Wow... Invisibility, why is it that this super power only works when we don't want it to? The Visibility button always has a defect when trying to switch to that mode because of the need to be recognized for our worth. Now visible... we are in the way, and our name is used to club us into submission. What is the use of having a name if it is only used when correction or disappointment with us falls? How can it be that our name, chosen by our loving parents, should be taken so crudely in vain?

When our name is spoken only when there are disappointments, correction, or when there is need for something that only we can provide... Doesn't that seem like our name was destined only for cursing, degradation and not for Love (possibly that is what it means to take a name in vain). We have all heard from the mouth of so many (as well as our own) when faced by those moments of fake kindness after a hateful battering, "You are only being nice to me because you want something!"

We all have stood there ... with our face to the thankless task at hand when the object of our love entered the room. They came so near that we could smell the essence of their presence. We closed our eyes hoping and imagining what it would feel like if they just stopped for that moment, wrapped their arms around us, and said the words that we all long to hear ... I LOVE YOU!

How many times do we walk right by our God as He continues the mundane task of keeping us alive without even a moments acknowledgement of thanksgiving for His constant faithfulness and His never failing love? Why can't we bring ourselves to truly say to our God ... "I Love You!"

On any star light night, look up and stand still ...In the midst of the wind of a storm, stand still ...On the shore of that great ocean between us an eternity, stop and soak in the sound...In the midst of the bustling, teeming masses of humanity ... stand...And focus for a moment on the following ... amazing statement from scripture, letting it indelibly "love tattoo" your soul:

"I love the Lord, because He hath heard my voice and my supplications. Because He has inclined His ear unto me, therefore I will call upon Him as long as I live." Psalm 116:1,2

- Fact: We need to let our character be molded and imprinted with a constant love communication for and to Him,
- Fact: His character is such that He is caused and moved to listen.
- Fact: Out of all the myriad of sounds on this planet, there is a sweetness in knowing "my voice" - "our voice" has a place in all of the cries toward Heaven.
- Fact: My need - our need, for a gracious response is never misunderstood and is obviously clear.
- Fact: He has not deferred my voice to another, nor my needs to an assistant.
- Fact: Heaven and Earth is warped and bent to meet under the weight of His Desire for us.
- Fact: His hearing is totally engaged in listening for our cry.
- Fact: "Unto Me" ... as insignificant as we are in the grand scheme of eternity He desires us and looks for opportunities to answer in such a way that we know it is He who cares..
- Fact: I need to let my inhibitions dissolve away into unrestrained trust...as a child fearless to run to My Father.
- This is LIFE... If I let go and trust God.

Because of His intense attention to our voice and our continual needs of living on this side of the veil ... because of His everlasting faithfulness ... because of who He is...
He is caused to stretch out, even in awkward situations, to turn His ear UNTO Us; holding this knowledge near and dear to our hearts, will allow us to continually call upon Him as long as We live.

Here is my heart,
Here are my words,
Here are my groans,
Here is my silence;
Where is your ear?
Here are my thoughts,
Here are my scars,
Here are my fears,
Here are my tears;
Where are your arms?
Oh to know that You are more than near...
You are here!
I am waiting still,
Hold me.
I Love You!

