It's All Coming Down

It's all coming down... The cry has gone out ... The rescue is in place ... For the most part it will be unseen; like a seed that has lain dormant in the cold ground of winter: the shoots will begin to introduce themselves to the world around them as the warm spring breezes and the gentle showers urge them from hiding. The green will be seen.

All little miracles, in the beginning, show no visual difference or definitive family markings or distinguishing difference because they all push out of similar earth, and they all bear the human colors. However, it is amazing how the flaws will be focused on by the attending experts. There may even be premature rescues or interventions suggested because of the experts glare and fake sympathetic compassion (more pathetic and pathological than truly caring). These predators of fear, these life sucking Gain-Sayers will say {"We advise you to consider a 'premature preventive care termination plan' in order to spare you, the parent, and "it", the "growing mass" inside of you the expense and embarrassment of not having a normal life."}

Have we ever even considered the blessing of the "flawed" differences? Have we noticed the effect on the cold planet by those who have "less" of what we call normal, but so much more of what we would define (if normal) as unconditional love. Unconditional love, enduring mercy and amazing grace are labeled as weaknesses and handicaps in this world of deception. These Heaven sent traits are touted as the "baggage of the simple", "the failure of uneducated", "the stench of the deplorable", and "the blemishes of the despicable".

With the strange events surrounding Mary's conception, had they been reported to the experts ... There is no doubt there would have been an almost violent push for the abortion of Jesus. (with the strange events that surround the New Birth in the life of God's kids...there is a guarantee that the wicked accuser will no doubt try to talk us into aborting Jesus from our lives in the name of "Why can't we just be normal?" Do we really want - just a normal - life (what is it anyhow?)

Now let's fast forward to the verge of 2017. Let's daily look intensely for the little miracles that draw us ever forward into the extravagant love plan of our God. Let's desire His Word as much more precious than gold, than the finest gold; let's long for the taste of Heaven as being immensely sweeter than honey and the honey comb. Let's see the souls of men as precious in the sight of our God. If all we do and all we are is rooted and grounded in Him, O how strong in His tenderness will be the new life that springs from our innermost being.

It's all coming down... The cry has gone out ... The rescue is in place ... embrace the days ahead for the Glory of God and the victory that is found in Him!



Psalm 111 --- Read this as we are on the verge of 2017 --- OUR FOCUS, OUR GOD!!!

The Cry

The Sides of the North were sitting on edge with the anticipation of the imminent events. Everything was in full preparation in the celestial city, all the players had been ready from the beginning, and "The Plan" that was established before the foundation of the world was about to shake the groaning creation, releasing the death hold of the curse and breaking the chains of the fall.

It was evident that the only full knowledge of the plans were held by The King. Every one else involved held but a piece of the plan, and all were on a "need to know" basis. The Messenger had already been sent and delivered the edict. "Fear not, Mary, for thou hast found favor with God. And, Behold though shalt conceive in thy womb and bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS."

In secret and under the cover of full purity, the Almighty and the Spirit cast a shadowed veil over a humble servant girl creating The Salvation Miracle within her womb. In that moment of salvation's time capsule, only a small portion that Virgin Girl's song of humble praise would reverberate off of the souls most intimate in her life; because the veil would remain until she would be delivered. Even her fiancé would be held in wonder by the words of the Messenger, and take her as his wife in order to keep all appearances as normal and keep his bride out of public scrutiny.

Who would even notice one insignificant couple whom history had removed from out of the view of their royal bloodline... This was held under the veil until the fullness of time and the Word would reveal it.

Heaven in all of its splendor was ready to burst salvation forth upon all of creation. The Star had appeared and positioned, the Angel of the Lord was ready with the announcement, the angelic host was ready for their Glorious moment of praise. And to what epicenter of Earth's power and prestige would they appear in all of their glory??

The Angels didn't question this remarkably strategic move of simple stealth: Their glorious announcement would be revealed in the remote hillside pasture outside of a small and violently insignificant town of thieves known as Bethlehem (the House of Bread) would be their destination.

Their audience: The outcasts - "Shepherds" keeping watch over their flocks, to whom alone... the message would make sense ... "You shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a feed trough!"

Imagination will have it: There may have been a pause as eternity waited for the signal. Then quietly the veil was pulled back to reveal a young teenage mother entering the pains of death to be delivered of her firstborn child... And then it happened; from the thick darkness of the Judean night rang a small but distinctly wonderful sound ... The first tender cry of Pure Unconditional Love wrapped in the brokenness of humanity... And they called Him, Jesus.

What? A Babe ... He shall save His people from their sins? Time stopped: almost hesitated in Awe!

Then the Host of Heaven praised God in such glory that the shepherds left off their keeping of their sheep to see this thing spoken by the Angels. And the Shepherds saw... "The Babe, wrapped in swaddling clothes, just as the Angels said".

Why do you think that the world has made such a fuss and clamor in the centuries to follow?Could it be that it wants to make so much noise that the Babe's cry is driven under the notice and beyond the hearing of the desperate heart. What makes this time of year so broken and yet so miraculous. Perhaps it is that fact that this Babe was not just born for the romancing of the Christmas season, but to extend the shadow of the cross over all of the glamour and glitz as the last hope/remedy for mankind's potential eternal separation from God.

True Christmas of the heart comes when we see that the whole story ... The feed trough, the swaddled baby, the shepherds, the wise men, the words, the healings, the tears, the life, the betrayal, the mockery, the thorns, the beating, the cross, the blood, the swaddled broken lifeless body, the sealed grave, the rolled back stone, the empty tomb, the resurrected LORD, and the soon Coming King: and we, by faith, realize this was and is for US. And He shall be called Emanuel, which being interpreted is: God with us.

The Veil of His Grace, still remains, and all those who believe are safely hidden under it until time is no more and the Father makes the final announcement .. "Merry Christmas to all who have come, and to the chains of the past ... Gone with the night - Come Home!"

Don't be far away from Jesus this year, gather close to know Him and the Miracle of His Love.



The Christmas Abuse

"What a miraculous season! And about the time that hope was rising, and my soul was about to sing: (When the one that should have offered arms of loving kindness) a curse was shrieked in my face and a strong backhand was sent to the side of my head, sending me into a fade (the impact actually numbed me before the abuse actually began)... Oh, how I wish that I had the strength to give them the same, and an hundredfold. Darkness surrounded my battered frame." from the Christmas memoirs of the Scarlet Sinner.

Vengeance is such a strong narcotic that is always attached to an incredible disabling emotional investment. It is an extremely risky direction for the footsteps of men. For a man to carry through to the ultimate end of vengeance, means that his life could be overcome by hate and murder; instead of mercy and love. Any act that proceeds from the heart of man, that is not founded in the love and mercy of God, will ultimately end in a catastrophe of the human soul. Humanity's mandate from above, if and when faced by an offense, is to love and forgive.

"O Lord God, to whom vengeance belongeth; O God, to whom vengeance belongeth, show (shine forth) Thyself." Psalm 94:1 (Read it in it's entirety and hear the echoes of your own thoughts because of those who have offended and abused you).

Life on this side of the Veil seems to cultivate so much injustice and inequity that it bleeds over and touches the life of every human being. The savage onslaught of wickedness will cross the threshold of our comfort and safety via a relentless and merciless intruder of the heart. This intruder, though seemingly dormant through most of our mundane movements in life, won't even be there until someone causes an event that pokes a hole in the security of "Mine".

We are all content in our fragile "happy place" until our big rubber bumper is violated, our safety bubble is popped, and/or something(usually attached to someone) messes with what is "mine".At the moment of the violation of "mine"... Pride, the intruder, steps in to fuel an ungodly vengeance. This is a direct result of our pitiful idolatry.

