Power Connected??

Is The Right Power Adapter Connected?  We live in an amazing day of technological craziness. Years ago to communicate in writing with as many people as we do daily, weekly or monthly ... would have cost an incredible amount of money and taken an incredible amount of time and energy. Now we copy, paste, drag and drop … then with a click of a mouse an immense amount of information can travel thousands of miles in a few seconds. To gain any type of written material ...books, magazines, and newspapers … I would have had to travel to go to a news stand, bookstore, library or drug store (and I best not have forgotten my wallet or I was heading back home to make the trip all over again). Now with the click of a mouse, tap of a finger or swipe of a hand I can pull in literature and visual media until the cows come home or until my battery needs recharging on my mobile devise. Even though there are now amazing “no wire connection” transfers of information (like “Kies Air” where via "Wi-Fi" I don't need cables to download or transfer certain information that I used to have to be tethered to do), I still have to make contact with a power source. OH THAT CRAZY POWER SOURCE, that battery must be charged or the disconnect begins. NO POWER – NO COMMUNICATION... NO COMMUNICATION … NO LIFE.

There has to be a receptive connection to the power source, and you better have the matching adapter. Each electronic device needs its specific power connector or the power will not flow, and the device will not function. Jesus spoke of the only matching adapter to connect us to lasting life in John 14:7 – “I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto the Father but by me.” Not having the adapter will mean your battery will die, there will be no initiating charge for usage life, and there will be no way to bring life back to your device if you kill the battery. Refusing to attach the matching power adapter is sheer stupidity, and a tragic waste of a valuable device. John 1:12 – “But as many as received Him them gave He power to become the Sons of God, even to them that believe on His name.”

Now, we could go all day discussing the ramifications of this parallel electronic universe, but at this juncture of this HLFA I will do something dangerous – I will assume those who have continued reading have a lasting living connection with Heaven because of and through Jesus Christ; and therefore the destructive power connection of sin will never be able to have its full effect on them. (Please though, if you have never trusted and received the Lord Jesus as your Savior from sin … receive Him now!)

What good is my life if I haven't figured out what it is for! Something happened to me when I was 18 years old, a few days before my 19th birthday. In the attic of our home at 169 West King Street, Chambersburg, PA; my dying power connection went from trusting Jeff to Trusting Jesus … He literally empowered me to be transformed from that energy sucking death life to an ever renewing eternal life. In so doing, He switched on “His focus” in my life. I realized, truly realized that in Christ, Heaven was my home; and without Him, a person would have to spend eternity in Hell. (Whether we like it or not … sin has to be paid for, and if we do not trust God's payment for sin then we are left to our own eternity of suffering for sins payment.) Hear this I DID NOT DO THIS ALONE. My brother Joe took a Bible and pointed out the truths that heart needed hear in order to make that intimate lasting connection. Joe led me to Jesus and I received Him. Just as soon as I had received Jesus I wanted to get the message of the connection to my future wife, who was waiting downstairs for me … I could not bare the thought of losing her to sin's death connection and a Christ-less eternity. I wanted to share eternity with her, Heaven seemed incomplete without her. SHE DID NOT DO IT ALONE.

If you can Hear Jesus' words to his disciples (and by divine connection, His words to you), I think you will once again understand the obvious reason for your life in Christ: Acts 1:8 – “But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost parts of the earth.” The most awesome life to be lived in this world (when we are not of this world) … is to live a life that witnesses to others so they can make that eternal connection with Jesus also. THEY CAN'T DO IT ALONE.

Did you ever notice that when the device is charged by the proper power adapter it thrives with the vital and vivid information that it was created for? You and I were not created to be lost ... but to be found, rescued and loved so that you and I could find, rescue and love others also. His Focus – Our Focus: Jesus came to seek and to save that which was lost. He made the connection for us. Let's nurture that connection for the sake of others.

