Misplaced Identity

The world has absolutely no lasting welcome ... for all that is in it is the wasteful desires of the flesh, the fleeting lusts of the eyes, and the deceitful pride that defends our foolish excuses for our rebellious decisions. Shine and glitter it may, and it does offer a wide gate ... but that gate opens to dwindling pleasures that end in destruction. The god of this world and his cohorts can't be bribed, know no loyalty and show no mercy when the welcome is gone. Those given to the ploys of this mirage will soon find themselves as slaves feeding off of the left over slop from the excretions left rotting of other pilgrims who have also wasted away in the lie. Love not the world.

A follower of Christ still has to live under this world's oppressive influence with its manifold beginnings, choices and voices for sin. We need to be careful and prayer full that the God Breathed Scripture is not run through the filters of understanding offered by the world, but that the world is judged by the rightly allocated Word of God. More to be desired are His words than much fine gold.

Waking up after a crazy night in drug la-la land. The seeker found himself resting next to an old bookshelf - and one book in particular caught his eye. Just the leather cover and gold edged binding was enough to capture his attention and state its Royal standing among the other books. Trying to find out what all the hubbub was concerning this Holy book, he did the only logical thing he could think of ... Flip to the end of the story. Just as the words started to spark his sluggish imagination, a religious voice of reason barged in and said "Don't waste your time with that book, the writer had sun stroke and just wrote about the crazy things he saw. Let it alone ... Just the verbs of a crazy man. The book went shut ... For years.

Another day on down the road of his journey, after a strange night tangled in the darkness of a drug induced delusion, his soul was crying for change... And there it possibly was; a man handing out pamphlets addressing those he met with " need peace and hope? Read this and you may find it!" ... he continued this line of encouragement until the man's eyes caught the seeker coming his direction. Immediately the man turned and began running and screaming. The seeker confused, chased the man for several blocks until finally almost in desperation, the man through a large handful of the "peace and hope" papers into the air. The seeker stopped his pursuit as he felt and watched the shower of pamphlets raining down around and on him. As one hit the ground in front of him, he saw that it's front cover had a picture of that book ... that holy book. Drawing a quick conclusion, that book is why the man through it away... Must be worthless dribble.

"We interrupt our worship for a special announcement...now let's enter back into worship where we left it." This statement in this mornings church service caused me to chortle a little....Truly we are a mixed up generation that has little or no understanding of the Kingdom ... "Interrupt" real worship? And Is there an announcement that is more important than worship (maybe "Jesus is here" but that would just heighten the experience) --? "Enter back where we left it"? Sorry if I get a little frustrated with the children of the Kingdom when they congregate and lodge their faith on clichés and half truths pasted together to get an AMEN -or "APERSON" (to not be gender biased...).

Lately I hear a lot of good People say that... "Jesus said and meant" things that are really pretty fuzzy and slightly bent and sometimes just way out there? Perhaps the point is to quickly Comfort or Challenge with the word, so it is taken through a "expertly educated" paper shedder of sorts and put back together in a momentary palatable fashion? We don't want to offend the listener do we?

Also, There seems to be a movement afoot to discredit and belittle those who believe that the Bible, in its entirety, is the inspired Word of God. Instead of seeking God's face for a fit, we would sooner whiteout the "mistakes". There are even versions of the Bible that annotate and leave out portions of scripture as "not in the original" -- today we ARE FAR TOO EDUCATED FOR OUR OWN GOOD and our true devotion is to self and not Him.

Why don't we all start creating our own versions of the word -- tools required: scissors, trashcan and glue... that would totally eliminate accountability to anyone but our selves... we could be gods of our own world. OKAY we still swallow the tempter's initial lure.

OK ... Now, I kind of understand why we start hacking and whacking away at scripture although not one "jot or tittle" can be removed until all is fulfilled. Let's take a peek at the author or originator of this comment - "jot or tittle" - and see why:

Matthew 5:18 - "For Verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled." --- Catch this chapter in its entirety - let the power of the pieces fall where they may. Do not leave your brain at the door and... throw away the scissors, trashcan and glue!