What? Did you see/hear the word IDOLATRY?

Anytime that "mine" is held so tight that it is no longer under the authority of HIM, it has become an idol. (Now at the sound of this vindictive statement we will all stand up and stand our ground to justify our situation by declaring ... "BUT YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND ... They are mine and they are under my authority and protection. My wife, my kids, my family, my friends, my home, my job, my car, my house, ..... My _______ and on, and on.... It's all MINE!") "Mine" makes me sovereign over a situation where I was abused, I am not capable of God-like authority to determine vengeance ... Only God is able.

"O that there were such an heart in them, that they might fear me and keep all my commandment always, that it might be well with them and their children forever." Deuteronomy 5:29

"It was but a moment ago that hope was dashed with the whack to my head ... But it had caused the world to fade away and the glitter of the season to boil down to a strange fog like image of one very small gift. The gift was resonating a gentle song and it had an illustrious tag containing my name. As I tried to reach out and receive the gift, my reaching caused an ugly impish creature to lunge at me from out of the darkness."

"I froze as it snarled at my every movement towards the gift. It's layers of sharp, filthy, protruding teeth were menacingly shown with each snarl ... It was almost as if I was looking into a mirror of my wounded soul... it was truly offended, truly abused, totally justified in the prevention of my acquisition of the gift."

"I decided in that split second to make a dash for the gift, brave the piercing of the viscous teeth, and tear open the gift meant for me. Surely that gift held some mysterious power and supernatural strength to destroy my abusers. Could it contain the weapon that would allow me the upper hand to demand full payback from my enemy?"

"Oh it was a furious and painful moment, but even as the impish creature was ripping at my flesh, I still found the strength to tear off the gift's wrapping, and pry open its protective box ... And there within the tissue lining of its casket-like interior was a small bronze plaque that read ... (My eyes were fighting back tears of resentment and unbelief) could the tears be deceiving my heart at the ridiculous request of the inscription? ... The plaque read only one word:  ..........................forgive."

and do good to those who have offended you;
even as Christ has forgiven you.



"Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. And they parted his raiment, and cast lots." Luke 23:34 - It is so unfair if I offer anything less than the Savior.

The Answer is NO

Somewhere just before (or just after) the panic attack, I realized that my life's ebb and flow was running out of me. It was almost like a screw press had its grips on my heart, slowly compressing and squeezing my emotions with a relentless pressure. The pulsating pain that I was feeling was draining my strength, evidenced by an invisible drainage that felt like it was running and dripping from every finger of my hands.

I had let down the guard of the seat of my emotions, which had led to momentarily losing my spirit's reflex to turn only to God for help. My heart had lapsed into a limbo of forgetfulness which made it all but impossible to cast my cares upon the truth of His sustaining character. I was paralyzed while staring at my infirmity, and the thought of God involved ... troubled me.

The amazing thing about our God; although we are great at wasting time with our parties of pity, He knows that time is a resource that drains ever so quickly from our lives, but if redeemed it lifts the eyes of the heart in His direction, and brings a renewed breath to ask the questions that fasten us to Him.

His truth that intervenes with purposeful questions will jog our memories to those nights where our soul sang His Song because of a sensing of celestial air and a granting of sweet sleep. I stopped the self affliction, and thought on those miraculous entries in scripture of His loving kindness to His people. This allowed the resurgence of those memories of His intimate rescues, that were slowly fading, to now come back into focus. Strengthened, I asked purposeful questions:

"Will the Lord cast off forever?" ................................................... NO!
"And will He be favorable no more?" ........................................... NO!
"Is His mercy clean gone forever?" .............................................. NO!
"Does His promise fail for evermore?" ......................................... NO!
"Hath God forgotten to be gracious?"........................................... NO!
"Hath He in anger shut up His tender mercies?" ........................ NO!
SELAH. Psalm 77:7,8,9

"And I said, This is my infirmity: but I will remember the years of the right hand of the Most High." Psalm 77:10

At this point, the mud chains forged by my wallowing in the mire of self pity began to drop one by one, and shatter with each question that had demanded the resilient answer of ... "NO!"

Oh, Pain need not have us focus on any other frame, but cause us to wholly lean on Jesus' Name.

Six powerful questions with only one answer: NO! Even when the pain drives us in the wrong direction, He remains faithful and true in His love and compassion for us. He does not cast us off, He desires to show us favor, His mercy endures forever, His promises never fail, He never forgets grace, and Anger is not His choice in how He deals with His children ... Think about it!

"Be careful (worry filled) for nothing; but everything by prayer and supplication WITH THANKSGIVING let your requests be made known unto God." Philippians 4:6



File 13 or File 7

The definition of success has been highly distorted to the point where is has become a corrosive entity to the undoing of so many lives. Success, as you might suppose, for many is an elusive thing such as a get rich scheme, a miracle windfall, or the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. However elusive as it may be, success will be chased after by many a "hopester" with a passionate pursuit, until somewhere in the mad dash a disqualification is etched into the life of that seeker. A fall will take place, a judge disqualifier will arise, and a soul will be devalued and cast into the "circular file" of uselessness.

Note to the Judge: The strange thing is that the disqualification is usually carried out by an individual who has used the disciplining of other's shortcomings as a cover for their own personal punishment of their disqualified putrefying death of a life. "How long will you imagine mischief against a man? Ye shall be slain all of you: as a bowing wall ye shall be, and as a tottering fence." Psalm 62:3 Living to undo others and get glory from their demise is nothing but the disintegrating fortress of the dead.

Pulling the newspapers over not only himself, but also the warm pan of meat that hopefully would squelch the groaning noises coming from his bloated midsection. Possibly the newspaper insulation would quiet the sounds of the never ending flow of the city night time traffic. "Keep a stiff upper lip" was the motto he tried to apply to his life.

The night did hold a pleasant surprise ... a manhole above a boiler room of a nearby business was creating a foggy covering of warm steam that could keep the stranger and his food warm for the night. (Can you picture this of your brother, your friend, your son or your daughter?)

A fall in this one's past had wounded and marked him, but when he went to find support to heal the scars ... good people saw his stained visage and turned him out to the be ravaged by "to each his own". He was curtly and coldly told what he couldn't do because of his fall, but a plan for his future was simple - File 13. "They only consult to cast Him down from His excellency: they delight in lies; they bless with their mouth, but they curse inwardly. Selah." Psalm 62:4 ---- what you do unto the least of these, my brethren, ye have done it unto ME!

Whom you fiercely judge out of a darkened heart of forgiveness lost - You judge against the will of Jesus.

There was a knock at our door. When we peeked through door peep hole, what we saw appalled our senses. There was a derelict at our door. No not a neatly dressed and finely groomed visitor, but A refugee of sort and a "bum" in appearance... He was leaning against our door with one of his filthy unwashed and scared hands. Instead of neatly combed hair, his hair was matted, soiled and gnarled. His beard that was rudely, almost rebelliously, unkempt ... torn away in patches possibly to state his need to protest?  

His body was bloodied and soiled as if he had never bathed a day in his life. His clothes were ripped and torn with signs that he had been in a violent altercation; and the more we stared through the door's peep hole glass the more we despised the individual that we saw. Personally, I am not sure if he was a man or an animal because his visage was so marred.

I held my breath and said not a word as he knocked again in hopes that he would turn away. And to my relief, the knocking did stop; but was followed by the sound of something heavy being dragged against the pavement as the appalling derelict walked away from my door. One more glance though to be sure he was gone -- through the peep hole I saw only the image of a large crudely hewn wooden "X" over the shoulder of the man ...fading into the distance. File 13 or File 7?

