Then Comes the Night

Psalm 130: 1,2 - “Out of the depths (ma'amaq – deeply profound) Out of the moments of being captured by the “deeply profound” ... Have I cried unto thee, O Lord. Lord, it is imperative that you hear my voice, this sound that comes out of me(more than speech and verbal expression): let Thine ears be attentive to the voice of my supplications, my pleas for Your gracious supply. “I don't get it, I don't get sick (we like to say that)?” And the scary add on that comes with illness … Night. Night seems to intensify the symptoms and allow fear to creep in robbing us of our time of God given rest. Did you ever notice how coughing, breathing, fever and pain all seem rougher in the night?

The true test of redemption and forgiveness is seen in how it carries us through the night. Oh, not the natural night – the exchange of sun for stars; but the night of rejection, scandalous accusation, friendship deprivation, banishment, and loneliness as we stand for the cross of Christ. Throughout the years of my life, I have witnessed a most wicked reflex within the Kingdom. Though this "reflex" has inserted itself into the kingdom, it has none of the characteristics of the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. However, it does satisfy the ego of the Old Man that is still lounging comfortably in the courts of the Kingdom (if you have been the victim or have observed others victimized by this reflex ... this is not the way of Jesus!). Allow me to unfold how this wicked reflex works: …

1. A servant or a simple saint of God falls (or what's worse – rumored as “unruly or disorderly”).
2. A self appointed jury will reach for scripture that is pulled “out of” but into place for correction of the offender.
3. “So called” spiritual discipline is then administered within a public defrocking display that fully disembowels any Body of Rescue that should be in place.
4. This reflex also legalistically removes any responsibility of further ministry to the accused.
5. Oh, there will be lip service, a token plan will be promised, whereby someone will come along side of the “deemed” fallen; but the auto default plan is usually in place prior to any hypocritical announcement of grace ... Because “out of sight, out of mind”. We don't want conflict!
6. The scariest thing in the midst of this purported “breach in the wall” of righteousness, is that the way the “breach”is handled creates the greater devastation in the Kingdom as waves of new found slander ripple over the Body of Christ.

There stands a brightly lit sign outside of our worship buildings ... “Join us for the embarrassment of your lifetime!”. We enter into a vast cold room filled with worshipers that are blindfolded, gagged and chained. We are handed a prayer flier announcing the “Top Ten Sinners of the Day!” And we are encouraged to take our blindfolds, gags and chains (if we want to belong). We are seated and asked to sing, give, listen, leave. Can we even begin to sense the inequity of this activity that oppresses the body of Christ in the “casting out the fallen, the unwanted, the different, and the unprofitable” while still trying to proclaim the Good News of Jesus? Under this practise the Gospel is made impotent.

Possibly, this is why the Church of Jesus Christ of the 21st Century has grown to have more followers via virtual media than in actual physical gatherings. The common people are terrified to commit to a fellowship that could put them and their struggles up for public display. Face up to the eternal fact: Jesus is a friend of sinners... (state for me a time when Jesus embarrassed an outcast other than the religious actors of His day!)

The world in need of a Savior is in search of a forgiven and forgiving people, who will come along side of them in their sin fevered night with appropriate instructions,balms and healing. In some cases they may have to call a spiritual 911, but it will be in an agreement of love and in order to restore, not to cast away. The Cross was the Final offense ... What right have you to be offended and embarrassed by a fallen brother? Restore in love!

Psalm 130: 3,4 – “ If Thou, LORD, should mark iniquities, O Lord, who shall stand? But there is forgiveness with Thee, that thou mayest be feared (fearfully, wonderfully, honored and respected).”

Respect and Honor in the Kingdom come not with well lit puffed up displays of legalistic, corrective righteousness; but Respect and Honor come with perplexing night filled moments that stretch the very fabric of love, while grace and forgiveness are still the only offering.

Sleep now my child, your fever is broken!