1. Don't ever discard what you disagree with or dislike about the Bible. The Law was meant to reveal the tragic disconnect and depravation of man ... With a broken and contrite heart, you will find yourself fallen and in need of a Savior -- right in the midst of the law. "The law of the LORD is perfect converting the soul."

2. Don't pick and choose what laws you now have the right to obey or to break. Jesus fulfilled the law by His death on the Cross -- not for you to have liberty to Sin, but for you to experience the Liberty of Grace. Grace does not break the Law, it lives in the fulfillment of the penalty and the Law of Love. "The testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple."

3. Don't negate accountability to God by assigning scripture to someone else, some other time, or some other place. Context is important but devotion is key. "The statutes of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart: "

4. Don't be afraid to not understand parts of the Bible. Many portions of scripture have a time for understanding ... and it may not be now. "the commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes."

5. Don't strive to be right, your righteousness... which is Jesus... already exceeds the righteousness to the Pharisees. Trust the Lord and His Word... without apology. Explaining away or making goofy excuses for "why God said" puts you in the category of the foolish and slow to believe. "The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring forever: the judgments of the LORD are true and righteous altogether."

The clarity of our Identity in Christ is found in our daily devotion to His Word. A misplaced or distorted identity is the result of alienating ourselves from the Spirit by choosing our thoughts over His.

"More to be desired are they than gold, yea, much fine gold: sweeter also than honey and the honey comb. Moreover by them is Thy servant warned: and in keeping of them there is great reward." Psalm 19:7-11

Then one whose heart was full of love for the Word of God and others, caught the Seeker, and through the Word ... led him to a saving knowledge of the Lover of his Soul, Jesus. There... the Seeker found his Identity. May 1973.



"It is not what I think that matters, it is what He has said that matters." - The Scarlet Sinner

The Obvious and The Owl

Psalm 16:5 - "The LORD is the portion of mine inheritance (the obvious) and of my cup (the Owl) : Thou maintainest my lot (choices) ."

Distanced- Yes, they were outcasts, but they had gifts and dreams just like every other pilgrim to hit the planet... Somewhere along the journey they missed the warning signs or just thought the signs were there for anyone else but them; and then it happened - their choice was wrong, now they were marked, scarred, tarnished and deemed unworthy, not necessarily on the outside, but they truly felt that everyone could see their indelible past indiscretions.

She needed someone to come beside her and help her through this. Every gathering of sojourners that she would try to join up with for encouragement, and possible recovery, seemed to distance themselves from her. "They all just seemed to know I was there but did their best not to make eye contact." Isn't this a lot like all of us at some point in time and to some extent?

He was distanced but could not see that distance was a two way street. Too soon, the same addictions that wreaked havoc in his life in the first place were once again adding even more distance from Love's true rescue. Any personal choice, especially the embarrassingly wrong ones, carries with it a monstrous pride and a paranoid prejudice that already sets the stage for isolation and depression.

A wind of hope began to blow their way: Excitement filled their hearts when they heard of a gathering of pilgrims who were former outcasts, who welcomed all and anyone into their family of "believers" ... including searchers and recovering outcasts ... Hallelujah, finally a safe haven, or so it seemed.

They had their doubts ...but ... they forced their selves through the doors of this assembly, but not without many warm hands extending their way and friendly sincere welcomes. So they opened their eyes wide while passing into this scene; and they thought to themselves ...What a great place, and such an awesome welcome ... Fabulous atmosphere, wonderful smiles, clean and bright surroundings, and now there was a high anticipation in their hearts for real encouragement. Every thing about the moment rang true to heart ... A flicker of hope was now alive.