They are all "Jesus!" File 7 - the definition of success:

"He hath shown thee o man what is good, and what doth the LORD require of thee: but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God." Micah 6:8

"My soul, wait thou only upon God, for my expectation is from Him." Psalm 62:5

Is our life leading others, no matter their situation, to the love and compassion found in the Salvation found of Christ Jesus?



Love Marker

There it was, standing in front of her, in all of its mysterious glory; this was to be The Love Marker. Every passing of this purposeful piece of creation was to be a reminder to look. Look toward the direction of the rest of the trees, look with love and longing; but not for a tempting to be independent from the love of the Creator. For so soon she would see the Creator walking towards them in all of His majesty, in the “cool of the day” ... with faith, hope and love. So soon they would be filled with His joy that would immediately effervesce with the delights of Eternity and reverberate with celestial praises throughout not only the Garden of Love but it would ripple out to all of Creation.

"Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?" -- These were first words of doubt that were ever thrown into the innocence of the Garden. These like many words that have spouted from the cesspool of Hell, start the distraction; they cause man's focus to shift from the Creator to the creation.

And of course woman would sense that the serpents words were in error, and that she may have a chance to argue for truth. Unfortunately woman had a fatal flaw ... She possibly felt she could add to the truth to prove her pho-zealous attitude towards the truth. "And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: But the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat it, NEITHER SHALL YE TOUCH IT, lest ye die." Careful!!! Did God say this Eve? Stretching and adding to the direct commands of God can cause the participant to focus more on the temptation than the truth.

And focus she did ... She paid attention to the words of the serpent, she looked for the advantage of eating the fruit, and decided to transgress the safety of staying focused on the Creator.

America is very much like that today ... We have forgotten our Godly heritage that was based upon the Words of Scripture that were carried in the hearts of the first pilgrim and sojourner to this amazing gift of a spiritual refuge, that we call America. Within the freedom provided by the framework of our early forefather's prayers (which we have long since tried to blot out of history books); America had a of a miraculous start ... America started on its knees looking to the Creator. {This is a fact of the history of America's humble beginnings, but is being belittled and degraded by so called "experts" of history who have been offended by the Cross of Christ}.

The past has had a multitude of polluted clouds pushed over America's humble beginnings by self-serving representatives of the people. As a people… we have allowed our leadership to exchange a prayerful posture in leading for an expose' gossip mentality in our governmental gatherings. We have allowed for the loss of focus on the Creator in order to protect our own wallets and wildest selfish dreams. We have allowed our teachers and media to focus on any flaws that our forefathers had so that we can justify our own selfish decisions.

Out of the darkness still arises the "hissing" reasoning that ... To trust the Creator is outdated and erroneous. Loudly proclaimed false injustices have given credence by the deepest pockets and the most greedy. The new style "more educated" and "more enlightened" leadership build on emotional arguments that pull on the minds of the naĂŻve with promises that "we, the more enlightened can do Freedom better" than those "misguided believers" who hold to Neanderthal Dark Age Superstitions.

We, as a nation, have allowed for the substitution of scriptural taught Godliness for a rationale of a goodness that is based on the temptations that stem from a greedy and selfish need for …"more for me" …with no cost or obligation. We have exchanged the rewards of hard work for a bully inmate style of entitlement by Whosoever has the loudest mouth, the money and the ability to create chaos. These brute beasts (as Scripture calls them) claim they have the right to anything that the quiet, hard working, Godly masses have produced. They have changed the words of a patriotic anthem "This land is your land, this land is my land" and have all but rewritten it to be sung by those in power as "this land is not your land, this land is my land, give me".

We must get on our knees and focus our vision on the Creator once again ... For we have grown numb with our eyes being opened to sin’s momentary pleasures. We are callous to the fact that we are naked without defense before the Creator. We have grown satisfied with the flaws of a fig leaf covering to justify our godless decisions. We continue to hide ourselves from God ...and sorry to say, even as Christ Followers, our first love that was born of the old rugged cross of Jesus...has turned to cowardice, shame and embarrassment.

Rise up O children of God, fall to your knees, and let your love for the Savior bath your soul once again. If you have bought into a lie that has lead you to believe that your are powerless and hopeless ... rise up with the truth of God that we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.

Hear the tender steps of the Creator, the unshakable constant voice of love ... We are facing "the cool of the day" again with our God -- will we lift up our hearts and hands in reception of His Faith, Hope and Love -- once again? What will we do at the Love Marker?

Revive us Oh Lord!!

Fast and Pray on Tuesday, Nov. 8th - and vote for righteousness.

Everything is changing no matter what the outcome, but let's bow our hearts before the Author of Life for mercy for our nation and its future for the sake of our children and our children’s children!



Seven Year Itch

"Hear my cry, O God, attend unto my prayer. Unto the ends of the earth will I cry unto Thee, when my heart is overwhelmed; lead me top the rock that is higher than I." -- Psalm 61:1,2

This week end was a slightly irritating race. Running and gunning, Going and getting from point A to point B. (or was it B to A?). It was everything I could do to keep focus; and in the midst of "constant camera shuttering" of events there seemed to be an extension granted on the insanity caused by a "full moon". People were out of sort doing normal, and it seemed like the mode of communication all around us was cruel and loud. It is hard not to take some of it personal.

Mawcore (our awesome opportunity to serve the Lord in dark places), had a concert last Sunday Night ... but that meant leaving early that afternoon and getting back early the next morning. Not knowing the comfort of the destination, there was a decision for our better halves to stay at home (was probably the right decision). As a band we are able to enjoy some of the discomfort as an adventure, but that doesn't always work with the ladies.

We were to go on and play at 7:00 but that didn't happen... home was still relying upon the communication of that time frame when we left our maidens waving "fare ye well" from the doors of "get back soon". We arrived at the venue safe and sound...unloaded ... set up ... and waited... and waited (and waited - Oh, I said that already)

While describing to the home base that there were delays in performance via text and goofy photos... (there still was a long distance expectation of a 7:00 O'clock "show time" -- and when that wasn't happening?) ...somehow the communication came back to me (after a few delayed goofy pictures and text delays) --a text came to my phone that read: "What is it the seven year itch?" ... So I thought "Huh?" I better Google this... It did come from my wife to me!

Words ... they can be worse than sticks and stones --- (check it out, there is a creepy "worldly" meaning behind "the seven year itch"... If you check it out for yourself, you will walk into another negative prophesy that has once again inflicted the human race. There is a weird belief that every seven years, of a marriage, it will face a threat of a desire for infidelity ??...What? How sick can someone get (Oh yea! Satan gets pretty sick!). So of course I was wondering where this text had come from being very concerned, and my answer had a typical "too deep"explanatory reply that got a text back that said "what the heck r u talking about????? (Glad there wasn't another seven sent back?)

Well let's stop this week's rambling just for a minute with some "number" thoughts on Seven --- God's number, the seventh day He rested, seventy x seven, forgiveness, jubilee, resurrection, and on and on ... Oh if we could lay down the sevens before Him with a desire for - more of us for Him and more of Him for us.

Granted the text sent to my phone was was way out of context, but so is the life that pays no attention to the things, the days, the hours, the minutes, the seconds that are ordered by our God. Let's spent the next days ahead thinking of Him with every "Seven" that we encounter; and just stop and Praise Him who is the Rock that is always higher than us ... for us!!



SEVEN ... Praise God!!
Every Seven, love my wife more!
Every Seven, think on His things!
Every Seven! He is the answer.

