Christmas Refugees

OK, OK! I'm so sorry but garbage pickup was the morning following Christmas Day. Not only did I have to control the organized flow of wrapping and packaging to make sure it would fit into the “trash receptacle”, but all the scraps and grand-kid rubble of the Christmas meal had to be disposed of “NOW”; or by next week our neighbors would be wearing nose clothespins as part of their daily attire. Dragging the “big plastic trash wheeler dumpster” to edge of the drive on Christmas Day Eve just felt so wrong, but it did fit the current state of affairs of the 2013 Christmas season (“Let's get it over with! Next Sale!”).

“For unto us a Child is born (God has made an intimate connection to us), unto us a Son is given (His sacrifice would satisfy the broken connection to God for us)”

Christmas is a wonderfully strange time of the year. There are so many traditions that have been carried in, that have morphed in and that have crept in, that would be very alien to the season and day that Jesus was born. (And this monologue is no way intended to be “Grinch-attitude” or “Scrooge-like”, please bear with me until the punch line it may have an impact.) Isn’t it wild how a house or town or city is sensed to be “Christmassy” by the lights, the luminaries, wreathes, decorated trees, flashing shrubbery, ribbon bowed fences , foil covered imitation packages, monster sized candy canes, be-dazzled sleds with decorative ice skates, jovial inflatables, molded images, wooden jig- sawed images, ringing and in-ring-able bells, glittery tinsel, unending strands of winding garland, endless images of smiling bearded men, pointed ear children, hot cocoa with marshmallows, and the air filled with all sorts of mixtures of pine/cinnamon/cranberry/cookie oil candle scents. It is a time of whimsical expectation, magical delight and fearless thoughts of entitlement of peace and goodness. NOEL! (Christmas? Birthday? Noah? Peace? No Elohim? One God? … wow, we even sing a word that “if that's what they think, hence, that's what it means” - still I only have a clue … So Noel is Jesus! Cool!)

What a tense season, really! There seems to be a struggle between ignorance,humility, moderation and “go for the gold” in order to get the “gold star”, or “thumbs up”, or to somehow hide from observation from the mysterious invisible Giver of Gifts. Whatever we do, we must take action! We have multiple choices of action in the “Holiday” season”, here are just a couple:
1.To work real hard at being politically correct so as not offend anyone (which in doing this … it isn't you, and you will probably appear insincere!).
2.To be a hermit and communicate with only those you feel comfortable in communicating your joys, fears and complaints(this will once again be an overload on you, and you become a burden on that small select few).
3.To Be Real ...take full advantage of whatever degree of love you have for the King of Kings during this season that marks the time of His birth … and let that love naturally spill upward and outward (Still you will be misunderstood by some but at least they will know your connection).

 “And the government shall be upon His shoulders” (The results of actions of History, He takes full responsibility for ...the glory is in the details, and Blood of the Cross covers it all … for those who trust in Him).

The morning after Christmas Day, I was dragging the “Mobile Waste Unit” (I have no set nor intimate name for this carrier of stink and waste) back to its six day resting point, when I observed a few trash refugees that had managed to escape the previous nights efforts to do away with the remains of the holiday. I actually paused and snapped a picture of them(attached). I prayed at that moment to not let the season stop. I want everyday to be a celebration of eternal life... so that this Abundant Life in Jesus that has been given to “all who believe”, can be seen by those who are yet to believe as the reality of the active love that God has bestowed on us as “Birthed from Above” kids.

 “And He SHALL be called … Wonderful (My King of Wonders)… Counselor (My Closest Confidant) ...the Mighty God (My potential belongs to Him and Him alone) ... Everlasting Father (My Daddy Eternal) … the Prince of Peace (My true source and ruler of the fabric of my peace)”.

For the sake of your heart read to understand Isaiah 9:1-7 and rejoice this season is yours.
Merry Eternal Christmas!! Let's be resilient joyous refugees of the continuing season of the Grace of God. Be not thrown away! Though we may be strangers and aliens during these weird momentary seasons of life, our connection to our eternal home is becoming more intimate as we walk daily in Heaven's Noel.



Do You See What I See? (Christmas 2013)

I have to ... I must ...
Oh, just to get away from all of the “Holiday's” hustle, bustle and pressure on both sides of the cash register caused by “what to say” after the transaction (so as not to offend)! “Merry” - “Happy” - “Blessed” Gobbledygook to you. "Hey world around me, you can't hide your gift buying and gift giving hypocrisy!" "You are taking advantage of the season whether you believe in it or not." "Nicolas would be so embarrassed that you have elevated his status above the true Gift of Heaven."

I think I would have exploded into a million atoms had not the hand of God kept me together. I blurted out “Thank you Jesus!”, but saying that almost felt like I needed to wash out my mouth for that statement (or run a soapy wash rag through my head)

Unbelievable … Do you see what I see? (words to a Christmas song) ...Tramps and bums, whores and pimps, pushers and users, perverts and predators, gluttons and drunks, profane and vain, abusers and cruel, dirty and stinky, crude and rude, careless and callous, “the fearful, the unbelieving, the abominable, murderers, whore-mongers, sorcerers, idolaters and all liars … shall have their part” … the whole scene was taking on an obscene twist of Biblical proportions, all this derelict humanity was lined up to buy -buy -buy! Aaaaaaaarrrggggh (an irreconcilable expression of disgust)! “I'm Gone!”
In the car - REVERSE – out of the parking lot – DRIVE – to a quiet remote spring fed stream. Ignition off – SEAT FULLY RECLINED; now I will close my eyes to decompress. What in the world? I can't believe what is interrupting my quiet moment, that irritating unceasing ringing of a kettle bell.

SEAT RETURNED TO FULL AND UPRIGHT POSITION – I looked in the direction of the holiday dinging clamor with my face positioned for disgust, only to uncontrollably blush. What I saw both humbled and terrified me. There standing in the spring fed brook was a radiantly handsome Man with unusually scarred hands motioning for me to come join Him in the brook.

I was more than compelled; and without hesitation and without inhibition, I slipped into the water beside Him. His unusual scars called my name as His radiant hand pointed to the lines of horrendously stained and ruined humanity from which my appalling soul had me drive. “No please, enough, I want peace!” my troubled soul cried. Then He pointed to the water of the brook and in a still small voice implored me “Drink full, drink long and then behold the throng!”

The spring fed water was otherworldly... cool and refreshing. With each each sip and swallow, I felt a different burden overcoming my soul … and my tears began to mingle with the clear flowing waters. When I lift my eyes toward the direction of the masses, I was completely overwhelmed by what I was now seeing. Precious daughters and sons with torn and ragged play clothes standing in unending lines to purchase useless, battered and ruined toys. Oppressive and discouraging rhetoric was blaring from the mouth of an unseen and cruel illegal guardian. I could feel the hopelessness, the abandonment,and the abuse that had come upon their lives via choice or circumstance ...that mattered not, for the bribes and the broken promises they were given were overwhelming.

The still small voice came once again – “Go and tell them that I love them, while you are loving them too”. I waded out of the waters to rejoin the throngs but this time with a broken heart and a different set of eyes on.

Psalm 110:7 - “He shall drink of the brook in the way: therefore shall he lift up the head.”

He continues to drink of the torrential brook of the valley, and beckons us to drink also; this is why there is hope for the discouraged and a continual message of love the outcast ...through the outcast ...from THE OUTCAST SON - “He came unto His own and received Him not.” John 1:11 The wonder of the Christmas Mystery is still carried about by simple shepherds, chained slaves, ransacked vagabonds, wounded strangers...all broken vessels leaking grace wherever they go as part of the majesty and glory of God's Amazing Continued Christmas Story. “But as many as received Him to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His Name” John 1:12

Merry Christmas 2013!



