Friday AM, I climbed into my car to head to work; and none of my Bible apps would play for me. OK ...Silence ... Be still. So, my reflex was to begin to pray on my way. Just before I pulled into the parking lot, I was still feeling very hungry for the Word. At that aching moment ...the passage that I had studied the day before began to flood my soul. I sensed that all my prayers for others now seemed empowered by the presence of the fullness of His Spirit. His faithfulness as always was there to supply "More of Him". Jesus is All we need.
The King of Love's eyes opened long enough for all to see the vastness of the blue, eternal love found within His entire being, and then with that same strange confident manner that He seemed to always possess, He spoke one Word - "Victory!"("It is finished!"); He breathed His last breath; and died. Forget not that on the Third day He Arose... "Why seek the LIVING among the dead?" Jesus, The King of Love is Alive ... and He is coming again soon! DO WE LIVE DAILY IN THE TRUTHS THAT HE EVER-UNFOLDS?
The most awesome thing about God's Word, The Scriptures - it is God's Breathed Expression of the full verbal revelation of Jesus: the Word is alive and continues to create true life -- moment by moment -- daily -- today-- by bringing eternity into our temporal reality. Believers can feel it! We don't live by or for feelings, but they are a bonus in the grand scheme of an exhilarating ride. Daily we can wake up hungry for what God says ... O to wake to an ache inside of us to hear and to know what God will speak into the Shared adventure of the day ahead.
According to Ezekiel 36: 26 there is a two-fold desire of God, not only for the Nation of Israel(prophetically), but for all of His "Faith Kids": ("A New Heart also will I give you, a new Spirit will I put within you, and I will take away the stoney heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh." - This desire brings a lively connection to others as we live with one foot on Earth and one in Heaven). Here is a description of His desire:
1. God gives us an instantaneously received and miraculously, perfectly formed... "NEW" heart that gives us an eternal, life support connection to Father.
2. God also gives us a NEW Spirit that He intentionally and daily desires to refresh, renew, and empower us so that our existence is of greater consequence and purpose than we could ever imagine on this side of Heaven.
Our New Heart needs God's daily renewing of the Spirit to truly make our eternal connections, while on this side of Heaven, felt and effective. True life exudes from the heart of God, any disconnect severs the breath line, and death continues to cast its shadow over the circumstances. For believers death is only a shadow, but we still feel it.
Daily we have a choice: Live in the light or live under the shadow. It is all in the "Walk", that conscious cooperation with God's desire for us. The potential reality for the believer is "But If we walk in the Light, as He is in the Light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin." I John 1:7.
He spoke the worlds into existence. He speaks, and creation obeys His voice. His Word creates purpose, and sets the stage for the Miraculous. His Word speaks and we are quickened by it. Why live in the Wordless land of purposeless, breathless, powerless, doldrum; when you could thrive day by day in the "Miraculous" by the Life Breath of His Word in and through your entire being.
Breathe & Live!