student body was actually moved in the moment. And a key, unseen event, had now made an indelible mark on the ears of the listeners. One miracle in question was how a single song would actually lead to the salvation of a star CASHS athlete named Jason? 

Jason was in the audience as Joshua performed and was deeply moved by the song and the overtly encouraging response given by the whole auditorium. He, like most of the student body and teachers, groaned with disappointment when Joshua did not take first place. Jason left the auditorium with the words almost haunting him ... "Let me live, I know I can, let me live, let me live ... one more day!" 

Weeks later, alone in a family cabin... totally depressed and out of control because of his secret addiction ...with no one to witness but the family cabin, Jason raised a gun to his temple … unexpectedly, the song that he had heard just weeks ago ...at that very moment ... began to play softly but surely to his soul. The words brought clarity and determination to his disillusioned heart – “Let me live, I know I can - let me live - I know I want to; let me live, I know I can- let me live- I know I want to ... I want to live, live, one more day; I want to live... one more day !”… the gun lowered. 

Just a song, sung passionately by a red headed classmate in an all but rigged talent show … stopped a horrendously catastrophic tragedy that would have ended the life and the future of a soul for whom Christ died for, and potentially eternally. BUT THE SONG BECAME HIS CRY . As he laid the gun down and walked toward the cabin door, hope filled his heart "that something was going to change" - he would be rescued; and He immediately called his parents, and soon after, willingly, entered a rehab. 

God's plans are always so amazing! Later in the year, … and definitely not knowing all of the story yet; the Franklin County Coroner, called and asked me if I would visit a potentially demonically influenced Teen that just got out of rehab (by request of his parents). Note: This was actually not an unusual request from Ken because he would ask for my help more than once, to team up in situations like this. What was unusual was that this was my first day back to work, after my Colon-Cancer-Surgery-Time in the hospital (still recouping). The Coroner actually offered to pick me up after work (I still wasn't fully healed enough yet to drive myself) so that we could go visit this young man. (It actually kind of freaked out the company where I worked when I told them to pray for me... "the Coroner is picking me up after work" (then I told them why). 

Jason was ready and waiting for us to arrive ... 

After a few moments of sharing the Gospel with him, Jason bowed his head and asked Jesus into his heart. Immediately after his prayer he looked directly at me and asked 
"Your last name is ... Redding?" 
I answered "Yes?" " 
He continued "Are you related to a red haired guy named Joshua Redding?" 
Again I answered "Yes?" 
He immediately began to weep and tell of the event in his family cabin, the gun he had pointed at his head, and Joshua's talent show song coming to his rescue... 
– The God connection was overwhelmingly evident... between Joshua and the song, and that I was Joshua’s Dad, and I had arrived here in Jason's home leading him to the One who brought the song to his rescue. We bowed our heads again in joyful thanksgiving. 

All the time the Coroner (who was always a little fearful because of some of his past incidents with pretty scary stuff) was quietly watching on, and was still worried of Demonic influences, even after hearing this miraculous display of the extravagant plans of God's Grace; He held up a small metal cross in front of Jason's face and challenged him to read the inscription on the cross, and to read it out loud. 

Jason reached out and took the cross and read the inscription, "Jesus Christ is LORD!" ... Jason smiled like a little child on Christmas day, and said "So cool, can I get one of these?" The Coroner wrapped his arm around Jason's shoulder, totally relieved, and said "Sure, you can have that one, my new found brother". We prayed and all went on our ways rejoicing. 

That was 1995... Today, Mawcore, with our music ministry of hope driven rock music, ... is thinking of resurrecting this song written in 1995; and in up-n-coming days... we are hoping to be gather a team to pray, and a team to re-sculpt and to appropriately re-orchestrate this song that cries for The Innocents. ... Our hope is to make a mark, by awaking hearts to care in the rescue of these little ones, who are being murdered without a voice to be heard. There is a broader announcement coming for Mawcore... In a little over a day ... please stay tuned on Facebook and Twitter for the announcement --- join us... be a part of the Wellspring. 

If you would like to be part of the potential team of prayer warriors as we move forward please respond to this message...and to the announcement coming. If you do, you will be hearing back from us ... Even if you don't respond, please PRAY with and for us. 

It has been said lately: The two most dangerous places to be - in the uniform of a Police Officer and in the womb of an expectant mother. The police need our support and have a voice, but innocent ones are dying daily ... and their voice needs to be heard. "Let me live, let me live, let me live ... one more day!" 