Scream Naked in the Back Yard

Can you feel His breath? Can you sense His stare? Can you sense His desire for you? Can you feel the pressure, the draw... of His love Song over you?

"The fool hath said in his heart, there is NO GOD. Corrupt are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that doeth good.God looked down from Heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, that did seek God." Psalm 53: 1,2

He still seeks men today and definitely will not let His own starve their Spirit life.. Let's take a deep breath, and let the next words soak our soul ...

The tempter was rattling our Savior's cage after He (Jesus)had fasted in the wilderness, a deserted place, for 40 days and 40 nights (as told in the Gospel of Matthew and Luke, both chapter 4) - "fasted" means, no food! And the scripture makes an understatement "And He was an hungered".

The first rattle from Satan was about this "Hunger" that Jesus had ..the Devil said "Hey Jesus, if thou be he Son of Man, turn these stones into Bread." ... "If thou be" revealed that the number one problem with Satan was that, with him there is no searching for soul sustenance ... just fishing for trivia to make accusations to the Father. "If thou be", was an attempt to jab into the pride of truth... There is no "ifs" on God's end of things, only with ours.

Sorry , Truth is always seeking first ... so the gnawing, and the drawing of the soul's starvation is there in the heart and soul of God's creation, and especially in His highest creation .. MANKIND.

Hear Jesus' answer, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." SO two big questions: 1. What aches when we don't have food? The Body (and all its related physical support systems). 2. What aches when we don't make ourselves accessible to "every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God" ? Our Spirit (and all of its related eternal, mental, spiritual and social support systems).

Quit starting each day by hiding yourself in the fragile, faultily, sown fig leaves of Word Depravation Living.

What are the symptoms besides a closed Bible?
1. Lack of desire to move forward.
2. Strange fear of "what to do next".
3. An anxiety of being alone.
4. An Overwhelming sense of the fulfillment of Self fulfilling negative prophesies that we place on our lives.
5. A fear the opening the Word will prove God is mad at you.
6.The most obvious results are a paralyzing fear and fatigue with the mention of spiritual words and songs. (This is drawn from the thought of starving at the soul connection).

This morning in sharing the fellowship of anxiety, with the gifted "completer" that God had given me so many years ago (my beautiful wife): we discussed the symptoms that were creeping up on us, and I asked her what should she do differently tomorrow morning to change this downward spiral? Her answer, though it sounded crazy, was right on : "I guess I should just get naked and go scream in the backyard."

NOW if we do this physically it could have some legal ramifications especially if the neighbors call the police; but let's go straight to the Soul.  Start our day by Stripping away the "fig leaves" of false piety and self pity, run out into the presence of our God ... Soul Naked and waiting for His Word to cover and fill our life with the abundance and purpose that His Truth and Spirit from His Word have promised ... Let Him pour love and life into us... Everyday ...

LET US START EVERY DAY with His Word, for that is where we can truly begin to thrive.

Can you feel His breath? Can you sense His stare? Can you sense His desire for you? Can you feel the pressure, the draw... of His love Song over you?

"O God, Thou art my God, early will I seek Thee: (early will I seek Thee)
My soul thirsteth for Thee
My flesh longeth for Thee,
in a dry and thirsty land,
where no water is.

O God, Thou art my God, early will I seek Thee: (early will I seek Thee)
To see Thy power and Thy glory,
So as I have seen Thee in the Sanctuary.

O God, Thou art my God, early will I seek Thee: (early will I seek Thee)
Because Thy loving kindness,
is better than life,
my lips shall praise Thee,
(Where no water is).

O God, Thou art my God, early will I seek Thee: (early will I seek Thee).Psalm 63:1-3

(Words by The Lord - Music by Blushing Well)

Scream Naked in the Backyard of your Soul life every day!Early.



I Am Not

I am feeling a little awkward at this moment. I am not here; but what's left of me is. No one is looking directly at me, although I am the big topic of conversation. I have never seen such an array of emotions put on display at any one given time like this. There is a thick serious spirit hanging over even the lightest of conversations; while All with slightly wetted eyes seem to be looking for something that they cannot see.

The achievements of my life have been noted, and listed in a little less than 300 words so that my life and associations would fit on one side of a quickly printed 8 1/2" x 11" folded handout. (The order of the show that will be put on for those who have gathered has actually occupied as much printed space as my deducted achievements). There Pictures and Impressions of me posted for all to see, so that they might connect with me, my family and the moment; while stories of these connections and other moments may only be stated to prove the qualifications of those that have joined in this gathering. I am still, I am not invited into the conversations; I am all but voiceless.

In my life, much like the prophesy of the Savior ... "For I Have heard the slander of many, fear was on every side; while they took counsel together against me, they devised to take away my life. Psalm 31:13" Why did they want me to diminish my love for Real Life? I truly could tell that I did not fit. When I spoke, my listeners' eyes would glaze over and they would start looking for another to converse with. Those who were polite would give me a pat on the back and a quick meaningless blessing to push me on my way.

But I had questions, and I needed answers. I had dreams and aspirations that were quickly dismissed as the babblings of a social idiot. "He is beside himself!" The crying out of the prophetic mad man in not received even by his own kinsmen in his own country.

Why could I not just fade into the gray of the popular faith of the day is beyond me? Why couldn't I be content with the "smile offerings" and the "shallow connections" that seem to get everybody else through life? Why did I have to take eternity so seriously? Why was I in need of making sure "It was well" with the soul of every human being that I shared a moment of time? Why couldn't I just assume all was well? AND why did the freaking tears have to fill my eyes when others would laugh their way through their days?

Some would say that I was a little "off my rocker", "slightly imbalanced", "out of touch with reality", "emotionally fragile" ... but to know the implication of my full salvation because of His "Bloody Sacrifice" on the Cross; and to know the power of His resurrection on each and every moment of my life; and to know the fellowship, groaning, and fullness of the Spirit in battle for the lost souls of men ... I would trade what the world calls stable and sure, for the instability of this declaration: "I am crucified with Christ, never the less I live; yet not I; but Christ lives in me: and the life that I NOW live... I live by the faith of the Son of God., who loved me, and gave Himself for me. " Galatians 2:20

Every day, because of being in the Middle ... it is like we, the faith followers of Christ, are in a velvet bagged box of our own ashes, while the world looks on and wonders ... who we are and why we are so passionate about Jesus. Why can't we live and just let others live whatever way they want to? Because:
WE believe that Jesus is the only Way that leads away from eternity lost.
WE believe that Jesus is the only Truth that has eternal connecting consequence.
WE believe that Jesus is the only Life source that makes humanity truly alive and raises them from death
--because NO MAN can come to the Father but by Him.

Once WE have trusted Him , we live because He lives, and WE believe WE ARE HIS.

1 Corinthians 6:19,20 - "What know ye not, that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost, which lives in you, which ye have of God and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's."



Waiting Warship or Waiting Worship

"We roar all like bears, and mourn sore like doves: we look for judgment, but there is none; for salvation, but it is far off from us." Isaiah 59:11

How close is our God? Some would suppose that we are too insignificant to catch His attention in the midst of all of events and happenings in all creation (even the Psalmist expressed this when he declares "What is man that Thou art mindful of him?"). We may even feel that He will not notice that we are not even acknowledging that He exits. We will make a choice that is simply rebellion, and then wait for "nothing" to happen. This "nothing" is our sign that all this "God talk" may be a farce...and we decide to "sin on".

We may even dedicate ourselves at times to doing right because of the hope of "good stuff" coming our way. We convince ourselves in that moment that we are planting a seed of good deeds that will lead to a "success" harvest. THEN, when the harvest does not come when we think it should, we abandon the "good works" pathway for self medication and feel good choices (though many of these will lead us further into darkness).

