Hold on! Before you jump foot first right into your own mouth or stand defeated because of the fear of what your eyes and mind have agreed upon … “Shush little children don't loose heart, God speaks the changing of a brand new start. And if that start appears not to your eye, you are still secured for the sweet by and by”.
Heaven's access for you and for others is not won by any earthly wrestling match, nor the gates of hell flung backwards by any flights of oratory splendor. Our success or failure in this realm of dust is not measured by our feats of faithfulness nor discounted by our faults of faithlessness. (“For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as I am known.” I Corinthians 13:12)
Little Children of God, while we are on this side of heaven there will always be the “impossible”, the “improbable” and the “implausible”. The disappointments on this side of the veil have the potential to slay the strongest warrior and crush the most stalwart heart. Realize this … you are not in control, not even for a moment. The DNA of the situation has too many tangled gene strands with the unknown written all over them. The essence of life is both too small to see with the naked eye and too large to fathom with the human mind. The concept of an eternal security is way too much to hold for the natural man, “For the natural man receiveth not the things of God”.
(A devout Jewish religious leader named Nicodemus, came to Jesus “by night” to try to create a relationship via the bridge of “we have perceived with our eyes that You are a teacher come from God or how else can we explain these miracles” … hear Jesus' response to Nicodemus' nightly sight) “Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” John 3:3 We cannot begin to understand the events of the kingdom without first being born into the Heavenly family by faith in Jesus Christ. The children of the Kingdom are the only ones who have been given the royal access to trusting their Heavenly Father with the “impossible (Unable!)”, the “improbable (Unlikely!)”, and the “implausible (Unbelievable!)”.
(In the midst ... of crushing enemy oppression, loss of national identity, loss of home and family, loss of freedom, heavy taxation, poverty, disease, pestilence, famine and death: Jesus left eternity and was born into humanity through a miraculous virgin birth {an “almost” unnoticed event}). He came into the world as a child to grow. In growing He would handle the interrogative events of men, the disappointments of rejection, the accusation of depravity, the loneliness of separation, the agony of the cross, and the amazement of the empty tomb... For the Father and US. At one point in His ministry, in the midst of a crowd of “self made” men, He took a rejected (almost chased away) child onto His lap and made a stark contrasting statement to the men around Him who thought they could handle things all by themselves – they were the crowd controllers, they were the permission granters, they were the qualifiers, they were in charge … “Suffer the little children to come unto me, forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom Heaven” … “Verily, I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall in no wise enter therein” Mark 10:14,15
How does a little child receive the Kingdom? There are so many answers to this question, and a child will always surprise you, BUT one thing is true … Jesus took the children up in His arms, with His hands He secured them, and by His authority He blessed them. So, this is How Christ receives us (think about it).
NOW though; here comes the challenge! In the midst of the untimely threatening or demise of your life or livelihood, don't take impossible, improbable, and implausible matters into your own hands. Come to Jesus in prayer. Let Jesus take you into His arms, secure you by His hands, and receive the blessing He has for you in that moment of despair. God's got it taken care of … trust Him!
“Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the Kingdom.” Luke 12:32
Behold! Be held.