
On another note: Have you seen them lately? The "two great lights"; ( the sun, "the greater light to rule the day", and the moon, "the lesser light to rule the night") they have done there jobs to light the day and brighten night though not always fully visible. Even more out-of-sight this week has been the "also lights". The clouds, that kept rolling throughout all the areas of our travels this week, veiled the "also lights" so effectively, that they were rarely on display. You know what I am talking about! The lights called the stars ..."He made the stars also". Gen. 1:16
Even though the night was filled with clouds, I kept looking for the stars ... I knew they were there. I love to gaze at the movement of heavens when seen... the clouds by day and the stars by night. Just as I was about to miss them completely, a friend on Facebook sent me a link to a NASA photo/video of the Andromeda Galaxy ... took a peek at it, and it created an inspiration to humble myself within those amazing Everlasting Arms again ... thank-you my friend!
Here are two thoughts, take either and run to Him.
1. A simple thought (but you still have to think)--- Psalm 8: 3-4 - "When I consider Thy heavens, the work of Thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which Thou hast ordained; What is man, that Thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that Thou visit him?" What a statement of awe by the Psalmist, no doubt, standing under a cloudless sky with his sheep bedded down for the night... you can almost hear him say, "OH ..... my God ... your amazing creation ...overwhelms my soul ... just for me ... but who am I?" As one that adored the Holy, His exclamations and questions only took him deeper in awe and in love with his God.
How can He be interested in me? What kind of God can display all this Glory and still decorate flowers, watch sparrows fall and counting hairs coming loose? The answer is simple to little ones ... "He watches over me in love!" Something awesome and overwhelming will usually cause a child to run to the safety of the arms of their parent. What about you? Is your reflex to run to Jesus? ...Run!!
{Note: The Psalmist would not be dumbfounded by statements of millions of years ago, zillions of miles of distance or a relic being touted as millions of years old. He knew his mark on History and where He stood with his God. A God that has no time and no space limitations can easily "create with age" to proclaim His investment in our need for Love's awe. These "millions and zillions" can also be a stumbling block/stepping stone to those who want an "out"... because their desire to not be under the Rule and care of LORD Jesus Christ who loved them first. Amazingly he gave us the choice of the direction to run.}
2. A more complex thought (even though you may be thinking it could twist you a little) --- Take the millions, billions, trillions, quadrillions, quintillions, and the zillions of multipliers that could be applied to estimate the amount of stars and galaxies that could be in the universe; multiply it by the speculative 186,000 miles per second of pulsating light that makes us aware of the presense of these celestial entities; times all the theoretical fuzzy math calculations to determine distance "from" and "to" and considering the total forward and/or backward moving mass in the heavens that could be related to the "also lights" - the stars; ... (Got it? -- IT IS BIG NUMBER THAT COULD BUY YOU A GRAND MOMENT ON A GAME SHOW - PURE TRIVIA) --- NOW with your mind's eye -- watch as this massive light-veil of the night, bulges for a split second and then rips apart as the cruel cross of the Creator comes flying out of nowhwere, penetrates the veil, and races through space and time to post itself on this God Forsaking Planet (God has not forsaken us but the hearts of so many men live forsaking Him). For just a few seemingly insignificant moments in the grand scheme of a fallen planet and of the rebellious heart of men ---salvation is purchased -
"It is Finished!". Watch as God allows His earth suit to be beaten, thorned, torn and marred beyond recognition as His blood is shed, His Heart is broken and His life is poured out for all mankind. So many will stand almost worshipping His creation with great awe and admiration; but will scoff at the thought that the Cross of Christ by faith is the only way to the Heart of the Creator."
"It is Finished!". Now listen intently - "There is no other Name other than "Jesus" by which WE MUST BE SAVED" Acts 4:12. All other names offer a "whatever" ! Faith in Jesus is an imperative response to His call to "come unto Me!" His violent death proved this is not an event to be taken lightly. This is an overwhelming and constraining cross-road, and we must choose our direction. It would be best for us that we respond like a child, for if so we will run toward the Savior in willing trust, not away from Him in decisive unbelief.
More to be desired than all the knowledge of the universe -- is the desperate, and unheeded, need to know The Speech, The Voice, The Words of the Creator of all. And in hearing ... believing; and in believing ... knowing; and in knowing Him, we can live "abundantly" as He promised in His Word. You may say ... "I cannot Believe!", but are you really saying "I will not believe!" or "I don't want to believe because I know better!? My heart cries to you -- whether you can't or won't; please change your mind and come to Jesus ...now while you still have breath!
Psalm 19:1-3 - "The Heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament shows His handiwork. Day unto day utters speech, and night unto night shows knowledge. There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard." There is no real lasting communication where the Voice of Eternity is refused to be heard. LISTEN!