Strong and sturdy, rugged and true, stylish and festive, ardent and faithful, set like a flint, endowed and performing, ... The basic human element is the same, but the descriptors are a dream's desire to have recognized and declared about our lifestyle in the presence of our peers. No one has a goal to submit to suffering; no one dreams of the wonders of persecution; no one cries out to be abused and misunderstood. We all long for appropriately rewarded results for our efforts to put others first and to love others in a selfless way.
To many, these moments of strength and prosperity are seen as a blessing , but to God, who is with us on the mountain as well as in the valley-- this is an opportunity for us to know Him with only the blessing and our pride as the distraction. Don't compare, don't complain, be grateful and know Him deeper.
Teachers of truth, be very careful not to heap unnecessary burdens on others because of your perception of God via your history with Him. Your story is not "the" example though it is an end-sample; and stories of encouragement of God's goodness should be declared. But His Goodness is not tied to steps of success or ingredients of a foolproof recipe. His goodness is tied to His faithfulness.
Every life is unique; and the Divine pattern for a solitary life is hidden in the mysteries and love troves of a God who has loved us even before the miracle of life in the womb.His plan for us is to be that pure and spotless object of His desire to love us. We cannot become that perfect desire without Him.
This Love Divine is what set the stage for the Crucifixion and the Resurrection of Jesus that would pour grace and mercy into our faith adventure to know Him. To say that following Him is guaranteed to bring tangible wealth or unwarranted sacrifice is a philosophy of a one sided opinion that will either motivate or discourage others in their unique walk with Him. To espouse and isolate either of these philosophies, will bring a personal pride that literally sets up an almost violent wall of judgment to any opposition to that espousal (We will defend what we espouse).
The only guaranty is that He loves us in and through whatever state of comfort or pain that we find our adventure taking us. Just "declaring" the truth of where we stand will only feel right until the situation changes... And it will. To have a grateful heart that glorifies Him, whether we "abound or abase" is learned while His Word is transforming us in His process, that makes us less and less like the world and more and more like Jesus. (Sorry no magic wand of instant glorification while we are still on this walk ... on this side of the Veil.)
Broken and shamed, bruised and abused, handicapped and limited, scarred and ashamed, immobile and unlovable ... To some this would seem to be a curse, but to God, who is with us on the mountain and in the Valley -- this is also an opportunity for us to know Him with only our pain and pride as the distraction. Don't compare, don't complain; be grateful and know Him deeper.
A few verses to meditate on in the middle of these philosophies:
Isaiah 40:1-2 - Comfort is in the Lord - Wait on Him for strength for every season of life 40:31.
Matthew 11:28-30 - Life on this side of Heaven can be both exciting and unbearable - Take on His Yoke, knowing Him creates the lift.
Matthew 10:38; 16:24 - These passages continue to be misunderstood and philosophically bent by perspective and usually carry an "either or" bias instead of a "both, and" humility to learn. The "Cross", our cross... is way beyond just the thought of suffering and sacrifice.
No matter what state we find our selves - through the Word and the Spirit: the Fruit of the Spirit will allow others to see Jesus through our temporal situation and will allow us to see Jesus the temporal situations of others.
A devotional Hint in digging for treasure: -- our "cross" is moveable, already upright, it is where we take our stand, our defense, life's emphasis, it leaves us with no choice, and must go with us in Following Jesus (combine the meaning of stauros and histimi - "both, and", and pray How much of my established life do you want me to relinquish?)