We are convinced that God does nothing while our enemies close in on all sides, and we live under the pressure of constant persecution and impoverished demise. We watch as our enemies seem happy and healthy, while we are sad and sickly ... it seems so unfair. The ungodly prosper while the echoes of the voices the prosperity prophets just bounce off of our empty bank accounts and amassing miss-fortune of spiritual failures. Our enemies seem to win!

Why has God asked us to "love our enemies"? Why has He encouraged us to "do good unto those who spitefully abuse us"? Why is it that the goodness of God leads men to repentance, while voices scream behind pulpits of the FEAR of GOD and the WRATH of GOD - not as a tearful warning to the enemy but as a threat that GOD will get them. And God does not get them ... when we think He should.

YES ... judgment is sure, Hell is real, and God will deliver His people. The timing of this is where the Sovereignty of God is in conflict with the temporal patience of Man. Waiting is a touted as a game for the weak...but scripture teaches elsewise.

Psalm 35 - is an amazing passage where our Triune God seems to wrestle over this issue and this verse deals a catastrophic blow to my need for revenge and gloating over my enemy. Here is what God's response is to the Enemy's time of illness: "But as for me, when they were sick, my clothing was sackcloth: I humbled my soul with fasting; and my prayer returned into mine own bosom. I behaved myself as though he had been my friend or brother: I bowed down heavily, as one that mourneth for his mother." Psalm 35:13,14

Obviously my thoughts are not His thoughts and my ways are not His ways --- has he not shown mercy and grace to me, I would be hopelessly lost today ... but His goodness led me to His Salvation. NOW I MUST WAIT and worship for others, I must not become a waiting Warship -- ready to launch an all out assault on my enemy. THAT ASSAULT BELONGS TO GOD ... what belongs to me is waiting.

Read the following expanded devotional translation of Isaiah 40:31:
"They that ...wait, (look eagerly for, hope, linger and lie in wait to collect, bind be collected, and bound together. The simple fact of this type of waiting is ... those waiting have collective contentment with the abilities of the one they trust)
Upon the Lord, shall renew (This waiting causes those waiting to pass on or away for the threat; to pass through, pass by, go through, grow up, to change, to go on from there as the moment of trouble seems to pass on quickly away (vanish) to come on anew, to grow new life that allows them to pass through to overstep the moment; change to change, substitute, alter, to be changed for better, renew to show a newness of ...
their strength, (power, might, that produces a wealth of "good soil", adds an adaptability... like a type of lizard-color-change to better fit in with its surroundings.
They shall rise up with wings as eagles,
they shall run and be not weary, t
hey shall walk and not faint."

It's not you,
that needs to war against the Enemy -
That is God's Battle that there can be:
and Restoring.
It is yours to be in waiting worship -- not a waiting warship

-Wait on the Lord!!!



Something's Fishy

This is not where I wanted to be. After spending 3 days and 3 nights in the belly of a whale, having my clothes reduced to rags, my skin and hair bleached white, and what was left of my beard was matted by the most disgusting stickiness of a "big fish mucous ball". To top it off, the fish had hurled me onto the beach like the vomit I had become because of my inability to see mercy. Only judgement raining down, even on the innocent, would satisfy my sense of warped purpose. Think about it! God would have me preach fiery judgement, and then when the multitudes would turn to Him, He would have mercy, the fire would not come down, and I would look Like a powerless idiot.

Why should grace and mercy be there for those who don't deserve it? The problem with me was so simple that I could not see it -- I was more devoted to my reputation than God's.

"His mercy endures forever!" from my perspective, was a promise for the elite, the separated and set apart for His glory and His purpose ... right? "His mercy endures forever!" is not for the Godless, flesh glorifying, sin loving reprobates that just need to be wiped off of the face of the earth.(Man was I steaming, after I waited outside the city that I just preached God's Fiery Judgement to ...anxiously awaiting the fire to fall, but it did not; I give up).

They heard the message and repented AND GOD GAVE THEM MERCY --- NOT FAIR!!!

It was a city full of perverted sexual activity at the highest level ... rape and incest was rampant, maiming and murder was a justified response, the offering of infants and children to the fire of idols was the highest form of worship ... the whole city partied as the children screamed for their lives.
Fear and injustice was the order of the day ... God should have not warned them, He should have just poured out His fiery wrath and been done.

Now here I sit under a stinking juniper tree as I watch a beautiful gourd destroyed from the inside out by a stinking worm ... and I slipped off into the numb sleep of a fool; but man, something is fishy here.

Hey -- Although I am not Jonah --- I think I understand the concept of seeing the blessing of God in the lives of others but not seeing His blessing in my life.

I try to make the right decisions and do the right things. But unknowingly, I set myself up for the kill by the corruption of real JOY by my choice to live under the constant oppression of my negative, stinking thought life. I am plagued by a self inflicted depravation caused by continual negative prophetical utterances over my life. I have become my worst enemy. Here is a sampling of some of my debilitating self talk:
"God does good things for others ... but He never does that for me."
"God cares about everyone else but not me."
"The darkness in my life is too dark for God's light to overcome."
"I must be beyond help"
"I am useless to God."
"I must be under a curse."
"I will never ________ (fill in the blank) --- never, never, never!"

"Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things (food, clothing, position, purpose, etc.) will be added unto you". Matt. 6:33 -- We have it backwards, while striving for the "things", we easily loose sight of real life -found only in Jesus.

"Oh God, Thou art my God, early will I seek thee!" Psalm 63:1

"I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus!" Phil. 3:14

Hey ... I think I have it dumbed down for even me ...
Start every day with a Rugged Cross and Resurrection focus, the Word to my ear and flowing in my heart, and with a grateful heart ... live a life in all prayer and all thanksgiving.

He is my righteousness (rest) - He is MY GOD(trust) - He is my prize (win), my high calling is to empty myself of me "early" - in the beginning of each new day and like Him... take on the form of the lowliest, the servant. Weep with those that weep and rejoice with those that rejoice.

Yes there will be tough days of broken body and broken dreams but He is with us in those moments to see us through ... be ever thankful. Don't live in regretful bitterness.

Jesus Could have called 12 legions of angels - 12 x 12,000 = 144,000 (One angel mentioned in Isaiah 37:36 - in a battle to protect Israel, killed 185,000) -- 185,000 x 144,000 = 26,640,000,000 people. With the world census clock ticking at about 7.5 billion people on planet earth -- God had (during his days on the planet) and has (during our days on the planet) enough Angelic fire power to cleanse the world of mankind BUT that was not the choice of His character.

"For God so loved the world (not just mankind), that He gave His only begotten Son (a personal price paid that could far outweigh all the guilt of 26,640,000,000 humans), that whosoever(anyone) believes on Him should not perish(lost forever separated from God), but have everlasting life (with Him now, and forever)". John 3:16



Phil. 2:6 - " Who in the beginning positioned Himself "below" in the form of God, did not deem to lead by seizing to appear equal with God".... Wow He chose to be a nobody that could save everybody and anybody that would believe on Him. Why do we see every one else's blessing but not our own?

Blessing Seeking lesson # 1 - Let His Grace and His Mercy rule your life in His Love.

Why ... should I care?

There it was again ...always when I am haunted by the frail attempts of my faith to be fearless; the darkened glass seemed to make a metallic wind-like noise to call for my attention. The sound took my imagination to a double edged sword being swung through the air by a mighty angelic warrior.

