Faceless Enemy

Psalm 59:1,2 - Deliver me from mine enemies, O my God: defend me from them that rise up against me. Deliver me from the workers of iniquity, save me from bloody men."

We will rarely see it this way, because of this life that is bound by gravity, but the enemy is not Flesh and Blood (Even though a face and a name might be breathing out threats right in our face) ... But the enemy we wrestle with is - Beginnings, Choices and Voices. 

(In the passage above) David, in the midst of the "people" that are lurking in the shadows and the dark places with mandates to slay him, sees beyond the flesh and blood and unveils the real culprit behind his troubles... In Psalm 59:2 he makes a statement that could be conflictive even for translators: "Deliver me from the workers of iniquity, save me from bloody men." Devotionally translated "Cause me to be snatched away, pulled up and out ... Away from the doings, the makings, the workings of sorrowful, idolatrous, wickedness; and deliver me from the murderous "stilling of the blood" desire of fallen man."

This is truly a faceless enemy. Behind the scenes in the shadows of depravity... there breathes a faceless entity that hounds the heart of mankind. It plants suggestions, desires, and images that create strong emotional ties to our fallen reflexes, which in turn derail us from the beseeching of the Spirit of God. Our flesh always wants to blame "somebody". That is why Jesus took the blame, the shame and separation so that He could be our Deliverer. Psalm 54:7 - "For He hath delivered me out of all trouble: mine eye hath seen his desire upon mine enemies."

We have been accused: "Oh, you are so arrogantly presumptuous, assuming that God will deliver you via His Goodness!" What a viscous soul wounding statement as we are looking toward God for help! It is tough because we catch our selves being stared at by those that love us, only to hear our own voice bark out … "What are you looking at?"; and the tone of our Voice that carries that message usually is terse and biting. So immediately egos are bruised, and we all are embraced by the enemy - "rejection". 

We are no longer allowed to admire, there is no time allotted for that. By the time we stop to smell the roses the bush is retreating to its winter positioning and our noses will no doubt be stung by thorns.Psalm 58:9 - "Before your pots can feel the thorns. He shall take them away as with a whirlwind, both living , and in His wrath." 

God hates these "workings" that separate us from knowing the fullness of His Presence. He is touched and angry... as the crippling feelings of sin's infirmity arise in our fragile frames caused by these "workings" of iniquity. He wants to free us from the futility of the "people - flesh and blood" wrestling matches. People are not the enemy.

Psalm 59:4 "They run and prepare themselves without my fault: awake to help, me, and behold." The killer is... that even though we may be innocent of many things - trusting God will always be our fault and that Trust makes us the target of Evil.

Here is a retaliatory statement that sounds fair, but is not totally true when placed in the light of scripture - "It's okay to dislike someone, but it is not okay to disrespect, degrade, and humiliate that person." Can we see the subtle lie that is woven into this statement; the statement plays on fairness but is misaligned with God's righteousness. 

How does this statement line up with Jesus' words "Love your enemies (people)"? Matthew 5:43-48 --- read it through and remember that the word "perfect" in verse 48 means "complete, wanting nothing". It is not OK to dislike someone. 

Psalm 59:17 & 1a
"Unto thee, O my strength, will I sing: for God is my defense...
Unto thee, O my strength, will I sing: for God is my defense...
For God is my defense: "Deliver me from mine enemies"
And the God of my mercy.
For God is my defense: "Deliver me from mine enemies"
And the God of my mercy...
The God of my Mercy...
The God of my Mercy...
O the God of my mercy is the God of my defense." 

The Faceless enemy is defeated when we are giving our retaliatory moments to the God of our defense and mercy … He gives us the power to see that our enemy is not others. 

Hate the workings of wickedness … but love the people... love your enemies. 
"That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for He maketh His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust." Matthew 5:45 

