Happy After Anastasis Sunday!
I was just remembering once again the "Turning point" days of my life because of Jesus...the attic intro, the living-room "win" of my Soul Mate, our first Bibles, the scary concrete baptistry, the church basement first communion experience, the wedding, the Call, the first move, the planting of our firstborn, the flaming hair of promise, the accidents, the surgeons scalpels, the reset ....why is it...that further down the road...the excitement turns to apathy, apathy to narcolepsy, narcolepsy to numbness...numbness to sleep? "Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light."..Eph. 5:14
On Anastasis Sunday the challenge left me hungry, naked and wondering "why?". Why has Hope been infused with an anesthetic just by the removal of truth, bit by bit. The full Gospel has become a fools gospel by the truth left behind. Where is the purifying hope? Why is it kept in hiding? What is the purifying hope?2
Timothy 2:18 - "Who Concerning the truth have erred, saying that the resurrection is past already; and overthrow the faith of some."
News Flash!!! The Weakest point in the Kingdom (on the Westside), the Sensory and Ocular Portal was compromised this morning by two Nekronian terrorists. The two have been identified as Epi Thumia and Aled Zunia. Commenting Specialists in the art of Spiritual Warfare have stated that "Epi Thumia maintains a covert existence within in the masses majoring in the infiltration of the media to change personal and public morality, while Aled Zunia creates "events" that loudly portray the boasting successes of their efforts." These two, though harmless and peaceful in appearance, have anesthetized entire common gatherings. Be on the look out!
Side note: Many well-meaning leaders in the religious community feel there is no cause for alarm for they have not seen evidence of any spiritual insurrection; chiming out that "the Nekronian Terrorist news alert is preposterous."
News authorities have stated that, "The major affect of this "breach of the wall" is that saints of every age and genre have been virally inoculated with what is known as the "MeNow" or the "Nekros" Syndrome. Victims are left with a complete apathy towards the coming of the King; and an overwhelming anxiety that they are leading a 'Breathless' or futile life on the planet."
"For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. 1 John 2:16 ( Epithunia - "Lust" or turning desire; Aledzunia - pride, boasting rebellion against the truth of the Kingdom)
Please follow the following instructions to apply the antidote to the Nekros Virus: Once you recognize the effects of these terrorists in your life.
1. Admit that your weakness needs the Kings strength.
2. Trust the provision of His Sacrifice.
3. Read His life giving Instruction daily.
4. Keep in constant communication with the King daily.
5. Completely rely on the King for your rescue.
6. Look daily for the imminent, eminent, and soon to be immanent return of the King.
Hear and trust the words of the King found in John 16:33 - "These things I have spoken unto, that in Me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." and take heart by His words in Revelation 22:12 a "And, behold, I come quickly."
O Lord, inoculate me to trust your every word!