Fatefully the "service" drew to a close as the lights came on and the crowd raced out the door. With moving chit-chat and not a concerned eye glancing toward them, their heart once again turned downward, and painfully fell under their self inflicted defects. They were able to disappear ... they slipped out unnoticed and away back in to the darkness of the distanced life.

She found herself lurking in the shadows of a street light in a painful emotional quaking. She wanted so badly to be seen for what she was becoming, not what she was. The LORD had become the prepared portion of the sum total of her life. And her cup was lifted up and waiting for all the LORD would pour into her life, knowing that LORD had attained her full attention and was now grasping and supporting all of her decisions.

In times past ... Surely his chalice had been lifted unknowingly to be filled with the dregs of sorrow though in the beginning the supply of the world was so attractive and enticing. His desires in times past were concealed in the nocturnal branches of his predatory thinking, and these unbridled would wait in a wide eyed fashion for the right moment to stealthily swoop in to capture the target of his lust. This was no longer where his heart's desire resided...

BUT people, good people still saw them as flawed and possibly contagious.

O their ache was like so many, how to fit into the awkward culture of the assemblies who were more worried about keeping the rescuers safe than "risking all" to rescue the fallen. These assemblies though "called out" into the deep, had traded their rescue devices for comfortable leisure pool floatation devises that carried superficial printed warnings like ...."not to be used for first aid or rescue purposes."... What?

Her heart was now pleading ...
His heart was now screaming ...
"The LORD ...is the appointed value of my life in the presence of men, and the measure of my heart's desire ... that He is filling; He is holding me securely in all of my decisions!"

Although it momentarily felt as though only the streetlight had been listening, all of eternity bowed in admiration. And the LORD spoke deeply into the pilgrim's soul ... "My beloved".



PS - Hebrew word for Cup also means "Owl" --- think about it.


Wow... Invisibility, why is it that this super power only works when we don't want it to? The Visibility button always has a defect when trying to switch to that mode because of the need to be recognized for our worth. Now visible... we are in the way, and our name is used to club us into submission. What is the use of having a name if it is only used when correction or disappointment with us falls? How can it be that our name, chosen by our loving parents, should be taken so crudely in vain?

When our name is spoken only when there are disappointments, correction, or when there is need for something that only we can provide... Doesn't that seem like our name was destined only for cursing, degradation and not for Love (possibly that is what it means to take a name in vain). We have all heard from the mouth of so many (as well as our own) when faced by those moments of fake kindness after a hateful battering, "You are only being nice to me because you want something!"

We all have stood there ... with our face to the thankless task at hand when the object of our love entered the room. They came so near that we could smell the essence of their presence. We closed our eyes hoping and imagining what it would feel like if they just stopped for that moment, wrapped their arms around us, and said the words that we all long to hear ... I LOVE YOU!

How many times do we walk right by our God as He continues the mundane task of keeping us alive without even a moments acknowledgement of thanksgiving for His constant faithfulness and His never failing love? Why can't we bring ourselves to truly say to our God ... "I Love You!"

On any star light night, look up and stand still ...In the midst of the wind of a storm, stand still ...On the shore of that great ocean between us an eternity, stop and soak in the sound...In the midst of the bustling, teeming masses of humanity ... stand...And focus for a moment on the following ... amazing statement from scripture, letting it indelibly "love tattoo" your soul:

"I love the Lord, because He hath heard my voice and my supplications. Because He has inclined His ear unto me, therefore I will call upon Him as long as I live." Psalm 116:1,2

- Fact: We need to let our character be molded and imprinted with a constant love communication for and to Him,
- Fact: His character is such that He is caused and moved to listen.
- Fact: Out of all the myriad of sounds on this planet, there is a sweetness in knowing "my voice" - "our voice" has a place in all of the cries toward Heaven.
- Fact: My need - our need, for a gracious response is never misunderstood and is obviously clear.
- Fact: He has not deferred my voice to another, nor my needs to an assistant.
- Fact: Heaven and Earth is warped and bent to meet under the weight of His Desire for us.
- Fact: His hearing is totally engaged in listening for our cry.
- Fact: "Unto Me" ... as insignificant as we are in the grand scheme of eternity He desires us and looks for opportunities to answer in such a way that we know it is He who cares..
- Fact: I need to let my inhibitions dissolve away into unrestrained trust...as a child fearless to run to My Father.
- This is LIFE... If I let go and trust God.

