
Is it wrong to imagine the unseen rescues that God has planned for his beloved ones? Is it presumptuous of us to think that HE WILL HEAL us? The simple answer to these questions is a resounding, "NO!" 

We say that He is almighty but are so timid to truly rely on His power to defend, to deliver, to hide, to save, and to keep ... Or could our hesitation to believe come from the daily negative interactions with and from those that we depend on for love. 

A mutual shrug, an exchanged growl, an ignorant silence, a returned sharp look, a quick and careless word... These all can culminate from our lives when the winds of adversity sweep into our souls. Oh, if only we could develop a reflex... that when the winds blow, we would bow before God in our time of need, before we start spewing our disappointment and resentful opinions toward others. 

Could it be that we have become the negative affliction in the lives of others? We need His Spirit and Love to rejoice with those that rejoice and weep with those that weep (Selfless abandon to be there for others is not in our DNA, it has to be Heaven sent.) 

If His Love is our filter and connection to our God, then our eyes will automatically be opened to see the amazing provision of His ultimate care for us. The end result is what we really want in our lives: that innermost being that has an unending, unstoppable force of grateful praise; that like a geyser of timely love offerings to the needy world around us, we will unleash an irresistible "listen UP - God loves you" message. 

Picture ourselves hurled into the middle of a skirmish involving the most violent hand to hand, sword to sword combat, along with the flailing of the most unrecognizable weaponry that we have ever encountered. The enemy has devised cruel, subtle weapons to devastate our lives and souls. Satan hates every bit of creation, especially the part created in God's likeness. With an active eternal hatred and he is relentless to achieve your destruction ... Usually from the inside out. 

Stand still and see the salvation of your God. He is our - ("My" is the Word used to describe each of these attributes of God in the midst of our battles): 

"My" Rock - (Seh-Lah) - The Crag or the cliff, putting me in a position where there is no other place to go. "My Fortress - (Maw-stood) - The net for prey, the bulwark, the siege work where He capture me in His love and sets a defense against my enemy. 
"My" Deliverer - (Paw-lat) - He actively saves, provides escape, and delivers me into His security. "My" God - ('el) - He is my Strong Man, my Warrior, my Mighty One, my God none can stand before Him. 
"My" Strength - (tsoor) - He is my Rocky Wall, my Cliff, putting me in an unscalable position in the face of the enemy - the enemy cannot get to me. "In whom I will trust"- as I seek refuge and flee for protection, 
"My" Buckler - (maw-gane') - He is my moveable shield that constantly surrounds me with protection. 
Horn of "my" Salvation - (Qeren) the horn, flask, Ray of light of my Deliverance -- He will always sound the triumph of His Love over me ... He Will always Win. 
"My" High Tower - (Mis-gab) - He is my Higher Security, His placement of my life is far out of reach of the enemy. 

What an amazing provision for us in the midst of the battle ... Oh if only we could grab some of these gems of truth and march forward fearlessly into our future. We HAVE the victory and need only claim it! 

"I bowed my head and then raised my eyes and prayers above the hills, in the midst of the Battle; and stood still until He had WON." -- read Psalm 121:1,2 

Jesus is MY Victory! 