"For I have heard the slander of many: fear was on every side: while they took counsel together against me, they devised to take away my life. But I trusted in Thee, O LORD, I said, Thou art my God. My times are in Thy hand: deliver me from the hand of mine enemies, and from them that persecute me." Psalm 31:13,14,15 Or as Phil Keaggy put it in his song The Survivor - "You are my God...deliver me from the solution that they have planned" 


PS - Please feel free to forward the link to this devotion to any tenderhearted brothers and sisters that you think may be encouraged. http://seetheseams.blogspot.com 


"I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD." Psalm 27:13-14. 

Have you ever felt almost gone, strength drained, enthusiasm fading away ... Gave everything you had, and everything that was given, was taken with little gratitude returned? "I had fainted, unless" ... Unless.

Have you ever felt mowed over by the overwhelming onslaught of negative propaganda? So much bad news and personal disappointments... Feeling that your world is getting darker and darker? ... And "that Hope" that has been promised, is waiting way too long and is way too far off to count on? ... "I had fainted unless" ... Unless.

UNLESS ... There is a "perfect causing" from Above, that supports and strengthens our God gifted eternal resolve - belief, we vacillate between faith and doubt. That "belief" (needed and longed for) is constantly being given so we can "See" ... "Perceive" ... "Understand". That vision from above allows us to focus on "the goods", the good property, the "Goodness of the LORD", in a land of perpetual "green", ever replenishing life ... Today and forever. 

The enemy longs to squelch and blur our vision of the "wide open life" of God's goodness. He wants us to live in the squalor of disappointment and discouragement, while we are taught a false piety that just humbly waits for the future - sweet by and by. The enemy constricts and constrains our vision of the green pastures, the flowing fresh water, the constant springtime revival, the lively sustenance and constant maintenance of this abundant life. 

Satan will focus his servants of wickedness to expend their demented efforts on devaluing the unsung gifts, pointing at the open scars, reminding of the constant pain; causing the focus to shift from the goodness of God to our internally supported disqualification. If we could only realize that there is also a living strategy for our short comings and handicaps ... In the hand of God they are the lethal weapons that allow us the ability to charge right into the frontline of the Enemy.

"I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD." Psalm 27:13-14. 

Here is how deceitful the enemy is -- He would have us believe that we are not worthy or that others are more worthy to see the goodness of God. 

Here is the strong admonition from the heart of God -- "Wait on the LORD" - ("Wait, Look for, hope for, and eagerly hold the highest expectation of the LORD") - and HE will (desires to) undergird, support, and strengthen your heart"; And if that command wasn't enough the Psalmist repeats it "Wait, I say, on the LORD.:" 

Unless - He had unleashed my faith to see -
 the Green pastures would become a wasteland. 
Unless - He had unbridled my lips to drink - 
the flowing fresh water would settle and stagnate. 
Unless - He had revived my senses to feel - 
His Springtime renewal would be a polar freeze. 
Unless He had sustained and maintained my life - 
of all men I would still be most miserable. 

I had fainted in these days -- if not for His Goodness. 
Believe and Live!! 



Church of the Most High God - be unchained by the Word of LORD!


"Although" ... What an interesting word. In spite of all of the amazing points of God's provision, there remains one thing that is irreplaceable and overwhelmingly desirable...One thing that we need... WE NEED HIM!

Have you ever stood in the middle of the flow of a massive crowd that was moving in the opposite direction that you were? Have you ever been caught in the fierce force of the ocean's undertow? Have you ever found yourself in a vehicle that had hit a patch of black ice and you were caught helplessly in the spin off into the unknown? Have you ever felt the waves of vertigo that would not allow you to lift your head? 

Have you ever faced the words "you best get your life in order!" ? Have you ever held the stillness of a small lifeless child and virtually drowned in the tears that fell from your eyes? Oh, if only You had been here! 

We have immense promises and possibilities that flow from the heart of God to us as His beloved children. His very character displayed in creation and described in scripture shout the untiring greatness of His power, the inexhaustible nature of His provision, the selfless focus of His loving-kindness and His ever renewing faithfulness. Why the delay ... wasn't Lazarus and His sisters(Mary and Martha) loved by Jesus? 

It was even clearly stated in John 11:5 "Now Jesus loved Martha, and her sister, and Lazarus." Well yes we could learn of the powerful provisions of God here -- 
- Time does not limit the works of God, 
- sickness doesn't terrify our Savior, 
- and death has absolutely no finality with our God. 
- Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life. 
These are all great truths from a distance and especially when we are not in the passenger seat of catastrophe. 