The Kneeling Mirror

“When God had loaded provision and orchestrated the filling of the vessel of time, so that all was in place, all was ready for the launch: God sent out His Son from Him for a mission; having a submissive positioning and an intimate, beginning connection to humanity's birth "a woman", and to humanity's burden, "the Law". He did this to redeem us, to ransom us from the fallen birth and the unpaid debt of the law, but it did not stop there. Because of Jesus, the potential for sonship could now be offered and received: an adoption, a provided binding connection to the Father. Further more with this reception we are secured as sons by His Spirit, who opens up the Ache, who translates the Cry … “Abba, Pater” .... “Daddy, Father!” We are no longer subservient to our fallen birth nor the task mastering of the law, but now as Sons and Daughters we have access to all of the privileges of our Heavenly Family. We are now heirs by His provision of Jesus.” (Devotional translation of Galatians 4:4-7)

 “Now we see through at glass, darkly, but then face to face” I Cor. 13:12. As the door flew open from my Pantry (my sanctuary, His sanctuary) and I moved out into the realm of His Desire, my heart was filled with the weapons of love's warfare and I was ready! Or at least I thought I was ready...
A strange wind blew through my life that caused me to faulter in my step for a moment. Actually, it was the sound of the enemy once again, but this time the voice carried the gentle creeping tentacles of guilt and fear that began to wrap themselves around my heart. Fingers were pointing at me, cries carried my name, desires and demands were being thrown my way. These fingers, cries, desires and demands began to paint a gray shadow that hung over that colorful field of God's desire that had initially opened before me. I looked at those perpetrating the onslaught of this divisive, manipulative outcry and realized something about us all ... that was very broken. It would not be fixed in a moment, and it would not be the task for sluggard nor the faint of heart. This would be a challenge for the love found in the Sanctuary.

The outcry seemed to cascade from “my” choice between two mirrors in which to gaze. One mirror stood upright and was immediately before the face of the gazer. In this mirror I could see the immediate perception of my pitiful state of affairs and gain a callous(but false) realization that nobody around me truly cared. My family and my peers all seemed to be preoccupied with their own mirrors; and when I would turn from mine to look at them, they appeared to have an abundance of things that I needed. This mirror immediately caused whining and complaining in my soul. Praying was negated by an overarching “woe is me” and a grave desire to blame others for not seeing my obvious need, which surely could be taken care of by their abundance.

The other mirror was very strange (I almost tripped over it!). To look into it you had reposition yourself to look down, and the clearest vantage point was from a kneeling position. It was a little uncomfortable because it made it hard to look anywhere else but into this darkened obscure mirror. Those who gazed into it on their knees would soon be found with tears of joy falling from their eyes, and sighs of gratitude pouring from their lips. When they would lift their fragile human frame from that mirror, there was a contentment and confidence that they carried away from their time of gazing into it. It had challenged them. It had changed them. Although their pitiful state of affairs may have intensified while there on their knees, I did not hear the whining and complaining, nor felt blame and shame exuding from their lives. As I drew close to their point of departure I heard the joyful expression that they carried from the strange mirror … “Daddy! Oh, how He loves me! It is written, He has given us an everlasting consolation and good hope through grace II Thes. 2:16”

Christmas(where did that come from?)… such a strange and magical time of year, but look there … there stands a mirror; and there lays a mirror. Into which are we gazing?

Kneel, gaze with anticipation into His Word and be loved by the Father so that you can love those who are pointing, crying, desiring, and demanding guilt and shame be cast on you.

Reflect his love that you will find in the mirror of His Word.




Where is Your Song?

I was so tired of the fear and rejection. Life was just not working. I was never noticed for my efforts of love, but became the big announcement when I made any perceived mistake. I was shunned as renegade, disorderly, and marked as “one that causes divisions and offenses” when I would speak of my passionate pursuit of God. When I had dire need or physical failings it seemed former friends were nowhere to be found, and none looked my way. And no matter where I turned there were unanswered questions; and suspicion was cast my way due to my asking. It seemed like I had been running for miles beyond my strength. Bearing the soul tingling sense that the adversary was on my trail, I just knew he was tracking me down to hurl that final dart into my already broken and wounded heart. I became worthless, for so that I am. My strength now gone, I fell to the ground and cried out “Where is my God?” … As a lay there with my eyes closed to any ray of light … I heard a still small voice say in response, “Where is your song?”
Psalm 96:1 – “O sing unto the LORD a new song: sing unto the LORD, all the earth”.
O wandering minstrel, as you travel along through your life's adventure, sing your song … sing it to an audience of One. Because you have been repaired, because you have been renewed, because you are New, fresh and alive your song should be also. O earth, land where the minstrel's feet doth trod, sing out loud because the Lord's servant has blessed you with His New Songs unto his Lord and walked His songs over thee. Every where his feet have stepped there is the melodic remains of the Love of God.
Your Song is Jesus!

Psalm 96:2 – “Sing unto the LORD, bless His name; shew forth His salvation from day to day”.
O wandering minstrel, as you travel through your life's adventure, sing your song ...sing it to an audience of One; intentionally and intensively adore His name, His reputation, His Fame, His glory; Bear the news, announce the news, gladden those around you with His Good News … Declare it as Good News of His victorious deliverance that brings eternal prosperity in the arms of His Salvation – bring it a days journey to another days journey every day and every way!
Your song is the Good News, and the Good News is Jesus!
(Psalm 96:6 – Honour and majesty are before Him: strength and beauty are in His sanctuary.”) When I opened my tear filled eyes … I found myself there … in “His” Sanctuary, in “His” pantry, in “His” prayer closet … and there on the shelf were the provisions of promise that I needed to break through the fear of the enemy. In the gaze of this place that radiated the beauty of His face, I would find “Honor “ (the Splendor, the glory and vigor of His life in me) and “Majesty” (the ornament, the steadfast excellency if His love running through me). In His Sanctuary I would once again find “His Strength” and “His Beauty” bestowed upon my fragile frame so that my journey among men would carry the power of the welcoming Grace Heaven. My provision is Jesus!

There is a world that has been numbed by the Destroyer's song of fear and shame. Many hearts have waxed cold and many hearts are failing because of the drone of its sound. God has not abandoned us to raise the white flag to this momentary desolate victory of the cruel. He has not abandoned His new creation, nor cursed His people. So why do we lock away the truth in a pious performance of a counterfeit holiness, that causes the world to be sickened by our vain show of world worthiness and sham wellness. While in the midst of our pretentious worship, we display a repulsive behavior that pushes away the most desperate and the most needy. The Savior's voice too “Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden” is all but lost in the dismal clamor of our broken strings, our splintering reeds, our off-synched “slave drum” beat, and our tuneless and pathetic whining.

Abandon this dying realm of fraudulent religious exercise (it isn't getting His attention), and “Worship the Lord in the Beauty of Holiness” as challenged in Psalm 96:9 … (Huh? This is such a misunderstood phrase that ironically brings a hearty robotic reply of “Amen!”out of congregations ... Who wants to appear unknowing or ignorant?) Don't miss this!

Here is a thought on worshiping the Lord in the beauty of holiness:
O let us position our broken dependance and fragile devotion in such a way, that our adornment of God's truth causes others to see the love God has for them: and positions others for the opportunity to receive and reciprocate His love for them. True worship is humbly connecting our every need to God's eternal provision through the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and letting the growing abundance of that supply spill joyfully over into the lives others.

Sing our NEW SONG … and Jesus is our Song!



JJR5513 - 40 - Hospital - Hope chest - His Presence

The War Council members had vacated one by one from my sanctuary until finally it was just me kneeling there with the assortment of objects on the shelves. There was no clutter and there was no stench, only the memories of events and incidents that would take me to the Throne of Grace. As I rested there, the objects began to speak His love to me (please note – The sanctuary is not stationary nor stagnant, not just for my personal comfort, it is always in flux, and it is always for the edification of others … “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:” I Peter 3:15 ).