Because of His intense attention to our voice and our continual needs of living on this side of the veil ... because of His everlasting faithfulness ... because of who He is...
He is caused to stretch out, even in awkward situations, to turn His ear UNTO Us; holding this knowledge near and dear to our hearts, will allow us to continually call upon Him as long as We live.

Here is my heart,
Here are my words,
Here are my groans,
Here is my silence;
Where is your ear?
Here are my thoughts,
Here are my scars,
Here are my fears,
Here are my tears;
Where are your arms?
Oh to know that You are more than near...
You are here!
I am waiting still,
Hold me.
I Love You!



Cry out!

Each and everyone of us knew that we had run away with a fortune, didn't steal it... it was rightfully ours, but splurge was in our DNA. We just needed to sow our wild oats, every one does it at some point in time... right? Live it up was our mantra! (And we never meant to hurt anyone).

The most dangerous place for indelible scars would be our minds, for where the winged fortune took us to live it up... we will never live it down. The distance we traveled in the wrong direction was far greater than any of us had anticipated. It cost us way beyond the lint in our pockets, and was keeping us painfully longer than we had planned. We found ourselves in the midst of a treacherous, tempestuous sea of battles and the enemy constantly snarling in victory over our purchased scars and chains. The moldy crumbs of the bread of sorrows upon our blood stained fields have now become our daily hidden portion. And our "NEW" name which should declare victory, now seems to be inscribed in the mire of wasted time.

As these days of storm and wind beat upon our souls, we stand alone on the shore of a dark, distant, and merciless land. With our hands up-raised ... Just hoping ... Just longing ... Just desiring but denying ... the tender arms of Home that seem one step beyond our hope and miles beyond our willingness to believe.

We are a powder keg of anger and expressions of disappointment with Eternity's delayed response , and the constant "never" that explodes from our heart and through our lips -- are now our habitual negative reflexes to - "GOD WILL DELIVER US". Our crushed and wounded hearts reflex "never" with a snarl. Oh the pain added to the thought of answered prayer and fulfilled dreams... as We curse any offered encouragement when it is meant to bless us.


"Then they cried unto the LORD in their trouble, and He delivered them out of their distresses." 107: 6, 13, 19, 28 (4x the verbs are repeated) -- heart of the content: While wedged into a very narrow, stressful, pain-filled place, the cries for help will always be imperfect but stingingly honest. Regardless...God's rescue is not based on the degree of our measured honesty, it is based on the massive goodness of our God; He is waiting and ready to execute a "snatching away" rescue at the first childlike cry.

Problem: Your ever looming enemy ...brings you face to face... with a dagger of "THE FEAR" (a fear that your heart gravitates and even cultivates) stabbing you with a hopeless and believable outcome that paralyzes you. The enemy is a formidable foe who has always tramped around in the compromised battle zones where we didn't utterly decimate this insidious and ancient giant...and his threats are loud and ring true with our fear; but his threats it do not ring true with the faithfulness of our God.

Who is our champion ... Who of our choice? Fear or God? Why do we refuse to rely on the courage that comes from Above... From our identity with Jesus? Why do we let our fragile fluctuating self confidence from within speak words of fear and failure into our days?


And if we refuse to be "Spirit" encouraged, then we have nothing from Him to take steps of faith forward ... We could be done ... UNLESS "WE" ARE WILLING TO CRY OUT!

"Then they cried out UNTO the LORD in their trouble, and HE delivered them OUT OF THEIR DISTRESSES."

---I am standing here...please hold me so that I know I am held by You -- and then please fight my battle... LORD Jesus, AMEN.

