There is a moment by moment "Causing" within the fabric of our temporal world of living. Because this life is really just a "fleck of a moment" in the grand "Time of Love" from eternity, the intrinsic Value of eternity will keep flashing God's loving kindness and faithfulness through the fading light of the present. This "Causing" is a powerful driver of soul emotions that can lead to full release and freedom of thankfulness resulting in the intentional singing of God's praises; or if the "Causing" is pushed back against, it brings on stress and bondage that is caused by a tainted spring that is fed by wickedness and spread by the flourishing of the poison of iniquity's sorrow.
"It is a good thing to give thanks unto the LORD, and to sing praises unto Thy Name, O most High: to shew forth Thy Lovingkindness in the morning, and Thy faithfulness every night, upon an instrument of ten strings, upon the psaltery; upon the harp with a solemn sound." Psalms 92:1,2,3
What we don't see behind this and many other passages in scripture is that the "giving of thanks" and the "shewing forth" that men do is caused from Above.
Literally ... Hype is not necessary in the Kingdom if the tender heart is in tune to the "Causing". Hype is usually a product of a heart that has sensed the tender reflexive responses to eternity, and instead of "being still and knowing that He is God", and joining the "causing", (which may have an unknown and potentially fearful response) the worship actor will pretend to be part of the revelation celebration, but without the true releasing power of the "Causing".
FOR A MOMENT: Get the picture of a sanctified imagination scene behind the "Causing". Sin truly has ravished the fabric of the Soul's creation.
The scene appears to be similar to that of the bombed out ruins of a war town city. Smoking, smoldering wood, hay and stubble, strewn about as if a wild uncontrollable beast had wandered destructively into the former beauty and cast its charred fragments in all directions. Imagine the stench in the air … Like someone burning the foulest garbage that could be concocted from neglect and ignorance. The scene sorrowfully broken … bows before the stench,the devastation and the destruction of former comfort and safety. Tears well up and are ready to fall.
Looking upward only produces watery eyes and a burning of the lungs. There are no blue skies, there are no comforting warm rays of the sun, and definitely there is no filtered refreshing breeze of relief. If there was any hope it is now charred and scattered about the ruins. Truth is all but lowered into a cold tomb of unbelief … BUT WHAT IS THIS?
Amidst the battlefield arises a faint but intentional glitter. A hope filled shimmer of gold, silver and precious stones. A "little one" stands tall amidst the rubble. There appears to have been a sheltered clearing pushed aside by an unseen but powerfully gentle Hand. This Hand has created a stage of sort. A celestial light bathes the small circular area this "little one" begins to joyously twirl in a dance and to psalter a melody, both with the purity of innocence and the sweetness of faith. This grateful dance and song of praise cause the very gates of Hell to begin to tremble at the power of the response to the "Causing".
The joy filled tears of Heaven begin to fall as the cleansing begins in every direction where the heart can sense "The Causing". Battered forms rise out of the ashes and shame in response to the song. "The floods have lifted up, O LORD, the floods have lifted up their voice, the floods lift up their waves. The LORD on High is mightier than the noise of many waters, yea, than the mighty waves of the sea. Thy testimonies as very sure: holiness becometh thine house, O LORD, for ever." Psalm 93:3-5 Praise the Lord!
O let the Causing move us
to a pure and grateful song
O let the Causing move us
for There is the battle won.