Our devotional life is KEY – our intimate time in the Word of God will take and make sense of every object on the shelf of our prayer closet, our spiritual supply pantry, our sanctuary. This intimate connection to Him will take us to the supply via a song, a sight, a smell, a sound … His spirit will trigger a connection to His heart, for others, that will bring great encouragement in the Kingdom. (Please bear with me, and walk with me through a “sanctuary” moment!)
Friday Night, the evening after Thanksgiving, I was on my way to stand near a family dear to my heart, whose hearts were swaying in the emotions of the loss of a high-school sweetheart,“best friend”and Wife, a Mom, a Grandmother(Neena), a sister, … we could go on and on … She was truly a beautiful soul and a gift in the Kingdom. … ( I prayed: “O Lord, I am your pitiful servant, the least of these, I have nothing of myself to offer them … come to me for the sake of yours!”)
In the midst of a song that spoke to me of the love of childhood sweethearts, and tears flowing down my face … the “sanctuary” opened: There, right in front of my face, was a Pennsylvania license plate “JJR 5513”.  It stared at me long and hard at a “red light wait”at the end of an interstate ramp. This pulled a memory off of the shelf of my attic rescue that opened the door to this sanctuary – {the plate read} JJR (My initials) – 5/5/13 (5/5/73 reminder); 40 years ago in May of 1973, I trusted Christ in my first visit to the prayer closet and He has never turned His back on me nor abandoned me. (I then prayed with assurance: “O Lord, You ARE there for these precious kids of yours!”)
The “40” then carried me to another May when I was 40. The “40” found a memory on the pantry shelf of His tender care, where I received a big reset while threatened by cancer. The Threat was soon neutralized by the miraculous movements of God that even made glorious use the mistakes of men. Weeks under the care of Heaven-led intruders, I would be loved and healed as these agents of the river of God's love would flow through the hospital room. This “hospital” visit memory would immediately take me to another object on the shelf: the lonely maternity hospital room of the wife of a first semester Bible college student.

Here I will always stop and weep … for this was a memory of my beauty, my love, my wife; and she was tormented by empty arms that had longed to hold her new born baby boy. As our little guy was whisked off to emergency care miles from us, she lay there in a bed of tears. In this bed she would sense His awesome “presence” literally wrapping His arms around her and cradling her in that time of grief. This “hospital” memory would bring me face to face with a tiny “hope chest” of tears that would open our hearts to the unsearchable riches of His love. We would experience “His Presence” again and again, and this little “hope chest” would be carried in our hearts from that little grave-side to so many others that would follow.

As I am moved again and again to carry the sanctuary through every step of life, This “Presence” memory has never stayed on the shelf … but this “Presence” has been there to help us with many “hospital” rooms, bed sides, and “hope chests”. His Presence in our lives is the true gift of the Sanctuary.

“Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever Thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, Thou art God. (Thou art God) (Jesus)Lord, Thou hast been our dwelling place in all generations. (Thou art God, Thou art God, Thou art God)Psalm 90:2,1


“Let not your hearts be troubled, you believe in God believe also in Me (Jesus). In My Father's house are many mansions, if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again ,and receive you unto Myself; that where I am , there ye may be also.” Jesus' Words from John 14:1,2,3

War Council in the Pantry(Psalm 83)

I stood there looking at the burning pile of undefinable trash that I had removed from my sanctuary (my prayer closet). I felt pretty good about myself, and was growing in confidence for the future as the smoke of the contents arose to the sky. Then I heard the sound that I had longed for, I heard the Cry from above and the cry from my heart both echoing “Here I am!” So, I ran as quickly to my Sanctuary as humanly possible to meet with my God.

Pausing at the door to catrch my breath, I noticed that it was just slightly ajar. Cautiously, I peered through the space of the opening, fearful of what may have slithered back into my prayer closet. What I saw, though, caught me off gaurd. What? There appeared to be a team of counselors who had assembled themselves together and were respectfully awaiting my return. (My naivety had blinded me to the reality that this assembly was there to begin a war council against the Almighty, and I was the missing component. They wanted my buy-in.) Trust me when I say this – I was truly blindsided because their appearance and input was so close to the truth that it seemed feasible.

Psalm 83:5,6,7,8 - “For they have consulted together with one consent: they are confederate against Thee: the tabernacles of Edom, and the Ishmaelites: of Moab, and the Hagerenes: Gebal, and Ammon, and Amalek: the Philistines with the inhabitants of Tyre; Assur also is joined with them: they have holpen the children of Lot. Selah”.

Let me introduce you to the council via their counsel(see what you think – they are gathering in every one of our prayer closets to annihilate faith at its beginnings, its choices, and its foundation):
1. Sir Edom - “Let's get real, we are all incurably human! Suck it up!”
2. Chancellor Ishmael - “God might Hear, but then again He might not!”
3. Prince Moab - “God is a Father, He has so many children, and He may love others more!”
4. Princess Hagerene - “We are destined to be wanderers - commit to no one!”
5. Mr. Gebal - “There are limits and boundaries that we must maintain! Keep our distance!”
6. Mrs Ammon - “It takes a tribe, a village! Just one person cannot make a lasting difference!”
7. Duke Amalek - “The Valley is where we need to stay, it is where we always end up anyhow!”
8. Duchess Philistia - “We must always be in mourning, roll in our ashes, bear the consequences!”
9. King Tyre - “We must always be a Rock, be strong and show no weakness!”
10. Ward Assur - “We are just a step in the process,keep in step, it matters not who we step on!”
11. Prince Lot - “This council will give you a covering! Play it safe in our wisdom, don't take risks!”
Think about it! Make no league with these false advice givers. Make war against them, cast them out of your sanctuary! “Thy Word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against Thee” Psalm 119:11 Half truths are truly not true even if they seem to have proof at the very core of who we are and how we naturally respond. God's way is not man's way. We must truly seek the whole counsel of the LORD in His Word, in all that we say and in all that we do. If we are truly His by faith in Jesus Christ then we must allow His word to permeate our lives and living ( “Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly{extravagantly}”- Col. 3:16).

We will live in moments of conflict no matter what we do (In this world we will have trouble). The advice of this present world will bring strong persuasion into our lives that can create conflict in the direction that we really do not want to have conflict, Heavenward. Make no league with the wisdom of this world and be courageous in your “Scriptural” thinking and living … Jesus has Overcome the World.

Listen to the Psalmist’s final words of desire for this council of war, this council of error. Psalm 83:17,18 - “Let them be confounded and troubled for ever; yea, let them be put to shame, and perish: That men may know that Thou, whose name is JEHOVAH, art the most high over all the earth.”

Let's stay close to the Lord daily to have this council confounded and troubled; and their words put to shame and put to death in our lives.

{As I fell to my knees before the Lord in my sanctuary, submitting my heart to Him, these imps from Hell left my sanctuary one by one.}



Defiled Sanctuary

How in the world could the door be jammed so tightly? Finally after some circumferential prying, the door exploded open. The force was so devastating that I was thrown on my back and immediately pinned to the ground by the most fowl smelling trash that had ever introduced itself to my wary senses. This was my prayer closet?

Just the exploding door and the trash would have been bad enough, but when I could clear the refuse from my sight, all manner of distorted and disfigured creatures began tumbling out, rolling over me, and then running off into the horizon. This was the heart closet, my sanctuary, where I had bowed before my Saviour so many years before. This was my spiritual pantry where I watched the pain, the shame, the scars and tragic memories become newly formed weapons for the Kingdom This is where He allowed me to place these broken things on the shelves for the service of others. I strained so hard to see if these weapons were still there on the shelves. They were there, but it would be some “roll up your sleeves” effort to make them presentable and useful once again. What in the world had happened to my quiet place, my sanctuary?

There was a day when the value or fame of a man was determined by the righteous deeds that he accomplished. Heroes stood for decency and a morally right character. Men of renown took ownership of a personal accountability, the kind of personal accountability that had respect written all over it, and “others” truly mattered.Through the onslaught of the irresponsible media in our current generation, cheers are lifted up for those who set an example of a belligerent attitude of antagonism toward righteousness. They do it "their way" with no thought for others. Wickedness is now the new good and righteous is the new bad. This is carried on to the point where the "heroes" of the day think it is fashionable to bare their fallen nakedness openly, to spit on any Godly image of parenting and home, to "flip" the proverbial finger toward the sky with a closed eye, and to take full advantage of the impoverished and abused to fuel their own self-centered cause (Proverbs 30: 11-14).

I truly think there is a reason for this that hits close to home with every believer. We have opened our "sanctuary" to these infectious attitudes of strangers, and turned a deaf ear to the voice of God.

