Contagious Desire

On Monday, January 6th of the year of our Lord 2014 (This is really beginning to sound important, I hope!), two things happened that have made an impact in my life:
1. I started fighting a cold that led to the flu, and
2. The wife of my youngest son went into labor which led to the birth of a beautiful baby boy.

The Flu and a birth, how in the world have the thoughts of those collided this early cold Saturday morning in January? Oh ...sorry, there is one more thought that has been invading the mix (that hopefully in a few short words I can get you a little help that hopefully comes with the malady of reading these weekly invasions of our spiritual privacy) and it came out of the Lyrics of a popular (but not uniquely thematic) worship song that was being sung on a Sunday morning “I want to be like Jesus!”.

 Please hang on, and understand that in these last days God's Spirit is “raising up” His people as He has done from the beginning. This raising up is a “drawing closer” to Him. ( “Abba, Father!”)And the verbal expressions of the desire of those who draw close in devotion is not only irrepressible but many times inexpressible. (“Abba, Father!”) I was told that if you can't express your feelings, you don't truly understand; and to that I say “Amen!” I do not fully understand the Love of my God; but that is why I am so daily captured by an awe of Him, His love for me, and His desire to use me to introduce His love to others”. (“Abba, Father!)

My continual prayer is that my beggarly input each week would have the arms of our souls outstretched upward and the hands of our hearts turned outward as we sense the call of the Spirit drawing us closer...I John 1:3 (Hear this desire in the words of the Beloved Apostle John) “That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with His Son Jesus Christ.” What John had truly seen with his eyes and truly heard with his ears, he was declaring with this desire: that the things that the Father was sharing in love with him would also be contagious in all who believe.

So let's pull this together. What does the flu, the birth of a baby, and the lyrics “I want to be like Jesus” have in common?
THE BIRTH - When I asked my son how he was doing with the birth of his son his words best summarized the moment: “ I feel like I have no control!”
THE FLU – I wanted so bad to see my new grandson but could not because of my illness - “I felt helpless because I couldn't physically see my new grandson, Out of my control”.
The lyrics, I WANT TO BE LIKE JESUS,  express a noble and compelling desire in song but a little beyond our control. If we really think about it we may hear Jesus speaking to Peter when Peter said he was ready to go to prison and death for him - “Peter, the rooster will not crow today until you have denied me thrice!” . Like Peter, do we really understand the full implications of what we are saying? Of course we don't! But our lack of understanding the implications of what we are asking doesn't cause God to withdraw His active love for us.

“Out of Our Control” is not a bad thing if our reflex is to trust God in it all. A birth can lead to a baby, the flu can lead back to health; the phrase “I want to be like Jesus” can lead us to a life that lives more openly in the love of our Lord Jesus Christ. As we read His Word and fellowship with Him daily we will see the intensity of this desire to know Him grow. We will begin to lose the selfish perspective that it is all about me, and we will start to grow in the knowledge and desire that it is all about Him.

I John 2:17 – “And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth forever.” This captivating world around us and its misleading and frustrating cravings is wasting away little by little, but he that fosters the desires of God remains connected and purposeful for ever.

“I do, but I don't want to be like Jesus (Rom.7:19); I want to be closer to Him and have a growing gratefulness of Him loving me, not just an ache of an expression of a song that I sing.



Held Captive by a Song

My eyes could not believe what I saw on the battlefield, near the River called Confusion (please understand that I was looking through the oculars provided from out of an everlasting manuscript): the chained, the maimed, the wounded and the nearly slain, all responding joyously to the howling and hurtful charge by those who held them captive: “Sing us one of the songs of The Parched Place, the place that causes you such great thirst.” With tears and instruments hung securely upon the promises that were still true even in the midst of imprisonment … the Captives Sang the Song of Souls Set Free!

“O give thanks unto the God of Heaven: For His Mercy endureth for ever!” Psalm 136:26
If anything should stand out in our lives, if anything should shoot out to make a noteworthy impact on this side of eternity, it should be our grateful song of life to the God of Heaven. Something displayed in our daily activities should mark us as “those people” that care about more than just this life. Those not in our throng should reflectively think or responsively say: “They really care!”

Have you ever heard the phrase: repetition is the key to learning? In the quick reading of the 26 verses of Psalm 136 even the untrained mind will come away noting the words “For His mercy endureth forever.” Along the way in the Psalm there are truths, insights, events, history, forth telling (all worthy of a time of thought provoking connection),but the devotional reader is left with “For His Mercy endureth forever” for it is mentioned 26 times. It is almost as if the Psalmist is saying … without this mercy of His, that endures forever ... the events of life so quickly have no life because they have no connective meaning. Mercy is the meaningful connection to Heaven.