And again, the sound alerted me as my fading hope led me to the edge of the field of sin with all of its bright lights and mysterious wonders that were just beyond my reach. This time the metallic sound whined within the realm of the sound of screeching brakes or a blade sharpening on a grinding wheel. "OK, I hear you!"

It didn't matter which direction I would turn at this juncture of the confrontation with the "darkened glass", for it would always be with me, and it would reveal itself everywhere that I would turn. Knowing this I closed my eyes. The thought of coddling my disappoint to justify my decision and grasp for justification to cross the line was slowly fading against the sound of the Darkened Glass.

Then I heard my own voice cry out of my distress, "Why should I care?" And upon hearing this I yelled all the louder in an upward direction "WHY SHOULD I CARE?" ... Just like I suspected there was no immediate reply... But that high pitched metallic sound of the "darkened glass" stopped with an eerie and awkward silence; And my question with fading delays repeated itself like echoes across the vast plain of my memory.

Now, I was left to whatever my heightened senses could pull in through their emotionally weakened receptors. Still and small ... Between each echo was the resonation of His Voice from the Darkened Glass bringing comfort with each wave of celestial flow:
Why should I care?
"I persevere through your loss of heart and continue to offer kindness and favor!"
Why should I care?
"I do not put my power in your face with boasting, magnifying myself to put you down!"
Why should I care?
"I stay constant in my support for you; nothing will provoke me to think evil of you!"
Why should I care?
"I cannot rejoice when you step aside of truth; but I rejoice in your choices for truth!"
Why should I care?
"I create a protective covering for you, in all of your moments!"
"I choose to give you my constant confidence, in all of your wavering!"
"I wait with a joyful anticipation, for you!"
"AND no matter what - I will not recede, nor flee, nor fall back in your time of need!"

"Faith may and will fade to fear -- Hope will dwindle until temptation may win -- BUT"

... "But what?" I moaned... ... The silence grew thick;
My eyes were still closed ... "BUT WHAT?" I cried.
I spun around,
opened my eyes,
and there written on the steam-like fog on the darkened glass appeared the words:
My Love remains -- I love you!

I Corinthians 13:13 - "Now abideth faith, hope and Love, and the greatest of these is Love".

This is why I care!



If - That Blessed Moment

2 Corinthians 5:17 - "Therefore if any may be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new."

Too many "ifs" seem to show up in our ears that are not there to threaten our security as we move forward in our journey as Kids of the King and Christ followers. Why has the IF become a club to beat believers into fearful submission instead of an encouraging threshold of Faith.

Yes ... Without question ...There needs to be that cognizant moment of the recognition of our sinfulness(exposed and declared by the Word and the Spirit), and a heartfelt realization of our eternally hopeless end in a Devil's Hell ...without the grace and mercy of God, who so loved the adornment of all of the creation, that He gave His only Heaven Sent Son (Gave Him to Die for Us) ... That whoever believes in Him will not face the burning, hopeless "end penalty" of Sin, but are rescued into the security of Eternal Life ... Because of Jesus. He is our Salvation.

But leaders of faith throughout the ages have been fearful in turning over the face and future of the established church to "Believe in the Name of Jesus" as the portal that will capture men for eternity. They feel possibly that God needs help. They feel that salvation must be taught in such a way that the church will not be embarrassed by the "loose canon" or the "free spirit" believers. They hang weights of conditions, laws, rules and regulations on Grace so that it is not taken for granted (Just in case the Spirit doesn't fully take care of that).

Maybe it was because of our rancid past and undiminished scars, that we haven't trusted God for victory (yet), that makes us doubt that God can handle every situation and grow every man in Christ without our serious faced imput. Maybe it is a fear that the addictions that we hide as leaders (while pretending to be "all right") will become public when the disciples we claim ownership of ... flounder and fall. And we then will have to bear the inquisition of other pompous or pious spiritual leaders.

{I dare you to accuse one of God's Kids to his Daddy! ... someone else has tried this since the beginning and hasn't been able to sway God's love opinion of His Kids nor change their secure standing in Him.}

OR ... maybe it is our innate ability to have our faith crushed ever so quickly by negativity, and the "ifs" that carry doubt too far into the fabric of our frail existence. Why is it that we waste years worrying about whether we and others are "true" believers? Why is it that we spend our days (that we should be knowing and letting Him lead and love us more) looking for "proof" verses of our right standing with God? Why do we cause babes around us to also doubt that their Father truly has and will continue to love and rescue them?


"2 Corinthians 5" is an amazing passage of unfolding promise and security ... In a nut shell: There is a promised home in the future ... That we all long for ... but the prize of the promise for the moment is in this: that those "In Christ" by faith are an awesome miraculous habitation of unfolding newness. The "IF" in the passages ...(was added by license, but not to cause doubt) ...Is just a moment to stop, reflect and thank God for our salvation. It was never meant to be a stall in contrived proofs to cause doubt by fearful scrutiny.

Now... If I may take liberty to encourage -- here is a devotionally expanded restating of the 2 Corinthians 5:17 - (Read the entire chapter first ... it will bless you in the full context).

2 Corinthians 5:17 - "So that, insomuch that whoever is in Christ... with respect to their form (what can be seen): they are recently made, they are fresh, they are new, they are unused and unworn; with respect to their substance (what is on the inside): they are a new kind of building, an unprecedented fabrication ... a novel, uncommon, and unheard of "God habitation"; things that were cluttering their lives from the beginning are now passing by and out of their life; and each and every individual thing within those growing lives in Christ is being constantly refreshed and ever increasingly renewed."

Wow -- God will continue His work of Grace in believers until grace turns to sight when we are with Him.

Read the Word in its entirety and you will find amazing encouragement!

If there is something in it that discourages you ... stop, breathe, pray and backup and read again until the burden is lifted.

Have you placed your faith in Christ? ... Awesome! Be encouraged, you are His with all the treasures, support, and supply of Eternity to get you Home victorious.



Please Don't Yell at Me!

Have we ever had to walk on egg shells just to be near someone we loved? We may have even had to conceal our physical and mental scars, and shame with a veil of smiling but hidden self blame. Painfully, we have learned that this "angry one" has a touchy time-bomb personality; and it seemed as if no amount of special care nor hours of special attention can defuse their "tension held", "hair trigger".... anger fuse.

Many lives that coddle and protect dysfunctional relationships carry their self defense wounds into their perception of how God deals with us. True Love from above is distorted and handicapped by a lack of longsuffering from an angry parent, an impatient spouse, a rude relative or a self-absorbed friend. And through this broken lens ... grace is valued as weak and useless.

By cruel careless words yelled and crude wicked gestures thrown our way we could be developing a quick to judge, negative, and reflexive attitude towards eternal Truth. God is seen and espoused as angry all the time; and the truth, that God is touched with the feelings of our weakness, has no place within the life of a real man. This perception has its origins in the sin of Cain, and other murderers throughout the ages.

Be careful that we love appropriately in all of our relationships, the investment in the lives of others is more indelible than we realize ... those relationships that depend on us the most could be the place where the scars are carved the deepest and the fears are most haunting. The "Still Small Voice" may only feel like He is Yelling because of your sin stained perception... be still and know that He is God.

Psalm 6:1-10 (Scarlet Sinner Interpretation)
1 O LORD, please don't yell at me in your anger, and though I am deserving of corporal chastising, please do not carry it forth when the temperature of your displeasure is burning out of control.

2 Mercy - have mercy - have pity and show favor instead of displeasure. When I have piled high the offenses toward those I love, and barricaded myself behind an impenetrable layer of kevlaric pride ... I am almost undone... I have weakened my essence so that there is no longer even an ounce of resilient strength within me; all that remains is these weakened and trembling hands. And why am I so driven to this useless nervous hurry?

