God Moments or Head Games (perhaps the connection is broken)

Have you ever played the game of prophetic movement? This game is played in our heads as we try to go in a direction that we think or hope is God's direction. The game begins when we have a sense that God wants us to do something. It gains traction as we begin to move, and our first steps are not hindered. With those unhindered steps we tell ourselves it must be a “God Thing” because we have moved forward with no resistance. The game ends ever so quickly though when a disappointment collides with our version or prescription of a successful walk with God; and failure to connect with a successful “God Moment” will be further solidified when well-meaning soothsayers add their pronouncements of doom and gloom to our “misfortune”. So quickly we agree and pronounce our own self disqualifying prophecies. The game is over.

For example (though trite): It is 1:15 AM, I will know if the Lord wants me up to spend a unique session with Him. How? When I stand up, reach out, find my tag-less Tee shirt in the dark, pull it over my head and it is not on backwards. For if it goes on backwards, He wants me to take it off and go back to bed. It matters not that when the lights come on, the shirt is inside out or that it wasn't even my shirt (man , does that burst my bubble).

Each of us is wired uniquely, and we all want a special touch from God to reassure us that we are going in a direction that He blesses(you may be saying “not I”, but you would just be lying to yourself or playing one more psyche game hoping that God would do just the opposite). In that unique wiring of the fabric of our lives (not cotton), God finds pleasure in us. He desires our uniqueness. He created that uniqueness. He wants us to live in daily awe of that unique connection He has created.

Psalm 139:16 - “Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect: and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none.” {By the way stop here for a moment if you can and get a cup of your favorite hot drink, pull out the Bible and re-read Psalm 139. Bask in the amazing thoughts of the Psalmist as He discovers in his soul that unique connection.}

The events of our lives are so uniquely fashioned and orchestrated by the Lord, that if recognized, we can see He has His loving finger prints all over the moments. His plans to love us are written into every breath we experience. Let me give you some simple insight on how He moves ...
  1. First, He meets us where we are. In that meeting He wills or desires that we find and face our inadequacies (“For all have sinned and come short of glory {shining opinion} of God”– Rom. 3:23) Our inadequacies, if we are honest, will cause us to realize that we need Him and His forgiveness. We find the connection is broken.
  2. Second, He captures us by His love. No matter what degree of fallen-ness we have discovered that causes our disconnection, He desires to put us and Him together. (“But God commended His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners , Christ died for us”. Romans 5:8) Jesus paid for every thing about us that could offend God and spoil that relationship. The reception of The Payment for our violations by His blood washes us from the shame that would eternally separate us from God, and provides the lasting “fix” for our broken connection.
  3. Thirdly, He unashamedly rescues us when we call. His rescue is a permanent commitment to never leave us nor forsake us. He will never disconnect. (“For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord (Jesus) shall be saved”. Romans 10:13) This is not a weak commitment from Him that depends on our behavior, but it is totally founded on the character of His love that is fulfilled in Christ. Our "call" out to Him for His rescue from Sin, brings us into an eternal family relationship with Him. He literally and spiritual births of us into His family through the merit of Jesus.
Oh, if only we can rest in the glorious nature of this rescue, and trust the secure connection provided. If so, we will realize that every moment is an acceptable moment to walk close to Him. We will walk through every perceived success and every borne failure not as a qualification or disqualification ritual but as a moment on this side of eternity to know that He is for us and we are for Him. One.