I am not talking about our Churches, they are just the intersection of infection. No, I am not talking about our homes, they are just the incubator for disease. There is so much fighting in these quadrants that it sickens the heart of God and grieves the Spirit of God. The list of petty things we argue and fight over is overwhelming. Our public displays of personal displeasure empowered by our raunchy attitudes toward differences in ministry styles and parenting skills almost rivals the world's indecent performances. The Church and the Home are no longer safe because the Sanctuary is oozing with the stench of Hell and it is permeating all we say and do.

I am talking about the sanctuary of our heart.

Our brethren offend us. The Bible bores us. Spiritual conversations rock us to sleep. The "clutter and crap" in our sanctuary has literally piled its way to the door with NO room for the Holy. This infectious attitude was welcomed into our "sanctuary" when we were too lazy and/or too distracted to continue to adorn our sanctuary with the truth and praises of our God from His Word.

“Come and let us return unto the Lord: for He hath torn, and He will heal us: He hath smitten, and He will bind us up.” Ho 6:1 "Lift up thy feet unto the perpetual desolations; even all that the enemy hath done wickedly in the sanctuary...O let not the oppressed return ashamed: let the poor and needy praise thy name". Ps. 74:3,21



“There is too much focus on the superficial. Too much emphasis on the appearance. With so little investment in the heart, at the first disappointment we encounter we may drain the supply of personal grace”. (J.J.R.)

“There will be no nerve touched and no healing in sight as long we focus only on the issues outside our hearts and stay focused on the faults of others”. (R.S.)

God Moments or Head Games (perhaps the connection is broken)

Have you ever played the game of prophetic movement? This game is played in our heads as we try to go in a direction that we think or hope is God's direction. The game begins when we have a sense that God wants us to do something. It gains traction as we begin to move, and our first steps are not hindered. With those unhindered steps we tell ourselves it must be a “God Thing” because we have moved forward with no resistance. The game ends ever so quickly though when a disappointment collides with our version or prescription of a successful walk with God; and failure to connect with a successful “God Moment” will be further solidified when well-meaning soothsayers add their pronouncements of doom and gloom to our “misfortune”. So quickly we agree and pronounce our own self disqualifying prophecies. The game is over.

For example (though trite): It is 1:15 AM, I will know if the Lord wants me up to spend a unique session with Him. How? When I stand up, reach out, find my tag-less Tee shirt in the dark, pull it over my head and it is not on backwards. For if it goes on backwards, He wants me to take it off and go back to bed. It matters not that when the lights come on, the shirt is inside out or that it wasn't even my shirt (man , does that burst my bubble).

Each of us is wired uniquely, and we all want a special touch from God to reassure us that we are going in a direction that He blesses(you may be saying “not I”, but you would just be lying to yourself or playing one more psyche game hoping that God would do just the opposite). In that unique wiring of the fabric of our lives (not cotton), God finds pleasure in us. He desires our uniqueness. He created that uniqueness. He wants us to live in daily awe of that unique connection He has created.

Psalm 139:16 - “Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect: and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none.” {By the way stop here for a moment if you can and get a cup of your favorite hot drink, pull out the Bible and re-read Psalm 139. Bask in the amazing thoughts of the Psalmist as He discovers in his soul that unique connection.}

The events of our lives are so uniquely fashioned and orchestrated by the Lord, that if recognized, we can see He has His loving finger prints all over the moments. His plans to love us are written into every breath we experience. Let me give you some simple insight on how He moves ...
  1. First, He meets us where we are. In that meeting He wills or desires that we find and face our inadequacies (“For all have sinned and come short of glory {shining opinion} of God”– Rom. 3:23) Our inadequacies, if we are honest, will cause us to realize that we need Him and His forgiveness. We find the connection is broken.
  2. Second, He captures us by His love. No matter what degree of fallen-ness we have discovered that causes our disconnection, He desires to put us and Him together. (“But God commended His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners , Christ died for us”. Romans 5:8) Jesus paid for every thing about us that could offend God and spoil that relationship. The reception of The Payment for our violations by His blood washes us from the shame that would eternally separate us from God, and provides the lasting “fix” for our broken connection.
  3. Thirdly, He unashamedly rescues us when we call. His rescue is a permanent commitment to never leave us nor forsake us. He will never disconnect. (“For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord (Jesus) shall be saved”. Romans 10:13) This is not a weak commitment from Him that depends on our behavior, but it is totally founded on the character of His love that is fulfilled in Christ. Our "call" out to Him for His rescue from Sin, brings us into an eternal family relationship with Him. He literally and spiritual births of us into His family through the merit of Jesus.
Oh, if only we can rest in the glorious nature of this rescue, and trust the secure connection provided. If so, we will realize that every moment is an acceptable moment to walk close to Him. We will walk through every perceived success and every borne failure not as a qualification or disqualification ritual but as a moment on this side of eternity to know that He is for us and we are for Him. One.



Loving-kindness - The Favor and The Shame

Okay.. So the band arrived at the location in plenty of time for the festival; and we were on-top of things in that we were already ministering even before we moved the equipment into the performance area. There seemed to be such a radical response to our sharing the Gospel that tension began to fill the air. There was a shout in the midst of the crowd that said “take a stand or get out!”. The next thing I knew, Josh(my oldest son) and I were right in the midst of an old fashion, fist flinging, snot flying, jaw busting brawl(By the way my wife Yolanda was taking photos through the whole thing). As this scene was in the fulness of it's fury, I suddenly realized we had forgotten all our gear for the show (Go figure!).

As I tried to make my way back through the “crazy” crowd, I was stopped again and again by familiar faced people carrying broken musical instruments. This very strange assortment of musicians all wanted to sign up for our evening worship known as the “Exchange”; all of them wanting to perform for the Lord on whatever broken instrument they were carrying.

Suddenly a calm came over the rambunctious crowd, it parted in two, and Joshua stepped forward. He was obviously shaken, disheveled, and was bearing a “boxing been good to me” nose; but there was a peaceful ear to ear smile that carried the message of the moment. Standing in his battered glory he said, “We are Okay; now we can worship!” With pride I reached out to touch his battered face and …. I WOKE UP!
                      O God, Thou art my God; early will I seek thee (early will I seek thee):
                      O God, Thou art my God; early will I seek thee (early will I seek thee):
My soul thirsteth for thee, my flesh longeth for thee, in a dry and thirsty land … where no water is.
                      O God, Thou art my God; early will I seek thee (early will I seek thee):
                      O God, Thou art my God; early will I seek thee (early will I seek thee):
To see … Thy power, ….and Thy glory, so as I ...have seen Thee … in the sanctuary.
                      O God, Thou art my God; early will I seek thee (early will I seek thee):
                      O God, Thou art my God; early will I seek thee (early will I seek thee):
Because …Thy loving-kindness ... is better … than life, my lips shall praise Thee where no water is.                        O God, Thou art my God; early will I seek thee (early will I seek thee):
                      O God, Thou art my God; early will I seek thee (early will I seek thee):
{Sorry you can't hear this song as performed by Blushing Well – but it is based on Psalm 63:1,2,3}

The last verse line was singing in my heart as the dream began to fade... “BECAUSE” – the cause, what is the cause of true Worship? “THY LOVING-KINDNESS” - There is only One source “God” - but the Hebrew word for loving-kindness carries the weight of “the favor and the shame” (meditate on this awhile). There is both favor and shame that must be borne in an extravagant relationship that “IS BETTER THAN LIFE”.

Pay close attention: The proper response to this loving-kindness is “abandonment”. When we are fully captured by His loving kindness, we will abandon whatever love source we would have trusted prior to being confronted by Him. “God is the cause of true worship with our lips, from our souls, by a loving-kindness that is better than life”. His loving-kindness spans the great gulf that is fixed between here and Heaven. Our connection with Him is permanently established by His Loving-kindness.

His loving-kindness reaches beyond the green and growing, beyond the birth, beyond the relationships of earth, beyond the community of saints, beyond anything that sustains on this side of the veil, beyond our off key singing, beyond our broken instruments, beyond our struggles to unify, beyond our passion to love, beyond our efforts to heal, and beyond our risks to understand. His Loving-kindness has a Name above every name: JESUS! Therefore my lips will praise Him “where no water is”.