Although, I truly think a greater truth was revealed in this passage, and it was found in Martha's words when Jesus arrived on the scene (potentially late by earthly standards). John 11:21 - "Then said Martha unto Jesus, Lord, if Thou hadst been here, my brother had not died." and in her sister Mary's words soon after in verse 32 ... (almost like she had been coached by Martha) "LORD, If Thou hadst been here, my brother had not died." 

We have no idea of the truths that are at our disposal in times of great duress and distress. We often sit under the false counsel of disappointment because of the pressure of time, sickness and death; But God does not penalize us for our fragile spiritual reflexes. He knows that we too will murmur under the sound of our breath - "Lord, if only you had been here!" 

Years ago I taught an extremely small but elite Sunday School class. It consisted of 2 students - My youngest Son, Jeremy, and the older adult handicapped son of one of our couples that attended church. This handicapped young man was at possibly half the mental capacity of Jeremy though Jeremy had just hit 13. I was reading from one of the Gospel stories that told of the paraplegic that was healed... as both Jeremy and this young man listened on intently. 

I felt overwhelmed by the mental and physical handicaps of this young man; and internally was hearing my own internal voice saying "Lord, if only you were here!" So I took a risk and asked the question - "What would you say to Jesus if He ... physically ... was right here?" 

Jeremy was potentially in the same frame of mind as I was -- so I directed the Question to this young man. I repeated the Question because I wasn't sure if he really heard me. All of a sudden the young man began to rock back and forth with excitement and shouted out while pretending to hug someone that he felt was there - "I would say - Jesus, O Jesus, I love you and I would give You a big hug!" 

Both Jeremy and I were challenged by his response. He didn't even consider his own healing, like the story ... He just wanted to hold and to love Jesus. We were wondering if we might be the ones that were handicapped. 

All the provisions for protection, peace and prosperity can be found in Him ... but the true test of what we really need is found when all those provisions are challenged... then we truly find the best thing ... we only need Him. 

Psalm 18:2 - "He is my Rock (my cliff), my fortress (siege works, prey net), my deliverer (my escape), my God (my mighty one), my strength (cliff rock wall), in whom I will trust (seek refuge), my buckler (covering shield), the Horn of my Salvation (flask of my victory, ray of light of my deliverance) and my high tower ( inaccessible height)"

 .... "ALTHOUGH" even with all of these verbalized provisions... by verse 6 distress had arrived: "I will call upon the LORD, and I cried unto my God: and He heard my voice out of His temple, and my cry came before Him, even into His ears." 

Although - You just have to read what happens next -- Look out enemies Here He Comes! 



The Piercing Shield

If only I could adequately describe the vision of "the refuge" where "the Ache" can lead us. What form or image of defense has the King provided for those that Love His Name? The Spirit teaching us Scripture has an amazing way of devotionally pulling our hearts into that wonder if we let Him.

Here is some strong devotional advice from a seasoned Saint, known as the Scarlet Sinner: "I heard the Voice of Love singing ever so sweetly ... 'Want not My Word to find evidence that thou art right; desire not to read My Love-letter to correct thy fellow Saint or to the waylaying of the froward, hold this Song fast in your heart as the wreathed, thorned crown of our suffering Savior, who loved our souls unto death and back' ."

Meditate momentarily on the Crown - the encircled wreath of thorns ... that momentarily protecting as well as piercing the brow of the Savior. O the irony of the pain on both sides of the thorns; the former of the crown could not fashion it without a piercing, the brow could not receive without a piercing; and the image of the crown so distanced and shielded our Savior that it would be just Him and the Father to deal with the only sacrifice that could perpetually offer salvation to those who would believe. 

"He that believeth on the Son, hath everlasting life; but he that believeth not the Son, shall not see life... but wrath of God abideth on him." John 3:36

"Destroy Thou them, O God; let them fall by their own counsels: cast them out in the multitude of their transgressions; for they have rebelled against Thee."
"But let all those that put their trust in Thee rejoice: let them ever shout for joy, because Thou defendest them: let them also that love Thy name be joyful in Thee."
"For Thou, LORD. Wilt bless the righteous; with favor wilt Thou compass him as with a shield." Psalm 5 :10, 11, 12.

("Thou compass him as with a shield.")The Shield - the favor, the surrounding, the wreath, the piecing, the barb, the hook, a large shield and buckler, the cold of snow, the thorn, the crown ... The blessing!! All these are wrapped in the image of His shield provided by His favor for the kids of the King. 