3 My soul, my self, my life, my creature, my person, my appetite, my mind, my living being, my desire, my emotion, my passion ... Every thing about me is vexed within this intense seemingly unavoidable anxious disturbing. BUT THOU O LORD --- How Long??? I feel you have turned your back on me ... How Long!!! I cannot bear not seeing your eyes, but I am also afraid of what you will find when you look on me - How Long?

4 Return - turn back, return me, restore me, refresh me, repair me ... Deliver me. Remove the oppression, draw out my personally inflicted poison, draw off the pain I have chosen, take off the pride that keeps me from healing, withdraw the splinters and motes that halt my healing and stifle my vision, equip me for war that I need to carry out against my pride, arm me for warring against my regret, rescue me from the whispers of the accuser that so easily discourage me, I need to be rescued to possibly truly live and love for the first time in my life! Give me freedom ... not because I deserve it, but for Thy tender mercy's sake.

5 When the dirt is thrown over me, my praises will be stifled, and all of the wonder that can be cast upward and outward of thanks and of praises is silenced ... Opportunity as a praise maker has ended. Don't let me die!

6 If there is anything that seems too permanent and perfected in my is this wearying of my soul; that in the night season it makes my bed and potential bier to swim in a restless ocean of emotions; there is an intense melting, dissolving, and liquefying of my life as Tears drain to my resting couch. See my crying!

7 My eye that should spring forth with life giving vision wastes away because of daily anger, vexation, provocation, and grief; my spring of life is pressed into aged familiarity and uselessness by those things and people that have chosen to be adversaries and antagonists to add distress and disillusion to my days. Bring back your vision!

8 (My choice ... To sulk or to war... I choose to war) I command you that live your lives producing wickedness and oppression ... I have no vested part with thee, Depart! For here is an absolute truth and I will bow to its control -- The LORD has heard and will hear my weeping ... And His listening is with great interest and intensity.

9 The LORD hears my cry to supply His favor: He will to take, get, fetch, lay hold of, seize, receive, acquire, buy, bring, marry, snatch, take away my prayer as a treasure for His responsive keeping... He will take loving ownership of me.

10 Let all the beginnings, choices and voices that have set themselves against me: Be Boosh (ashamed) and let them suddenly be disturbed by my turning to You and the Awesomeness of Your Terrifying Majesty; Alarmed that You are there for me; terrified that You are against them; hurriedly they try futilely to move far from confrontation. Let them be disturbed, be anxious, be afraid, be hurried, and be nervous... Because YOU HEAR MY PRAYER.

I John 5:14,15 - "And this is the confidence that we have in Him, that, if we ask anything ... According to His will He heareth us. And if we know that He hear us, whatsoever we ask, We know that we have the petitions that we desired of Him."

His desire is to hear us ... He wants us to know this desire... So pray desiring Him... And you will have your Desire as well as the things you need to live Life Abundant.

Be angry and sin not!!

O to pray in such power that comfort is delivered to those who love You and fear is put into the hearts of those that oppose You.



Breath Support

Note from the Beach: It was just a clearance rack in a Walmart but I was in a distant town from home, and I was in expectation of God's Spirit teaching me through what I had studied with great anticipation from that morning's walk in the cool of the day. Something was different in the air, not the typical Walmart sounds, but there was a Heavenly melodic song being carried via the skilled breath and lips of a profoundly articulate whistler.

I was going to just let it be background ambience to the shopping experience (so as not to miss the bargains)but God nudged my heart "follow my song ... There is the blessing".

Moments later in my search for the Artist ... I found, bent over in an aisle, an elderly man of darker skin and a beard with most of the colors of a rainbow artistically arranged by his Creator. He was lost in his song, so I gently reached out to him and placed my hand on his shoulder. He turned with a smile, and we blessed each other with a Spiritual greeting. Then he received encouragement from above through me whistle on with the praises of God with the gift of the Breath that God had given him; and I was blessed with knowing God had personally taught me and confirmed his Word "set your affection (diaphragm) the breath of God in all that we do!"

Col. 3:1,2 - "If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth."

The word for affection, stems from the word that describes the diaphragm(you know that big muscle right under your lungs) - this is the muscle that supports the process of breathing - it reflexes for the normal breath and creates the power for all of our movement and creates the force behind our speech and song. If we set the support system for our breath on things that are strategic for the "above" life, the life here below will be balanced and lived as full opportunity for whatever our "Christ Connected" souls desire.

Col. 3:23 - "And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as unto the Lord, and not unto men."

There are always, gifts, talents, words, actions ...products that come out of our lives that effectively affect our living, and encourages what matters to the lives of those around us ... Whether positive or negative... Every thing we do has consequence, and everything should have His Breath. There is no life lived without consequence. If we truly put the effort of our innermost being into "risen soul" ventures ... Abundant life will pour out of our innermost beings with full consequential connection to our Soul Lover, our Life, our Lord ... Jesus.

Live to support the Breath of Life that God extends without measure to you daily. Breathe out encouragement to the brethren in remote places, and bless your neighbor closest to you without measure. A God breathed "Soul life" will be the conduit that will flow rivers of living water to the needs of others. The bonus is that we get to joyfully bath in its cleansing, refreshing current as it flows through us to others.

The only ones that lose out on the breath are those who fearfully or selfishly keep it as there own.




Devotion or Superstition

"For I passed by, and beheld your devotions; I found an alter with this inscription, TO AN UNKNOWN GOD, whom therefore ye ignorantly worship, Him declare I unto you." Acts 17:23 For a moment forget this was Paul speaking to the crowd in Athens, and hear God speaking into that part of our life which is most precious to Him ... "For I passed by and tried to join in on your devotions. ...Why do you so flippantly and superstitiously worship ... me? I want you to know ... that I desire you to really know, that I love you."

Up until now, after years of walking with the King, no matter how early I would awaken and race to the sanctuary ... I would find Him waiting. It frustrated me a little because of the naive concepts that I had fastened to my heart (like instant cliché fixes for the moment) in order to hype the moment in an attempt to bring the miraculous into the doldrums of daily living. Those superstitious type of concepts would frustrate me to no end ... so I would turn them against me ... "Lord, how am I ever to rise up with wings as eagles, if in rushing to wait on you ... You are always ahead of me, waiting for me?" "What good is praying if you already know what I need before I ask?" Woe...our wicked hearts are good at flipping the precious promises of God and molding them into disappointments because of our inability to wait ... and enjoy His presence.

....He loved us first.
....He called us first.
....He waited for us first.
"Many a believer will "amen" these concepts, while in the congregation of the redeemed. But when the door is opened to daily living, we will live a lifetime under the whispers of inconsequential learning, superstitious traditions, and negative self prophecies. We will spend our prime time wincing at the discomforts of disorganization, pointing out the flaws in the efforts of others, disposing of joy while despising the obvious blessings, and cursing our own lives with negative prophecies of future failure BECAUSE ... "God will do good things for others but not for me ... because I am specially set aside as a target of woe ...(eyes go shut)?"

When will we truly and daily welcome His continuous active care within the realm of our focus, with "eyes wide open" and "lives fully engaged", we could truly live within the unfolding wonders of His desire for us. Instead of treating activities of devotion as an interruption or a dutiful task, our souls waking desire could be to fellowship with our God!

....He is loving first. Receive that continuous flow of His goodness.
....He is calling first. Be quiet and listen to His voice that carries your name.
....He is waiting first. Be thankful for He never leaves you nor abandons you.
And He knows the critical importance of getting His Word to us (like an emergency transfusion, into our lives to literally quicken us and keep us alive).