Affliction via a Song

Dedicated to Musicians and those who love the Songs of the Spirit: The wind of adversity was twisting and ripping at the human-like form that had positioned itself on the cliff. He had nowhere to go but to his knees on the edge of that fearful ledge. From our vantage point (if we would so desire) we can listen in to hear what this distraught saint will say as he is about to pray:

“O God, just one of Your ears is all I need. Fully reveal yourself to meet the needs of my praying. Come near with attentiveness and truly hear; because “I am your cause”, it is imperative that You respond to me; for I am caused to wander restlessly in the complaints of my soul. These thoughts of mine make such a distracting noise that I NEED YOU. I need you because of the noise of the careless voice of the enemy's hostility. I need you because of the crushing pressure of those criminally hostile towards you … they shake their shame filled wickedness upon me; and in the breathing of their anger they seem to cherish their continued hatred for me.” … As he goes on with the description of his violated heart, we are shocked to learn that the most grievous wound has been caused by a close companion. This has caused the most damage and this is where the warrior falls. (Psalm 55:1-3, 13 & 14) {God so cherishes His desire for closeness with us that when someone intentionally violates a human bond of friendship by an ulterior plan to destroy us ... HE STEPS IN. Because we are His desire, we are His cause. Hey, where is our child-like faith that DARES to believe that our Daddy truly loves us and wants us close to Him?}

I know most of us can identify with the Psalmist through his expressions of the anguish of his heart that are captured for us in the Psalms; but how many of us will catch the force of what he is saying? How many of us will believe the truths revealed about how God actually has positioned us in His love? Do we believe that “We are His cause” as the Psalmist did? How many of us will dare declare this before him rather than than spouting useless psycho babble that gets us nowhere but deeper into the pouting of our own fearful and broken hearts.

Let's get back to our position to listen to the Man on the cliff as He stands courageously after praying and declares: Psalm 55:19 - “God shall hear, and afflict them, even he that abideth of old, Selah. Because they have no changes, therefore they fear not God.” I carried this treasure away from the cliff so that I could unwrap it a little more. And in so doing, I found something amazing. Let's walk this passage in reverse for the surprise effect.
 “therefore they fear not God” - why does the Enemy Fear not God? Their pride affords them “no changes” - no backup plan, no replacements, no change of garments, no relief, no change of course of life and this is the way it is especially with those (“that abideth of old”)who have “wickedness” tenure. Think about it (Selah)! OK ??? With no change ...they face God's judgment head on with no Saviour.

I truly feel most of us are catching this up to this point, but here is where the surprise comes in. “God shall hear” – His “hearing of our cries” is never completely finished until we are completely delivered, completely Home with Him.

“And afflict them” - How is this affliction levied on the enemy? Never completely until we we are completely delivered. He answers, responds, testifies, speaks, shouts as a witness and He does this with SINGING … He utters His deliverance tunefully. The enemy is afflicted by a continual Song of Deliverance from our God. WOW! When God responds, His response is a song, singing ….wow again! With our adversary described as a musical instrument what more fitting response but to sing him to his eternal doom. And what greater testimony of His grace and mercy is a Continual Song of Deliverance to those who hear the need for Salvation and join in the Song.

Isn't it amazing that God blesses His beloved ones with a song, and with that same song defeats the Kingdom of Darkness? Lift up your voices, O lovers of God, and sing to the Glory of God and to the dismay of the enemy. We are more than conquerors – breathe, believe and live abundantly in the Song.

Exodus 15:2 – “The LORD is my strength and my song, He is become my salvation: He is my God, and I will prepare Him a habitation; my father's God, and I will exalt Him.”

Psalm 42:8 - “Yet the LORD will command His loving-kindness in the daytime, and in the night his song shall be with me, and my prayer unto the God of my life.”

Psalm 137:4 “How shall we sing, the LORD'S song in a strange land?”  ... IN CHRIST ALONE!



Damaged but Entrusted to Love

There they stood in the lineup that had been openly called by their Master because of His imminent plans to travel to a foreign country. To see them would make you wonder why He had sacrificed and invested “all” the He had and all that He was... in them. Though all of them were visibly torn, scarred, broken and damaged, the look in His eyes toward them at this “called out assembly” had no tinge of disgust, had no bend towards dismay, and showed no signs of anything but pride and the utmost confidence. The fact was, that for most of this ragamuffin band of misfits there were joyful exchanges of love; but there were a few who were trying to stand stoically invisible at the presence of this Man. This did not seem to phase this great lover of misfits, for He loved them also.

Although His servants did not fit the “success pattern” of this world, in the midst of this grand scheme of the Master's Love was His acute ability to gift a servant according to His personal Kingdom DNA. The Master knew the strategic fit of each and all of His servants, and how His measured gift could bring true joy to the life of the servant and ultimately the kingdom. No more, no less than the ability of the servant was the congruent distribution of the Masters goods planned. The servants who saw liberty at the entrusting of the Master's goods would move forward to cause love rebellions all across the Kingdom during the Master's absence. At His return the love harvest from this liberal use of the Master's goods would be seen as a multiplication of the saving, the healing, the feeding, the comforting, and the clothing of other seemingly unprofitable misfits all over the Kingdom.

There was great joy in the Kingdom when the Master returned … with the exception of those who saw the Master's love as manipulative, His distribution as unfair, and His plan as a cruel self servicing misuse of unqualified, naive followers to elevate his own fame and fill His own coffers. In the end these servants with this perspective were found to have no connection to the Master (because of their rejection of his Love) and were banished from the Kingdom. (more accurate details of this story are found in Matthew 25)

“Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised in the city of our God, in the mountain of his holiness. Beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth, is mount Zion, on the sides of the north, the city of the great King. God is known in her palaces for a refuge.” Psalm 48:1-3

When we look at our lives, focusing on the way we deal with people (because people are the key): Do we create a refuge of extravagant love or a prison of guilt ridden obligation? Do we capture and corral, or do we unbind and set free? Do we enshrine and entomb, or do we loose them and let them “GO” in the service of the King?

Personally, I have seen great bitterness and disappointment in the life of Christian leaders, organizations and ministries that become “collectors, controllers and owners of talent”. This selfish dependence soon becomes a point of contention, strife and finally bitter separation. A leader will painfully, but probably reluctantly learn that holding onto and controlling damaged people (which we all are) too tightly will be the death of the venture.

(Here comes the “take a big breath” run-on thought”) Oh, if only we could develop Heaven-bound, door way expanding, beach-like rescue stations filled with Kingdom Minded leaders; who raise up joyful life guards who will continue to go out into the crashing surf of soiled humanity to rescue the perishing and care for the dying. Kingdom leaders who catch this vision will find a deeper sense of a fulfilling connection with the King and a greater sense of purpose for their lives and others.

John 14:1,2 Jesus said, “Let not your heart be troubled, ye believe in God believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.”



The Storm and The Distortion

The wind of adversity was picking up as we watched the sky darken in a terrifying manner. It almost seemed like an out-of control, other-worldly beast was racing through the moment. This beast was able to dash to pieces the remaining light of soul because its fading brightness was contained only in fragile earthen vessels. In that moment light was shattered, and darkness shrouded our world.

In that darkness the whole sanctuary around us seemed to be whining under the struggle between the pressure of the vast expanse above us and strong relentless pull from the abyss beneath us. The noise went from a small kitten-like whine to a deafening lion-like roar. And then when it seemed like the integrity of the structure of our hiding place would take it no longer, and it would burst into a million fragments ... it happened: Dead silence... deathlike stillness eerie calm. Then came the distortion, "Where is your God?"

Just as we would momentarily wait in wonder of the calm, and then proceed from our position of safety; so it is with the soul that proceeds from those moments when nothing seems fastened down nor secure. It is at that moment of the storm's abating when the soul slowly moves out of hiding that the distortion of the situation becomes the most intense.

