The Gentle Giant - A Bedtime Story

A Bedtime Story: The Gentle Giant

It was sort of a Death Row, or so it may have seemed: Imagine the walk down a darkened corridor in an isolated wing of an elderly care facility. Curled into a fetal position, the elderly sojourner seemed to be lost in his dreams insomuch that he wasn't even waking for the call to dinner. The call seemed to bounce off of the walls, never to entertain his deafened ears, until a young custodian ventured into the room and gently touched the elderly man's shoulder with his massively strong hand and whispered "love is waiting for you"

Almost magically, the elderly man's eyes fluttered and the color appeared in his cheeks. An immense overcoming smile grew on his face as he stretched out his curled frame and reached until he found that hand of the one that had whispered so gently. A healing comfort was found there as the custodian seemed to breathe in the mutual fears and failures that may have haunted the sojourner. The look on the custodians face was one of deep compassionate sorrow as he gently assured the elderly sojourner "love was now here!"

If they could speak, the massive gentle hands would tell a chilling story that could have taken this Gentle Giant another direction, had those hands not been offered to a the "Nail Scarred Hands"; the Saints and Angels rejoice the "Love is always near!"

Childhood physical, verbal and mental abuse was always prevalent in the giant's childhood home. His accelerated growth and gawky mannerisms were always the target of malicious shame and shunning. Tears were his companion so many nights as his broken heart would be pillowed for the night; morning was an unwelcome guest as he would try hard to be hidden from the on-lookers that greeted him with dismally confused expressions and unreasonably long stares. There were not many hiding places for someone his size.

The turning point for his life … was strangely enough found in a walk through a narrow alley that he would follow to try to be invisible on his walks between home and school. On one of those stealthy walks, a small ragged looking dog appeared from behind a pile of filthy garbage and lunged at him threatening to cause him harm. Instinctively he swung around, his massive fist connected violently with the jaw of the little dog and sent it soaring into the air. In that split second as the dog was thrown back into the pile of putrefying garbage whining in pain, he felt a confusing mixture of power with privilege and sorrow with compassion. His broken young heart knew he had to make a choice, but a heavenly catalyst was needed to move him the right direction.

Confused by the reaction of his devastating reflexes, but paralyzed by the wounded dog's pitiful whimpering … He stood motionless and shaking as those late night tears now found their way to his daylight. "Oh Somebody please speak to my heart from Beyond the wounds of my soul!" 

At that moment a small dirty child wandered from one of the recessed doorways of the alley and ran over to the crying little dog. He cradled the battered little body in his arms as he looked up at the giant saying "Can you help me mister? This doggie is hurting and needs our help, and I need your help." 

Crushed by those sad, dark and piercing childish eyes,the Gentle Giant fell to his knees and placed one hand on the shoulder of the child and with the other he gently stroked the little dog … almost instantly the dog curled in comfort under the massive hand of the giant and timidly licked his hand. The Little child began to pray and praise a name that the Giant had heard hint of but never had he realized the reality of the power of this name until now … "Jesus". 

The Giant found a new found reason for his life as he felt a Washing From Above overcoming his emotions. This began his passion search for Salvation and Purpose in this new found connection with heaven through Jesus. 

O that we sojourn every day to finding a way of showing compassion where the only reciprocation is the Love from Above. That selfless out pouring of His Love through our words, expressions and actions is an amazing way to pattern a life. 

Looking to connect others to Eternity by focusing the vision to only see the cost of Calvary for the Soul; "O How I Love Jesus"...sang the Gentle Giant. 

"And whatsoever you do, do it heartily, as unto the Lord, and not unto men; knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ." Colossians 3:23 

