I had one interesting problem. I had less than 4 hours to shake it so I could catch a flight home. To get home would require the following: 1. packing my bags. 2. Getting down three flights of stairs and a 300 yard walk to my rental car. 3. Drive the 15 minute ride to the rental car return. 4. Manage to ride an unusually long escalator up to the security/check in area of the airport. 5. Wait for the flight. 6. Endure the 5 hour flight. 7. Get from the terminal to ground transportation to the parking area. and 8. Take the 1 ½ hour drive home. Not so bad on a normally healthy day, but at this moment in my hotel room I would only enjoy minutes of relief (if you can call a spinning room relief) before I was driven unmercifully to the rest room. How in the world was I to accomplish "getting home" without a mobile bucket and toilet tied to me? I couldn't even stand up without the room spinning out of control.
Can't give you all the details but I made it home. As I look back on that event, I would not attribute it to being a strong stable individual, but I would tell you this ... "the motivation or determination to ‘get home' with God's gracious moments of strengthening intervention allowed me to prevail".
(My apology for taking your mind to embarrassing and disgusting places ... but this is what God has brought to my heart in these early morning hours).
Someone reading this is being pressed to the max and tempted with giving up on love ... your life is so miserable or complicated that you truly feel that your situation is unresolvable, and that no one truly can understand the gravity of the moment. Trust Jesus when I say this next statement, commit this moment to Him. DESIRE to get back home! I know it looks impossible right now ... but laying down and becoming invalid to what you know you should do is not the answer. NEVER GIVE UP ON LOVE, because real Love (He) will never give up on you.
I didn't care how awkward, uncomfortable or unsure the next steps would be in moving from that hotel room, I committed that moment to Him and pushed my strength home. There was an easier option for the body ... I could just lay there (get kicked out of a hotel room, default with penalties on my rental, miss my flight, disappoint those waiting for my safe arrival, and spend the rest of my life explaining the penalties) ... and then work through any of the painful repercussions of my "give up" decision. BUT the best choice was to exert my strength to not giving up, rather than dealing with what I might cause in giving up. Don't sacrifice your future on the altar of the immediate.
Song of Solomon 8: 6-7 Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm: for love is strong as death; jealousy is cruel as the grave: the coals thereof are coals of fire, which hath a most vehement flame. Many waters cannot quench love; neither can the floods drown it: if a man would give all the substance of his house for love, it would utterly be contemned.
Set Jesus as the lock ... (the seal, not to be broken until the cargo is at home port and under the jurisdiction of the true owner of the cargo) ... upon you heart (seat of life giving and life taking emotions). Jesus is the Lord of your love ... commit to giving up to Him, He is committed to you and get home.
This is just a shot in the dark ... and it is being sent with tears and many miles and hours of prayer. There is a fine line of power to be given to you ... power to proceed or power to give up ... each will bring relief sooner or later. Surrender to none but the King! I would sooner be a ragged beggar walking with my God, than a rich man walking without Him.
Notice the last line of the passage above ... "if a man would give all the substance of his house for love, it would utterly be contemned." The house "it" would be despised but not the man.
Do right!