The risk to step out into the silence of the unknown aftermath of the storm was real. The risk of potential hazards like teetering debris or downed power lines was inevitable. There was that additional risk of possibly being caught by the return of the storm without any protection. With all of this looming, the intensifier was the distortion caused by an adversarial question “Where is your God?” As if the risk wasn't pressure enough, would I now find myself abandoned by the One who I trusted.

While reading Psalm 42 in all of its amazing expressions of the emotions of the Soul that follows hard after God, (Verses 1- 6 described in an emotional nutshell – exhaustion, deprivation, tear-filled doubt, disappointment, depression, rejection and then verse 7 wow!) I have to stop and once again ponder the following verse because it describes ”that moment”at the end of our emotional struggle when prayer seems drowned out by the noise of His storm and His ocean that just washes right over us … Psalm 42:7 – “Deep calleth unto deep at the noise of Thy waterspouts: all Thy waves and Thy billows are gone over me.”

I am so glad that the Psalmist did not place the quill of the pen back in its well at this verse, for I would be all but done. By the breath of God the Psalmist proceeds to bring us out of our ruin carrying some new found gifts to defuse the distortion and give us clarity for the next move in our journey. Looking back from the vantage point of going through His storm, His waves and His billows, we will realize we are growing to know that:
  • He is our song and prayer in the night.
  • He is our life, when all else is fading.
  • He is our rock, securing us on the Edge.
In our times of deep soul upheaval, when the distortion of “where is your God?” cuts like a sword and begins to shatter our countenance ... our times of doubt and mourning are momentary because:
  •  He is our wellness,
  • He is our prosperity,
  • He is our deliverance,
  • He is our Rescue,
  • He is our Victory.
Psalm 42: 11 “Why art thou cast down, O my soul? And why art thou disquieted in me? Hope thou in God: for I shall praise Him, who is the health of my countenance, and my God.”

Pray for William as his wife Patricia is entering her final season of life, pray for Janet as she longs to breathe normally, pray for so many who are troubled by the onset of overwhelming circumstances and feelings of abandonment. Pray that Love will reign in the hearts of those momentarily abandoned. Pray when the question hisses from the Adversary "Where is Thy God?" that God's still small voice will shout comfort through the soul of His little ones "Here I Am!"

The Distortion will fade while in Thy storm my turning is to You!



Swim O Toe Dipper

Ezekiel 47:5 - “Afterward he measured a thousand; and it was a river that I could not pass over: for the waters were risen, waters to swim in, a river that could not be passed over.”

We have not even scratched the surface yet. I believe we are still in the comfort and coddle zone. We are dipping our toes, possibly risking our ankles with a little healing water lapping onto our knees, but will only pretend to launch out into the deep where there is that "risk" of a true relationship with Jesus. We are still “hanging onto” and “hiding behind” the "hurt", the "breach", the "wound", the "offense" and the “miry marsh places” because that seems to be more important to our identity than truly extending the grace of God to those who offend us.

  • We are still projecting our name tags and religious connections as our buckler,
  • We want to be exclusive in our inclusiveness to purify our people gatherings,
  • We hold fast to our self proclaimed lines of demarcation and separation as our shield,
  • We have become our own high towers in defense of our self serving decisions, thus sacrificing His vision,
  • We are terrified to be blessed by the rejoicings and praises of this present generation for fear of embarrassment before the holy ones,
  • We are quick to label, but extremely hesitant to love because we might be thought of as lenient,
  • AND We are fearful of a Kingdom that might be so much bigger than our meager offering of “righteous” service to the King.
                 So we become the last monument to pitiful self indulgent guarded grace.

As the "Old Man" of Joel chapter 2 (a war worn saint, full of Dreams of yesteryear) was watching his beautiful store front chapel, week after week, as it was turned into a noisy unruly corral for the halt, the maimed, the lame, the blind and the unprofitable children of the street (and this was done by "The Young Man" of Joel 2 who was fully devastated by his Vision of his present generation); He would say to the discouraged young man because failure appeared more evident than success, "Cheer up, stuff happens, let's keep serving the King until He comes again. This is your time!"

  • The old man saw pandemonium slowly turn to order (but not on this side),
  •  He saw shattered windows open light to rescued lives (but not on this side),
  •  He saw fierce faces reluctantly fade to friendly smiles (but not on this side),
  •  He saw the broken heart-ed line up to be patched up to heal (but not on this side),
  • He saw Hell robbed “one by one” and Heaven rejoicing (but not on this side),
The "Old Man" never saw the victory on this side of Heaven but he is seeing it now in that great cloud of witnesses; and the young man continues to pass that “Dreamer's”encouragement as he moves through the Prophetical Singing of the Sons and Daughters who are proclaiming, "Look what God IS doing!"

Here is where the cookies begin to crumble to the lower shelf: We are either swimming to the place where this generation around us (and with us) is saying … "Look what God IS Doing!"; or we are living amidst the sad songs of fearful toe dippers who whine … "remember the good old days?”

Rise up broken hearted saint ... God is Always Relevantly Powerful in the changing generations. As the Young Men and the Old Men unite in the “Young Man's Vision for the Field” with the “The Old Man's Dreams of Heaven” by the outpouring and leading of God's Spirit - God is Glorified. Lift up your eyes for the fields are white unto harvest, throw off your grave clothes and your robes of mourning .... wade out into the Deep, swim though you cannot cross ... for there you will find Jesus. Swim in the healing for the sake of the Kingdom.



Remove! O Mountain of Self Desire

Thank you for taking the time to stop and look this way for a couple of minutes. My hope in my writing and in your reading of these weekly diatribes is that somehow we will allow Jesus to love us more. Without His love continually flowing through us, we begin to lose touch with what really matters as we race through this life... What really matters?

“For I was hungered, and ye gave me meat. I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger and ye took me in: Naked, and ye clothed me; I was sick, and ye visited me; I was in prison, and ye came unto me.”

Isn't it amazing how we can go through days, weeks, and maybe even months without learning something new about Jesus; and we are content? Doesn’t that bother us? (This has been pinching at my soul for awhile). How can I truly grow in Christ if I have no desire to learn about Him?

There may be some of us, right now, getting ready to flip the “off” switch on one more of these irritating weekly diatribes because they are of little use to us, and take time away from other activities. I truly understand. I know that words can be a real pain in the neck, especially if we have to slow down to think them through; BUT THERE IS A LARGER ISSUE AT HAND... ONE THAT TOUCHES THE VERY HEART OF GOD.

“Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we Thee and hungered, and fed Thee? Or thirsty, and gave Thee drink? When saw we Thee a stranger, and took Thee in? Or naked, and clothed thee? Or when saw we Thee sick, or in prison, and came unto Thee?”

There is a song that says “I want that mountain, I want that mountain, where the milk and honey flow, where the grapes of Eshcol grow” … it tries to sound out the desires of a Kingdom minded saint. It attempts to bring a challenge of a joyful response to obediently going in to claim the victory of the promised land. Jesus doesn't negate this desire in the coming of His Kingdom, but tries to have his followers refocus their desires from “stuff” to “people”… via a “faith as a grain of mustard seed” that tells mountains to remove (found in Matthew 17).

There is a “mountain” of self fulfilling desires that gets in the way of our seeing the eternal value of people. This mountain can begin to move. As His Word quickens us, we can begin saying “Walk away mountain of my desire” and “be positioned for the service of others!”. Since Jesus died for “people” and not for “stuff”, we should remove our focus from our planned path of progress, and begin seeing people for what they really are... Souls who will spend eternity in either Heaven (by faith in Christ) or in Hell (by ignoring or rejecting Him). They need to know that Christ alone died and arose for them, and that He alone is coming again for them. In the mean time He wants them to know His love for them ... through us (For without Him they are lost).

“And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Insomuch as ye have done unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” Matthew 25:35-40

Pray for strength for Amy's tender heart(and her son Jacob) as she administers chemo to cancer patients; for Ashley, a young realtor, as she is trying to get back to fellowship though wounded by “church leaders”; for Jo, whose 41 year old son/husband/father of 3 remains in a coma since an accident in January; for Bill's integrity as a Deputy Chief/ firefighter in a large city ; for Bob as he has no use for Jesus because of historical scars blamed on God; for Henry as he heads home for a little rest with his two dogs (as a first year college athlete trying to find his place in the world). You don't know these people and neither do I, except for the moment that God pulled me aside to spend with them this week. He gave me the opportunity to to break with them and share the love of Christ. Stop and pray for them ... they need Jesus, just as we all need Jesus.

