No ... Your soul doesn't have to be ransacked and reduced to total spiritual depravity to understand the brokenness within the heart of a demon possessed soul. BUT in order for you to become remotely challenged by the Resurrection Story ... You must break a little for those who have been burdened beyond belief ... Imagine your position in life spiraling out of control and no one hearing your cries for help; instead of your name being attached to the voice of a Comforter, you now constantly hear it as the most abusive word in your history, over and over again, in the midst of continuous daily devastation of soul and spirit ... Your Name feels like a whip, a club, a dagger being twisted deep into your heart, mind and soul ...
Mary: You will never amount to anything;
Mary: You are lost, and we possess your soul;
Mary: All have abandoned you: you worthless piece of human rubbish;
Mary: There is no hope, never, ever, for you - just look in the mirror, you don't even want yourself;
Mary: Because of the abominable sins you have committed against earth, heaven, and your own body there is absolutely HELL awaiting you at the end of this living death;
Mary: You have no friends, you have no family ... The only ones that love you are these Seven voices ...And Mary: we hate you too!
In the midst of our pitiful little world of examining the Easter story, and trying to find comparisons of different levels of faith... We forfeit a blessing by not seeing the obvious. All of us have the same level of doubt filled faith ... without resting in the Power that He has when He speaks our name. The intimate connection to Jesus is the only true game changer for all. In Him, Mary now had life worth living. But was it now over?
John 20:1,2 - It was Mary and the women that were at the tomb first, BUT only Mary ran with the emotionally disappointing message after finding the stone rolled back and the tomb empty. Picture Mary Magdalene ... known as the Women that Jesus "drove out seven devils"; there is no doubt that her personal change, because of her Jesus rescue, was so life changing that she actually was now "believable".
Picture the broken hearted Apostles cowering together in fear of their own their own potential crucifixions; and this frantic woman comes running to their hiding place. Out of breath, and emotionally devastated she cries out ..."They have taken away the Lord out of the sepulcher, and we know not where they have laid Him!"... Her message is so believable that Peter and John take immediate flight to check out her story ... (Don't casually walk right by verses 8 & 9) - Peter went in first "Then went in also that other disciple, which came first to the sepulcher, and he saw, and believed. (Don't stop here) ... For as yet THEY KNEW NOT THE SCRIPTURE, THAT HE MUST RISE AGAIN FROM THE DEAD."
Their need to see and fully perceive the TRUE Story had not yet been completed ... it was still under construction. They only believed what Mary had said to be true ...Everybody went home, except Mary ...
She "stood without at the sepulcher weeping: and as she wept, she stooped down, and looked into the sepulcher". She saw two angels, and was still wanting to find His body ... a Moment later she would see "Jesus", supposing He was the gardener ... And not recognizing Him ... Still craving the preparation of His body for burial ... Until she heard her name from the lips of her Redeemer - "Mary!" Game changer! ... Now she would deliver the message of Her Alive Lord Jesus ... To the disciples... And soon they would see Jesus also, and "know" the scriptures.
Will we finally allow ourselves be so awed by His rescue of us, that His Voice calling our name will be the sound that restores us to renewed faith in His Word ... moment by moment, day by day?
Life on the other side of the tomb, has endless possibilities ... Wait! He is calling your Name.
Mary - I eternally value you - you are worth my death for you.
Mary - You are fully rescued, and I live to preserve your life.
Mary - I will never leave you, nor forsake you. You are my treasure.
Mary - There is full hope, daily ... awaiting for you in the mirror of my Word.
Mary - You are fully forgiven - your sins are gone, AND there NOW awaits treasures of darkness giving you real purpose ... Powerful weapons to break chains and give life to others in the Kingdom. Your captivity was not in vain.
Mary - You are my child ... Heaven is your Home.
Mary - I Love You!
Jesus - softly speaking these truths to us ... also.