The Shield is what allows us to fearlessly serve others in this life and serve with the full protection of eternity. However, on this side of the eternity, the shield is not seen; but the power of this Shield of Favor will be and needs to be... realized, and gratefully accepted. 

The shield provides His distance in the connection between the temporal and the eternal. This is why (experienced by His Kids) ...out of nowhere comes a sense of safety, an eternal call, a humble comment, a shared brokenness, a vital conversation, a radical conversion, a spiritual blessing; 
... and alternatively ... at the same time the shield can create a sense of unrest, a fearful glance, an angry outburst, a contemptuous reply, and a hurtful turn. There is pain and promise on both sides of the Shield.

Remember:  This is a devotional thought and can feel a little mystical; but isn't it amazing how God's people struggle to connect with Him ... Many times it is because the imagination has been numbed by lifestyles and choice of mental stimulation. Somehow imaging the greatness and glory of our God beaming out of eternity in our favor is treated as taboo. 

Children and young believers are constantly chided for thinking that God somehow personally intervenes in the affairs of humanity. What does it mean to you -- "Emanuel, God With Us" "Touched by the feelings of our infirmities." "He first loved us." ... How we see God loving us the link to our effectiveness in encouraging others of His love. 

When our total being is vested fully in His love for us, it will effectively spill over into the lives of others. Imagine being loved by the God of all creation, let it thrill your heart and then share it with all that you come in contact with. The shield will protect you!

Like the Psalmist, cry out in desire for the favor of the Piercing Shield... He is with you children.



Dog Lick Deliverance

Drenched in his own sweat, his own tears, his own blood, and the blood of his enemies dripping from his weapons... there in the midst of the battlefield he stood. Some would say he was the champion, but his heart was telling him something very different. As his eyes panned the scarred earth and torn bodies around him, he realized he was the only one standing. There were no cheers, no songs, no witnesses, no admirers: no mercy. What had he done? What had he won?

He fell to his knees in the midst of the carnage and wept. He realized that his heart was satiated with the contempt of his enemies, the proud. With the fire of hate still raging against his senses, he felt as if there was absolutely no room for anything of true worth in his life. His heart was so heavy and so full of darkness that there couldn't be any space for the smallest light to flicker. There on his knees he gave into his total exhaustion and fell into a deep sleep. O Proskuneo where are you? Just then a large wounded mastiff crept up to the warrior, licked his hand, and lay down beside him.

"Unto Thee lift I up mine eyes, O thou that dwellest in the heavens. Behold, as the eyes of servants look unto the hand of their masters, and as the eyes of a maiden unto the hand of her mistress; so our eyes wait upon the LORD our God, until that He have mercy upon us. Have mercy upon us, O LORD, have mercy upon us: for are exceedingly filled with contempt. Our soul is exceedingly filled with the scorning of those that are at ease, and with the contempt of the proud." Psalm 123

Wiping the sweat from his brow, and sighing, then loudly exclaiming, "Man, glad that was only a dream!" NOW ... Hauntingly, he realized that the dream had revealed the deep truth of contempt's captivation of his heart: though he hated the attitudes shown to him in the past, the treatment of "the scorner" and the mockery of "the proud" ... Over the days and years of quietly bearing the embarrassment, he had allowed disdain to fill his heart, and he had become what he hated. He was so exceedingly full of contempt that there was no room for the things that could bring healing to him and others: he could not find room for forgiveness, mercy, grace, faith and love in his life.

Although he thought he was a skilled spiritual counselor with plenty of lifetimes of wisdom's experience, he had become a source of negative attitude, controlling decisions, discouraging conjecture, hasty opinions, and woeful cursing of the life of others. The scariest thing was he began to cast away people who truly loved him ...with this overwhelming contempt. Either, or ; black and white; no gray in his perspective, and a hard hearted, stubborn answer had become the reflex of his lips. He knew the answer and didn't have to think about (or did he?); but what he had no power to offer, had become his greatest need ... MERCY.

O Proskuneo where are you? He slid out of his bed, fell to the ground and lifted his eyes ... looking and longing with his soul for the comfort of the Masters hand. O he would kiss that hand if he could find it offered. Tears seemed unquenchable in this moment, but it was here ... in his new found worship, in the midst of his tears... that he found Mercy offered. Worship prevailed! 

Until we face the exceeding contempt that we could be harboring beyond fullness, we stand stubbornly in a battlefield with only one unsung, one self proclaimed ... hero. And the song that we sing in that painfully awkward solitude carries the saddest of all melodies right to the heart of God ... Sing away, hear Him say - "Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28 