Oh, if only we would open our eyes and our hearts to all the opportunities ... to connect people around us to the heart of our loving God; then the mountain of self desire would move, and the daily desire to know Him would grow stronger.

“O that there were such an heart in them...” Deut. 5:29



Duck! Here Comes that Flying Tree Again.

I passed by the strange beach side lot again … woe!!! The grassy mound of dirt was now in the corner of the lot instead of right in the middle. The position where the Mulberry tree had been growing in the lot was now nothing but a gaping hole in the ground. As I looked over the fence toward the beach, there stood that wonderful tree of healing, and it was growing like crazy right on the beach. What a miracle! What ? A miracle … no way!
I anxiously scanned the beach for a sign of hope that the “elder statesman” of alien faith had actually achieved what his heart had desired. There was no sign of the old gentleman, but my eyes caught something man-made swaying in the wind... (to be continued).
OK, if you weren't paying attention at the last visit, the beginning of this continued story will just about have you jump ship early in the reading (say what?). Maybe or hopefully I might reel you in, to find the real you out, and challenge you to find a real miracle in you. 
SIDE BAR: I don't know if we will ever get it at the pace we are rocketing our way through this life while trying to acquire good knowledge in the midst of the haste. With the increase of speed of information, the demand for faster response time, and drone-like zip filed quantitative data; the quality of the information we gather is something we will rarely question, let alone stop and truly find lasting enjoyment within its parameters. Some of us to date, pass over these weekly diatribes due to the intensity of the verbiage or the illegitimacy of some of the poetic license-ship on the grammar (or hideous spelling errors combined with missing words and phrases). Sorry, my major in college was Pastoral Theology not English Literature & Grammar, and my focus was God's Word... and my passion drives me on.
By Luke 17:5 … The disciples had seen so many miracles and had even performed some the miracles with the journeys of the Seventy(Chapter 10); BUT what pinched a nerve and caused them to cry out “increase our faith”... was not the inability to perform miracles, but it was the words of our Savior in verse 4 that dug deep into their entrenched need to control forgiveness . “And if he trespass against thee seven times in a day, and seven times in a day turn again to thee, saying, I repent; thou shalt forgive him.”
The strong need to control and to determine who was worthy of God's Favor was locked in a system that the disciples were already familiar with and that system of forgivenness ... demanded merit, value, worth and deep penitent action in order to earn pardon. This was not where Jesus was coming from nor ever will come from. When He spoke of forgiveness it was in total violation of the way man reflexively and intuitively wants to hold out accountability to his neighbor until true repentance can be proven with an undeniable display of totally spotless righteousness.
It became easier to “question someone's salvation” than it was to forgive them for an offense. AT the intersection of a repeated offence Jesus leads us once again to the grain of mustard seed size of a faith. This growing faith has the potential to tell a tree used for medicine to uproot itself and plant itself in the uncontrollable sea. True faith, earnest faith, doesn't hesitate to forgive when asked, and true forgiveness brings healing.
Now back to the beach! … Jumping over the fence, I turned to see a small sign waving in the wind (no doubt written with a shaky hand) that read, “The mound is moved and tree replanted … I have forgiven my brother who has never ceased in offending me. He needs forgiveness today and today I will not delay, I will not question his sincerity, I will face reality and I will trust my God.”.
You might walk away scratching your head a little but this is where living faith grows. It grows as we learn and extend forgiveness when we are offended. Today there are some of us who are holding the bitterness (of need for retribution) and the anger (of desire to payback) so close that it is becoming an unmovable mound and a fruitless medicine tree that is too stubborn to grow its fruit of healing. Let go! … Forgive, and forgive openly and without regret.
PS. Forgiveness is Jesus' way. And He is the Way ... the Truth ...the Life. There is no lasting life outside of Jesus, and unforgiveness only hinders our knowing Him. Our depth of knowing is our liberty in living. Forgive and truly know Him.

Hey, Throw Me a Tree!

Okay! So he was wrinkly old and definitely a few fries short of a Happy Meal. Still, you almost had to feel sorry for him as he tried his best to prove faith wasn't bogus. His almost empty housing lot contained a mound of earth covered with grass, a scraggly old Mulberry bush and a great view of the ocean. This was his stage; and all that was needed to start the performance was for a passer-by to stop, show interest, and “the show” would begin.

It was almost pageant like as he would magically wave his hands as if trying to levitate something. First he would wave at the mound; and with excruciating facial expressions, he would command the grassy mound to move to the corner of the lot. Holding this position for awhile as if lifting an impossible weight, he would finally drop his arms and slump to the ground. “We will try it again later!”

The show would continue as quick as he could regain posture and catch his breath. Then he would brush himself off and start the process again, but this time aim the waving hands at the scraggly tree and command it to uproot and fly into the sea. The same excruciating look enveloped his face as he shook and trembled until finally he would surrender to the obvious, drop his arms, slump to the ground, … nothing had happened. “One of these days you will see!” “My mustard seed faith shall grow.”

Deep inside you this pageant can play out if you measure your faith against your ability to move mountains, or gauge your faith potential based on the flight of trees into the sea via the command of your voice. There are other options that partner with the superficial study of the Word. One is the ability to ignore scripture that seems impossible... “Just don't go there” … rather than asking, seeking and knocking. Another option is to find some theologian's thoughts from the past to plug into our cranium. Not that this is bad, but it could keep us from having to use our own brain cells to seek out an answer. The problem is that rarely will we truly study through passages that could potentially allow the miraculous to become part of our lives. (“Study to shew thyself approved unto God” … Study, study, study to place yourself beside the valued of God. … Why would we want to have Heavenly value in this God Needy World?)

Flying Trees into the sea at a command? Let's start there to begin the process of “letting the words of our mouths and the meditations of hearts being acceptable in God's sight”. (Psalm 19:14) Could the real mountains of vision and rooted “medicinal trees” be connected more to our ability to display eternity than to put on a good show? Let's start … “Hey, throw me a tree!” “Sorry … detach it from the roots first.” Now into the sea … the salt, the unknown, the turbulence, the fear, the uncontrollable need to TRUST.

Luke 17:5 - “Lord, increase our faith.” Was this request urged on because of an amazing miracle that the disciples saw Jesus perform? “Lord, firmly establish our faith.” Was this request prompted by an amazing revelation of the Kingdom? Both questions could be answered affirmative because of the sum total of events they had experienced to date, but the genesis of this question was more challenging than what we might think. It was in response to the challenge to Forgive! If offended … forgive!

After learning that scandals are guaranteed to come, and that people focused on scandalizing others would be better deep-sea diving with a millstone; the disciples are given a peek into kingdom forgiveness. What … forgive those offending them? Forgive even if they produce SEVEN offenses a day? Doesn't appear to be a big deal to us, but the disciples are increasingly being offended as the group of them move closer to the Cross, closer to the ultimate scandal.

As the character of Christ is beginning to truly challenge their roots and their foundational vision (trees and mountains --- Luke 17 and Matthew 17), they see Him … they see real faith … they want to be established in what is at the core of this Jesus. They realize that a change is needed, and want to know what can be done to increase or establish a change that may take them from coddled faith to a“moving mountain” and “uprooted tree” challenging faith.

Our voices need to heard with His voice … “ Up-root us, disconnect us from the old ways, and replant us in the uncontrollable sea of trusting Thee with the outcome … miraculously forgiving those who often offend us”. Our faith is increased when we truly forgive our offenders. Forgiving the way Christ forgives is the grain of mustard seed faith that uproots the tree of traditional command and control forgiveness, and moves it into the sea of His trust.

What about salt spray and saline contamination of the tree? The Husbandman knows whats best for His planting.

“Throw me … a tree!” 



The Man Upstairs?

