
Commitment... "I know Whom I have believed, and am persuaded ... That HE IS ABLE to keep that which I have committed unto Him against that day." All is good in this statement, with the exception that the spirit of antichrist, who is already at work in this age within our culture of disobedience, and actively influencing the lukewarm sons and daughters of the Kingdom by defining commitment. Commitment .... Commitment must carry with it the self fulfilling prophesy of a strong "comfort clause". Example: "I will and am committed as long as it fits my dreams and my schedule... And always only to the advantage of my comfort." … or so they say!

The story begins:

Yes, the origin of his nationality and social occupation was sketchy at best due to the condition of his savagely ravished countenance... But there lies the open door for the touch of eternity. Though his groans of anguish had all but ceased, the presence of his suffering lay wide open to that scrutinizing gaze of all who passed by. 

Was he a ... "Tinker, trailer, soldier, sailor, rich man, poor man, beggar man, thief. Doctor, baker, fine shoe maker, wise man, madman, taxman, please ... Who's gonna tell me what to do? (to borrow a phase of scrutiny for future persona choices) then they will say that I am true... Maybe, maybe, perhaps I'll come to great success, or possible a dreadful mess." (Yardbirds - 1967)

The need for compassion and mercy was hanging over him like an unavoidable obnoxious bill board; and the silence of his unavoidable suffering was screaming like an angry madman threatening for help. This is where those in touch with eternity had opportunity for an undeniable moment to do the "God Thing". 

Note to self: 
The Pastor passed by because the handling of this individual, no doubt, would cause stains to his "dress for success" clothing, and that would raise eye brows during the timely board meeting. Too many questions must be avoided at all cost. And to take on the responsibility of caring for an individual with a potentially shady past or despicable addiction could come back to embarrass him and the church... Walk on!

The worship leader stopped, gazed for a moment, but he saw no potential for talent for his worship team. Even if he decided to carry him to safety and help the derelict, this suffering lump of humanity could turn out to be a more talented musician than he (once healed); and we wouldn't want any upstaging would we? ... Walk on!

Then came a despised guardian, an obvious stranger, definitely an outsider to the politics of the religious bureaucracy, but no stranger to compassion. In a hauntingly Eternal fashion ... He saw the man, and moved instinctively toward him. He cared immediately but gently for the wounded one and bound up the putrefying mess made by his assailants. Transporting him in the backseat of his vehicle to the nearest Emergency room, He stayed with the man until he knew he was no longer in critical condition. He made arrangements for his care in the days ahead with full surety of additional payment for any and all services rendered to help the man.

"And on the morrow when he departed, he took out two pence and gave it to the host, and said unto him, Take care of him; and whatsoever thou spendest more when I come again, I will repay thee." Luke 10:35 [Let this soak your soul through and through- until you are willing to take the risk, spend to redeem the lost, until He comes again ... HE WILL REPAY THEE.]

O Church of Jesus Christ
Why are we so quick to turn a blind eye?
Why are we so quick to turn away from the need?
Why are we so quick to shun and shame?
Why are we not willing to move as our Coming King would move?
... Risk public opinion
... Risk comfort
... Risk embarrassment 
... Risk disappointment 
... Risk your name and take on His
Identify yourself with the halt, the maimed, the lame and the blind,
Knowing what you have done unto the least of His brethren...You've done unto Him.



Signify - Praise Him openly! Identify - with His compassion! Commit - and He will bring it to pass!