What a crazy race life can be! You load the SUV of life with every possible piece of paraphernalia that you think will have you prepared for the journey, only to find that while the car and trunk doors were hanging open for loading, strange transactions were taking place that were way beyond your control. (Oh, quick tidbit of wisdom ... Don't ask the passengers "what can I do to make you more comfortable?" unless you are fully prepared for an earful of grief that can crush the tender heart of an unprepared servant).
Although every door hinge, every door seal, every window closure and window seal seemed to groan as I forcefully closed all loading points... I did manage to secure the ever bulging vehicle. As I stretched my aching "mover-man" muscles to prepare for the embarking of this life crossing ... I glanced over my shoulder to see two distorted faces pressed disturbingly against the glass of the back windows. One appeared as a wild-wide-eyed screamer with a massive ever flowing amount of gooey fluids smeared on the window within the circumference of its press; and the other face was squished in what appeared to be a very uncomfortable position... But it remained like a motionless, sleeping, thumb sucking angel. Huh?
What was going on? I didn't remember loading kids? ... Oh that's right, this was the preparation of my soul for this ride of a lifetime that we call "Life on this Side of Heaven" or "Walking in Christ" or "Walking in the Spirit" or "Walking with God" or "The Christian Life" or ......"In Christ and ever being furnished as a God Habitation (Any man in Christ is a new creation)... What I was seeing was the battle in me to "HOPE in the LORD".
We all have a choice on this celestial bound crazy race ... We can do nothing with God's Word and have a kicking, screaming, momma dependent infant of a soul; or we can develop a life that falls in love with the daily "Word to heart" investments, and grow a "quiet weaned child" - "ever dependent on the Father" soul?
Growing up in Christ has been viewed like a journey from babe to adulthood, but maybe the better depiction could be compared to the developmental stages of a child. Conception, birth, new born, suckling infant, toddler attached to Mom, and then toddler weaned. As the toddler weaned - the sanctified imagination opens, and we actually start to grasp the meaning of terms like warrior, soldier, victor ... and we get wisdom to begin trusting God for our success.
We will never stop being His Kids, but we don't have to be miserable spoiled brats in the faith. Have you ever met a spoiled brat ... Adult? (so embarrassing!) Sure, we all have met these big babies but most of the time in the mirror... and we all will continue to be that brat and spiritual our growth pains could be extended ... the longer we starve our souls by keeping away from the Word.
Daily without hesitation; Let's nourish our souls extravagantly with the Word ... and grow ever more... "Hope Filled".
"Lord, my heart is not haughty, nor mine eyes lofty; neither do I exercise myself in great matters, or things too high for me. Surely I have behaved and quieted myself, as a child that is weaned of his mother: my soul is even as a weaned child. Let Israel hope in the Lord, from henceforth and for ever." Psalm 131:1-3