Powerless Waste Landfill

Wow! This was one of those week of weeks. Have you ever felt like you had been targeted by the universal township supervisors to be the next human “bad news” waste land fill? So many stories of oppression and discouragement that just seemed to be dumped right on the doorstep of our hearts this week. The “roar” of the little lion was doing its best to neutralize and paralyze so many kids of the King. Idiotic governmental decisions, destructive denominational announcements, Independent Church struggles for power, families divided by vindictiveness and a lack of forgiveness, “No thought for people” decisions made by “good” companies, battles with disease, sorrow and death, “stupid” and “grotesque” news media stories to highlight even more perversion and debauchery; and all we were trying do was to get the “my stuff” done under the duress of rumors about imminent war and the annihilation of life as we know it ... For me, after two days without the WORD … this third day I was famished. THERE IS A ROOT CAUSE... KIDS OF THE KING! Please read on and LISTEN UP! Please listen … up!

There is one thing we as humans are really good at - “Taking relationships for Granted.” This is not always a bad thing, because knowing that our relationships are firm and dependable keeps us from living in constant paranoia and fear of betrayal or abandonment. Good relationships are those with healthy nurturing and two-way communication. The problem is that in an eternal relationship that lacks a nurturing connection, there can be a mirroring of wickedness causing the relationship to just grow like “grass on a roof top” - Quick superficial groweth that withers away ever so quickly, and has no value for anyone touched by the relationship. (Take a moment, please, and read Psalm 129, it is a great quick read – you will get a better understanding for the plowing of the wicked, the righteousness of God and the wasted life of wickedness).

The next portion of this moment of deliberate verbal presupposition is based upon the observations of two needs of life on this planet. The observations have been performed by one of the uncountable grains of sand on the shore, one twinkle of light in the unending universe of sky, one blade of grass amidst the immeasurable earthly harvest, one of the many unnoticed hairs on the brushes of the masses, one of the many sparrows that could fall unnoticed by human eyes, a vapor that appears for a little and then vanishes away... but still a strategic entity of His desire and a saved soul that will spend eternity with Jesus because of His work on the Cross.

1. We need to stop pointing out all the failures within the Kingdom and mandating the solutions... Be Quiet, Be Still !!
2. We need to begin truly nurturing the ONE relationship that affects all others...Be Real, Be Hungry, Be Passionate !!

We will find that when we have spent prime time with the King of Kings, daily, that our movements about the Kingdom will have greater consequence for good, and more lasting impact for encouragement in the lives of the discouraged. For those who are not seeking power, position, and possessions... but they are SEEKING HIM, they will soon discover that all “these things” will be added unto them.

The answer to the malady of this eroding life is not better leaders, harder preaching preachers, more Biblical Teaching, righteous living people, stronger statesmen, bolder proclaimers, more wholesome media, family friendly programing (on and on) … all these things are needed and good, BUT totally powerless without the individual personal accountability of each believer to be real, hungry and passionate in their unseen relationship nurturing with their God. Matthew 14:23 - “And when He had sent the multitude away, He went up into a mountain apart to pray: and when the evening was come, He was there alone”. Jesus is calling us to an “alone” time with Him, and this is where real revival transformation begins.

Let God change your hearts when no one sees, and you will experience God changing your world right before your eyes. Grab your your Bible, ready your knees, open your heart … He is “All Things” that you need... Don't Take This relationship for granted, you were not made to be just another powerless waste landfill … He is waiting for you.
