Troublesome Travelers- Blindsided Aliens

Sometimes we can be right in the midst of the fray … “just because” … and due to our insatiable need to focus on the gathering and collecting of this life to survive, we are not aware that we are targeted for conflict. We have all heard the story ...“I was just doing my job, when out of nowhere mighty archers had their bows drawn, and I found myself having to run for cover as flaming arrows were piercing my clothes and catching me on fire”. “Oh, I hate when that happens!”(What? Oh, that's right …and yes, Jeff is incoherent, delusional and mad... but bear with me as we walk into some extremely valuable spiritual Intel that could radically change the way you live.)

Hated, despised, rejected, and the topic of whisperers … just like Jesus; believers at some point will find themselves living and serving in their positions in life with all of their hearts; and still they are treated like they are the problem. In Psalm 120 the writer speaks out from this conflict, and he cries out to God because of his anguish in dealing with lies and slanderous accusations. He experiences the lies hurled his way like accurately shot flaming arrows from the bows of mighty archers. Blindsided, he has been targeted, he is hit, and he continues to burn. He states his frustration in verse 7 “I am for peace: but when I speak, they are for war.”

Here is part of the problem: believers seem to cop out, opt out, and drop out whenever possible. We thrive on "ignorance is bliss". We can throw wisdom around like small hand grenades to ward off evil doers and keep a separative distance. This doesn't protect us from the realities that we are in a conflict, we are not invincible, and we can get hurt on this side of heaven. “Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom; and with all thy getting get understanding.” Prov. 4: 7. Carelessly utilized Wisdom can fuel the fire for archers but understanding will help you when you are hit.

There is a gem for understanding in Psalm 120, but we can choose to continue on hurt and dejected by just casually reading through this Psalm, or we can admit we don't understand verse 5 that reads “Woe is me, that I sojourn in Mesech, that I dwell in the tents of Kedar!” What do you do with information like this? Do you just mechanically bob your head vertically up and down and repeat the words “Amen. That's right!” Or do you dig in to get understanding?

Allow me to open this verse up to a devotional translating and then let's see where it takes us: “I am in a place of stress, I am a troublesome traveler who is living like one following a trail of seeds leaking from an unseen seed bag, and I constantly pitch my tent in the dark, while the flicker of my utility light causes conflict with those enjoying the darkness.” (Start thinking! This devotional translation still has issues if you don't connect at some level).

IF you are a believer here are some facts to consider:
1. The Spirit of God already has the world stirred up with the conviction of Sin, Righteousness, and judgment... the conflict is already active.
2. You have received the Seed of the Word, and by Faith Jesus dwells in you via the Holy Spirit... you are alive and on the seed trail.
3. Whether you like it or not, You are now directly in conflict with those who chose to love darkness and to alienate themselves from God ... the enemy is what they believe.
4. Live aware of this conflict and you will be victorious... we must live with vertical and horizontal vision.
5. Ignoring, disengaging, or suppressing your identity in Christ will only leave you hurt and standing in your blindside... blindsided Believers are a nuisance to themselves.

Jesus said in Matthew 10:34 - “Think not that I am come to send peace on earth; I came not to send peace, but a sword.” Jesus wasn't telling us to carry a physical sword or to cause war, but He was letting us know that initially there would be conflict in the face of His Gospel. A “Jesus believing people” who follow an unseen seed trail are a nuisance(always getting in the way), and their light for living is not welcomed by the darkness. Live aware and you can truly rejoice in the conflict. Not every one without Christ is an enemy … many are longing for the truth openly.

“He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.” Psalm 126:6