Why will we be content to continue to sing songs with longings like "Open the eyes of my heart, open the eyes of my heart ... I want to see you" and then walk out of the congregational time with no further expectation? Because ...if we were to be honest ... the song is missing what we rarely would dare say in the congregation, but is being muttered under our breath ..."under my terms and within my schedule".

Do you think it was a moment of weakness, when in the Garden of Gethsemane, our Lord said "Not my will but thine be done."? No...that was an eternally courageous moment where Jesus submitted the will of the seen to the greater Will of the Unseen. Looking at the momentary and devastatingly painful Roman Cross, Jesus' hope was built on the same promise as ours ... " and the third day I will rise" ... And the tomb would be robbed by the Resurrected Life that would emerge.

O to live with a daily expectation of the revealing of His mercies, as new every morning!

("Many waters taken into and expelled from our lives cannot quench love, and overwhelming torrential floods cannot drown it; If a man would give all of the worldly treasures of his existence for love, his dwelling place would be utterly desolate of his time, attention, and possessions; and sooner or later there would be a "condemned" or "no trespassing" sign on the door because of LOVE" - Devotional Paraphrase of Song of Solomon 8:7)

Here is the take away -- He is more devoted to your devotion than you will ever cannot earn deeper devotion by your physical strength or mental acumen; but during those private moments where you abandon all else, He will take you deeper and pull you closer ... HE ACTIVELY DESIRES YOU FIRST.



A Letter From my Heart to my Heart

"For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ: For it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith; for as it is written, the just shall live by faith. For the wrath of God is revealed from Heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who hold the truth in unrighteousness, because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for GOD hath showed it unto them." Romans 1:16-18

Buckle your seatbelt for this next moment of devotional surgery: Daily - Walking among mankind (there are souls that need to be radically attached by faith to the Good News of Jesus), I dare not put on the pious vesture of a disfiguring and dishonoring appearance of disgrace. By Adorning the Gospel with a mute and powerless faith that holds the truth captive, hidden and unexplained... many who desire a reason for the hope that is in a "Follower of Christ" will be left in the "Darkness" of unbelief. This mute ashamed life actually gives glory to ungodliness and unrighteousness that is holding mankind in the chains of unrighteousness... If God has spoken into us and showed the truth miraculously to us, then what gives us the right to ration out the Gospel in places, portions and seasons that we declare as our "way" to expose faith ... He hath said, for time and eternity, "Now is the accepted time, Now is the Day of Salvation!" Who are we to hold down the truth in silence?


Dear Heart of Hearts,

I felt the pain, and I held the tears in momentary suspension after an abrupt end of a business phone conversation today. There wasn’t even the human courtesy of a “good-bye”, just the silence of a rude disconnect. A potential brother on the other end of the phone refuses to acknowledge a spiritual existence in the name of “it is just business”.

I tremble inside because he openly wears a uniform to announce that he is a unique member of his Kingdom class, while denying the NOW existence of eternity. His sect still holds a strange separation that is touted "as for the sake of holiness", but it appears to be in place to protect their corner of the kingdom from outsiders who may bring in impurities?

So - Hell has a sign on this side of the great Chasm between Earth and its horrendous burning, "no second chance", gnashing of teeth, weeping and wailing eternity that reads - "Closed during business hours!" Go figure???

The world of men that feel the lost-ness of their lives are dying to know that The Faith that brings abundant, eternal life is not held selfishly captive by a chosen few. O the ache that I carry when I find that the Glory of God is suppressed by vain philosophical living and life robbing traditions (that in light of the FREE GIFT OF GOD are edging on blasphemy); an ache so purifyingly disruptive that I can taste the metallic acidity of the corrosion of power. My God, my God ...why have they forsaken Thee?

As the tears dropped from my eyes and cascaded to my cheeks – I bowed my soul before the Lover of it: "Father, When will we learn that you SO LOVED THE WORLD, that You gave, willingly, your eternal pride and joy, Jesus, ---He, who is everything that is sacred, was sacrificed on His cruel crux of sin's death for “whosoever” believes. Who am I to decide ...who, when, and why the Gospel should be given?"

His Love For All... has pressed and pierced into my heart and yours,


Provoked Yet

Are we provoked yet? Bankrupt? Heart failing? Heart growing cold? The typical and success driven answer is "NO!" (I don't think so?)

The measure of a successful life today is truly not being weighed against eternity. A solitary individual that truly gives his life for others is seen as an awkward splinter in the posterior of the "success-purpose driven machine". Amidst the pummel of C.Y.B. rules, laws, regulations, processes and peer pressures that are being sublimely coerced upon this last generation of believers, a solitary heart-wrenching-ache for the welfare of the eternal life of others has no place. Politically correct? Socially acceptable? Culturally relevant? Faith muted? Emotionally neutral? Expressionally blank? What monster has ripped the true God connection out of life? What is this Leviathan(Stop here and read Job 41 to get a feel for this monster)?

Their plan seemed noble enough, "The CL Team - Conquer Leviathan"(that was the name they coined for their Monster Demolition Enterprise - yep , you read right! They were going to take on the most dreaded monster that had plagued mankind since the first dawn in the Garden). There seemed to be a great rallying around this idea exploited by the media that surrounded the "CL Team, especially among their peers and contemporaries. Strangely enough it was mysteriously funded by an anonymous but solid, well connected lender. And the team was sent off with great fanfare on its journey to what they felt was an almost guaranteed success. But there was a fatal flaw in their endeavor: They underestimated the reach of the monster that they were up against, for the Lender and monster were one in the same. Oh if only they had hearkened unto the Voice from the vanishing point --- Job 41:8 - "Lay thine hand upon him, remember the battle, do no more".

Leviathan has a subtle goal - lead men into idolatry. Many a modern man will think of idolatry as a form of primitive worship of personally fabricated statues or a fearful worship of natural elements such as storms and volcanoes. But this is where Leviathan steps in and encourages us to not be so ignorant; be true to yourself because you are the master of your own destiny ... listen to your heart and obey that voice inside you. Sounds pretty good, especially if Leviathan has already turned his screw-like tentacles deep into the fear side of our conscious existence.

Leviathan, secretly joins in on our fears, and attends to our trembling by creating an airtight defense for our self preserving reactions. "It is only natural!" He borrows from our pain's natural reflexes and gains a "buy in" by preying hard on potential catastrophic results, and offering "better" choices for comfort. Then he causes his constituents: to desire more self preserving motives, and to borrow more and more self entitled philosophies, until the monster becomes the Only Lender. Under the guise of "We deserve better", he lays the snare with a utopian idea of that we control the outcome of our destiny. This is where idolatry is most acceptable and the Voice of God becomes refutable.

Danger - Danger - Danger!!! (Unless God is in control, we are out of control.)

Acts 17:16 - The Apostle stood amidst those that were now bankrupt to idolatry, like many believers are doing today...Job 41(Enter Leviathan) ...We will never be provoked to desire the direction and presence of God if our minds are being loaned out to a culture of pride, if our living borrows against the future of others, and our heart is in debt to a culture that has a place for God... He is at our disposal??

Here is the kicker --- Emilio passed away and I didn't even know. Who even cares? Some may ask Emilio who? If I were to tell you, you will be relieved to know that he was no one truly important to you ... that way you will not have to challenge or charge your heart with any accountability. And the song plays on "Another one bites the dust!"

Revelation 20:15 - "And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire."   ---- We are far too Sophisticated to believe in a place of literal eternal torment - and Leviathan said, "GOT YOU!"

Does that remotely provoke you?