Although, this side of Heaven has lost much of its former glory to the droning drum beat of pain and suffering; We should plan times to stop and truly enjoy the glimpses of beauty that still remain around us in this fading creation. If we have that uncanny ability to capture the essence of the beauty of His handy work in some sort of artistic medium, we shouldn't hesitate to do it; for it is an awesome form of visual or auditory praise. Please note though: The most effective and notable medium for the irresistible proclamation of Truth is the Life that is joyously merciful in the midst of the struggles of this present world.

Even though there is a Sinful Self-exaltation War raging against Heaven, believe it or not, not only are our brethren encouraged by the praising expressions of the Kings Kids, but even our enemies have an expectation of our praises. Psalm 137:3 - “For there they that carried us away captive required of us a song; and they that wasted us required of us mirth, saying, Sing us one of the songs of Zion.” Though our captures are doing their best to play their part in wearing us down by there incessant oppressive wailing; even they take a strange consolation in knowing that we still carry a song of deliverance from on High.

Understand this, our Captures are not the enemy. They are held captive also. I can not even begin to tell you the countless times a so-called enemy has joined the ranks of the Kings Kids because of the joyful song of the captive who sings in the midst of unmerciful oppression. In the midst of the pursecutor's relentless endeavor to hate, that hate was reciprocated by a joy impassioned song for the love of the God of Heaven, Who actively provides seen or unseen deliverance. Psalm 138:1 - “{Beloved may I have your attention?} I will praise Thee (My God) with my whole heart: before the gods will I sing praise unto Thee.” The whole hearted and the broken hearted effort of the seemingly most insignificant captive child of the King, can literally rattle the gates of Hell and free other captives who are being dragged closer to its gates.

Please let's not waste another day blowing our pity party horns, and donning our pity party hats. Let us trust the faithful, loving kindness of our God and lift our lives in praise and our voices in singing. Psalm 138:8 - “The Lord will perfect that which concerneth me: Thy mercy, O LORD, endureth for ever: forsake not the works of thine own hands.” The psalmist would not make a request of God without knowing and trusting that God would do it. So here you have it:

 Live Praise! Give Thanks! Sing ! Don't disappoint your brethren, nor your captures! Because "His mercy endures forever", He will personally see you through whatever moments of darkness, shame or suffering that you are experiencing. Because of His Mercy that endures beyond the vanishing point, He does not forsake the work of His own hands … you are that precious work. Sing Praise! Sing Praise! Sing Praise!

This moment of devotion is dedicated to so many, who throughout the years have continually and creatively gifted their friendship and love to the world's captives around them ...”Let us not be weary in well doing, for in due season we shall reap if we faint not.” Gal. 6:9 - We will see the reaping! Once our life has risen above the din and clanging of this present time ...We will find that He has been singing praises of love with us and over us.

We have captivated His heart and He has given us a song; “For His mercy endures forever!”  



Then Comes the Night

Psalm 130: 1,2 - “Out of the depths (ma'amaq – deeply profound) Out of the moments of being captured by the “deeply profound” ... Have I cried unto thee, O Lord. Lord, it is imperative that you hear my voice, this sound that comes out of me(more than speech and verbal expression): let Thine ears be attentive to the voice of my supplications, my pleas for Your gracious supply. “I don't get it, I don't get sick (we like to say that)?” And the scary add on that comes with illness … Night. Night seems to intensify the symptoms and allow fear to creep in robbing us of our time of God given rest. Did you ever notice how coughing, breathing, fever and pain all seem rougher in the night?

The true test of redemption and forgiveness is seen in how it carries us through the night. Oh, not the natural night – the exchange of sun for stars; but the night of rejection, scandalous accusation, friendship deprivation, banishment, and loneliness as we stand for the cross of Christ. Throughout the years of my life, I have witnessed a most wicked reflex within the Kingdom. Though this "reflex" has inserted itself into the kingdom, it has none of the characteristics of the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. However, it does satisfy the ego of the Old Man that is still lounging comfortably in the courts of the Kingdom (if you have been the victim or have observed others victimized by this reflex ... this is not the way of Jesus!). Allow me to unfold how this wicked reflex works: …

1. A servant or a simple saint of God falls (or what's worse – rumored as “unruly or disorderly”).
2. A self appointed jury will reach for scripture that is pulled “out of” but into place for correction of the offender.
3. “So called” spiritual discipline is then administered within a public defrocking display that fully disembowels any Body of Rescue that should be in place.
4. This reflex also legalistically removes any responsibility of further ministry to the accused.
5. Oh, there will be lip service, a token plan will be promised, whereby someone will come along side of the “deemed” fallen; but the auto default plan is usually in place prior to any hypocritical announcement of grace ... Because “out of sight, out of mind”. We don't want conflict!
6. The scariest thing in the midst of this purported “breach in the wall” of righteousness, is that the way the “breach”is handled creates the greater devastation in the Kingdom as waves of new found slander ripple over the Body of Christ.