Man, hotel rooms can be interesting when it comes to the concept of sleep (can be challenging). Just ask my wife! Ever thing has a sense of familiarity but also those things have a built in absolute strangeness. For instance: there are pillows and beds in the room, but they very quickly begin to act like wrestling opponents and evil machines of torture that rob us of much needed sleep. This disconnect may be because ... this is not "my" pillow nor is this "my" bed.

The light and sounds of the room are not anything like home. And the smells, hmmm... Fabreeze may be a cover up, but having the ability to truly refresh the room ...? (We are not so sure whose odors we are breathing in). And depending on where the room is positioned, we may end up with another dimension of discomfort ... “the man upstairs”. The things this "man upstairs" is doing and the sounds he is making above our heads can be downright disruptive and irritating. (No intricate details at this time, only to say --- it is 8:36 am and he is still stomping).

I have stayed in enough motel rooms (the first couple set the standard); that when someone starts talking about their relationship with the "Man Upstairs", I cringe a little because of the disruption that the "man upstairs" of my room has been throughout the years. I have a funny feeling that many who use the term "the Man Upstairs" hold distance and discomfort in their hearts toward God due to what they don't understand about what He is doing up there. Stuff happens, and because we don't really step out of our comfort zones to know Him ... we just continue to live with the irritation of "what in the world is He doing up there?".

Oh, if only our hearts would have a massive refocus. If somehow we would daily live in an addictive desire to know Him. If only we would be obsessive compulsive in our movements to close the distance between us and Him, instead of just leaving Him "upstairs" so that we have no need for accountable love.

The reality the actually exists is that there is a distance; but the flip side is He doesn't want it. "Come unto me, all ye that labor" ... He knows how we work, we must make the decision to come or there is no conscious measure of the distance closing. We need the movement toward Him, and it begins with an aching desire to get close to Him. Song of Solomon 2: 14 - "O my dove, that art in the clefts of the rock, in the secret places of the stairs, let me see thy countenance, let me hear thy voice; for sweet is thy voice, and thy countenance is comely". "LET ME SEE ... LET ME HEAR … what is upstairs!”

It is the little irritations and unasked questions that create distance via lack of trust and missed prayer opportunities. This relationship is fragile but only on our side ... He is only offended when we separate ourselves from His saving power. Song of Solomon 2:15 - “Take us the foxes, the little foxes that spoil the vines: for our vines have tender grapes”. Cherish your relationship with Him.

Oh to get to the “Day that Breathes” and to the “Day with no shadows” ... but for now, the "mystery" is the beauty of our Beloved. Like an amazingly noble antelope fleeing into the hills, He maintains the distance for our good and His glory. Song of Solomon 2: 16“My beloved is mine, and I am his: he feedeth among the lilies. 17 Until the day break and the shadows flee away, turn, my beloved, and be thou like a roe or a young hart upon the mountains of Bether”. (Bether is The Mountains of Division).

Begin, Today ... come upstairs, find that He is yours and hear Him say "You are mine!"

Happy Anniversary my Love! You inspire me to love Jesus, more.
Let’s continue together to know and to love Emanuel(God with Us) …more and more.



The Hook of Power

Truly describing the “whirling” in my mind this week would probably have you all frantically flipping through the Yellow Pages to recommend a contractor that could build a padded room for these momentary “wall bounce” times. Often I throw myself into the rolling waves of "scriptural taught thoughts" mingled with statistics, world events, daily trivia and word curiosities that drive my heart to this moment each week. My heart’s desire is to unchain, unbind, unwrap, and unleash the children of promise; but with so much conflictive information blitzing our thoughts it is extremely difficult to challenge people to slow down for this moment (but please do so!). I did start to study - "The Hook" in Psalm 149!

Here are bits and pieces of this week's swirl ---
(Bear with me for a moment as you peek into my mind, Oh Boy!):
Wave One of the Swirl: From II Kings 19 (one Angel) and Matthew 26 (12 leagions of Angels), I considered a doomsday total of 185,000 x 6,000 x 12 = 13,320,000,000 people “waking up dead men” allowing for a one night angelic destruction potential of our current population of 7 billionish people (no problem to wipe the globe clean in one night).
Wave Two of the Swirl: A God who is "not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance" so He offers Power-filled praises, and a two-edged sword alternative to global annihilation (hopefully someone will listen).
Wave Three of the Swirl: A "hook" that can end a conflict with the choice of catching a untamable sea monster or a common fish with a coin filled mouth - Job 41 and Matthew 17.
Wave Four of the Swirl: Thoughts of our God who has planned, that in His Invisible/Visible Kingdom, He will pour His love to and through our "occupations" - "I know your works"Rev. 2-3 - mentioned 7x.
Wave Five of the Swirl: And passing thoughts of what was left of an "Andes" after dinner mint left on the steps to the third landing of a five story motel(what?), that I passed 5 times in taking the stairs instead of the elevator. What does a tossed aside mint have to do with it? Here we go into the swirl!

Jesus has command of Heaven's Angels, who are poised and waiting for a signal from the King for vengence or deliverance, while the Servants of the King carry the alternative response. According to Psalm 149, the Saints have the honorable authority to let their high praises and God’s spoken Word (the two-edged sword) to be the determining factor that executes vengeance, punishments, chains and fetters, and/or offers forgiveness and deliverance upon the people of the world. We seemingly have no idea of this power of “life and death” that has been linked to the speech of the Saints. Be careful your words carry power... they can chain or set free. Look to the Cross, the Crux, the Hook!

Those who stand in the conviction that "the Hook" is directly connected to the Cross (and the Cross is the Scandal to end all scandals) stand strong. They stand strong ...
… in that the Cross shouts the Love of God louder than any and all disruptive offences,
… in that the Cross can cover all the stains of sin by the effectual washing of Jesus’ life giving blood,
… in that the Cross is "the hook" that can drag away the enemy to destruction.
...  in that the Cross is "the hook" that can produce the perfect satisfactory payment for any conflict.
… in that the Cross can fully raise to life all those whose wounded and broken hearts agree that
 Jesus is ALL in ALL, and Jesus is in you and Jesus is in me (He is the only Answer for the lost soul).
Without Him We can do nothing.

Job saw the uselessness of a hook to catch the sea monster known as Leviathan, but Peter in Matthew was brought to realize that to render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s and unto God that which is God’s … allowed Him to hook a small fish to handle a world connected problem ... taxes. The Tax collectors (Jesus said … “Lest we offend them”) should receive the paymant of our Tax. It is not wrong to connect with the world where we are responsible to the world. That is our connection to walk the cross to the lost.

We all start in a "swirl", and we all need "the hook". All of us started this day by carrying our past. Many of us treat the things that we decide to carry with us, as our reason to have the right to be disappointed and bitter as we launch into another day. Others of us will begin by trying to live in the blissful denial that we have never been offended. (The next statement is sarcastic) There are a few of us that have the perfect ability to forgive, forget and move forward with an open armed approach to every offence … telling ourselves it is for our good and for God's glory. I am sorry to announce this, but we all are in the swirl of life caused by the fact that we are still on this side of Heaven.

Our vision of living for Him can be like a dropped Andes mint in a rarely uses stairway of a motel. Too many, because it touched the ground and could be soiled, kick it into the spider webbed filled corner of a 3rd story motel stair landing, and leave it there. Too many of us will just walk past it without a thought. Please, dump the pious act that “everything is ok”, you are making the kingdom look ludicrous. Your moments of discouraging connections are really the ingredients that make you truly valuable (if you haven’t kicked them to the corner like the Andes mint).

Now here is the conclusion to the swirl --- Listen up Children of the King! You carry amazing power within fragile earthen vessels. This power can set men free and can stave off the tide of destruction.. Trusting Christ is not just something we do to secure a residence in Heaven, but it is an active acknowledgement of the power to walk with Jesus daily. “We die daily” and “we live daily” in Christ, and the life we live can be abundantly filled with deliverance of souls. John 15:5 – (Jesus said) “I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing." 

The key … the Hook ... abide in Him.

Who ever would have thought that a discarded Andes Mint could cause such a stir?