There stands a brightly lit sign outside of our worship buildings ... “Join us for the embarrassment of your lifetime!”. We enter into a vast cold room filled with worshipers that are blindfolded, gagged and chained. We are handed a prayer flier announcing the “Top Ten Sinners of the Day!” And we are encouraged to take our blindfolds, gags and chains (if we want to belong). We are seated and asked to sing, give, listen, leave. Can we even begin to sense the inequity of this activity that oppresses the body of Christ in the “casting out the fallen, the unwanted, the different, and the unprofitable” while still trying to proclaim the Good News of Jesus? Under this practise the Gospel is made impotent.

Possibly, this is why the Church of Jesus Christ of the 21st Century has grown to have more followers via virtual media than in actual physical gatherings. The common people are terrified to commit to a fellowship that could put them and their struggles up for public display. Face up to the eternal fact: Jesus is a friend of sinners... (state for me a time when Jesus embarrassed an outcast other than the religious actors of His day!)

The world in need of a Savior is in search of a forgiven and forgiving people, who will come along side of them in their sin fevered night with appropriate instructions,balms and healing. In some cases they may have to call a spiritual 911, but it will be in an agreement of love and in order to restore, not to cast away. The Cross was the Final offense ... What right have you to be offended and embarrassed by a fallen brother? Restore in love!

Psalm 130: 3,4 – “ If Thou, LORD, should mark iniquities, O Lord, who shall stand? But there is forgiveness with Thee, that thou mayest be feared (fearfully, wonderfully, honored and respected).”

Respect and Honor in the Kingdom come not with well lit puffed up displays of legalistic, corrective righteousness; but Respect and Honor come with perplexing night filled moments that stretch the very fabric of love, while grace and forgiveness are still the only offering.

Sleep now my child, your fever is broken!



Behold! Be Held.

Hold on! Before you jump foot first right into your own mouth or stand defeated because of the fear of what your eyes and mind have agreed upon … “Shush little children don't loose heart, God speaks the changing of a brand new start. And if that start appears not to your eye, you are still secured for the sweet by and by”.

Heaven's access for you and for others is not won by any earthly wrestling match, nor the gates of hell flung backwards by any flights of oratory splendor. Our success or failure in this realm of dust is not measured by our feats of faithfulness nor discounted by our faults of faithlessness. (“For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as I am known.” I Corinthians 13:12)

Little Children of God, while we are on this side of heaven there will always be the “impossible”, the “improbable” and the “implausible”. The disappointments on this side of the veil have the potential to slay the strongest warrior and crush the most stalwart heart. Realize this … you are not in control, not even for a moment. The DNA of the situation has too many tangled gene strands with the unknown written all over them. The essence of life is both too small to see with the naked eye and too large to fathom with the human mind. The concept of an eternal security is way too much to hold for the natural man, “For the natural man receiveth not the things of God”.

(A devout Jewish religious leader named Nicodemus, came to Jesus “by night” to try to create a relationship via the bridge of “we have perceived with our eyes that You are a teacher come from God or how else can we explain these miracles” … hear Jesus' response to Nicodemus' nightly sight) “Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” John 3:3 We cannot begin to understand the events of the kingdom without first being born into the Heavenly family by faith in Jesus Christ. The children of the Kingdom are the only ones who have been given the royal access to trusting their Heavenly Father with the “impossible (Unable!)”, the “improbable (Unlikely!)”, and the “implausible (Unbelievable!)”.

(In the midst ... of crushing enemy oppression, loss of national identity, loss of home and family, loss of freedom, heavy taxation, poverty, disease, pestilence, famine and death: Jesus left eternity and was born into humanity through a miraculous virgin birth {an “almost” unnoticed event}). He came into the world as a child to grow. In growing He would handle the interrogative events of men, the disappointments of rejection, the accusation of depravity, the loneliness of separation, the agony of the cross, and the amazement of the empty tomb... For the Father and US. At one point in His ministry, in the midst of a crowd of “self made” men, He took a rejected (almost chased away) child onto His lap and made a stark contrasting statement to the men around Him who thought they could handle things all by themselves – they were the crowd controllers, they were the permission granters, they were the qualifiers, they were in charge … “Suffer the little children to come unto me, forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom Heaven” … “Verily, I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall in no wise enter therein” Mark 10:14,15

How does a little child receive the Kingdom? There are so many answers to this question, and a child will always surprise you, BUT one thing is true … Jesus took the children up in His arms, with His hands He secured them, and by His authority He blessed them. So, this is How Christ receives us (think about it).

NOW though; here comes the challenge! In the midst of the untimely threatening or demise of your life or livelihood, don't take impossible, improbable, and implausible matters into your own hands. Come to Jesus in prayer. Let Jesus take you into His arms, secure you by His hands, and receive the blessing He has for you in that moment of despair. God's got it taken care of … trust Him!
“Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the Kingdom.” Luke 12:32

Behold! Be held.

