Acknowledge Him

I can still hear the otherworldly screams that exuded from my parched lips. I can still smell the stench of rotting bones of other men within the habitat of my daily residing. I can still taste the salt of my tears mixed with the blood of my self inflicted wounds as I would cut myself, relentlessly, and without mercy. I can still feel the reverberating voices of my unseen Captures and their ungodly and unholy demands ripping at me from somewhere inside of my life. Somewhere way in the distance, I saw what I think may have been my wife and beautiful daughter, and the terrified look in their eyes as the growing distance would leave them crippled in the shadows. “He is not himself, he needs some help” … would be words that would  ride a broken tremolo to my ears as I would whirl into a most vehement frenzy of self desecration, and as I would break any hope of restraint to help.   Like a helpless rag doll victim in a terrifying uncontrollable downward free-fall, I was spinning out of control within my miserable circumstances and was waiting for an inevitable catastrophic end (hoping that might bring relief).

Somewhere near, yet feeling so far away … a presence walked onto the shore of my war torn life with such a display of authority that my Captures threw me at His feet without hesitation. They were begging for mercy like I had done for so many turns of agonizing days. Now in this moment, a rescue was enacted, that to this day makes me keenly aware that I am now eternally secure in His everlasting arms. In one incredible moment my rescue will caused so much fear in my countrymen that I will watch them plea “depart from us” to Jesus, my Rescuer; though I myself am seated calmly on my own accord and am fully clothed (hardly recognizable). Strange turn of events!

Without a fight, my Rescuer turns with His Twelve and begins to board the small fishing boat that had brought them to my so lonely shore. As I look about I assume my place should be with Him and begin to follow, but He turns,gently speaks words deep into my soul unshackling the final shame, and bids me to return home to tell of the great compassion I have found this day. Although my my heart ached that I could not follow at this time, I knew that the gift I had been given would pull me full circle to be with Him again someday. My life would now be an object lesson of His great mercy, love and grace … Hallelujah! I was now one of His praise makers.

Proverbs 3:5,6 -Trust in the Lord with all thine heart,and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all “thy ways” acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.

  • Our road, way, path ahead begins with a choice to know and trust Him at the Cross road.
  • Our journey on the way is to learn to know Him more and more every day.
  • Our direction is to perceive and see, to find out and discern Him working in our lives.
  • Our manner, habit, way of life is to longingly distinguish and display the joy life with Him.
  • Our of course of life is to know by experience His desire for us and others through us.
  • Our moral character growth is to recognize, admit, acknowledge, confess any deviations.

He shall direct (this is an intensely intentional choice of God for us – He shall direct) {He makes right, He makes smooth, He makes straight} our lives in a way, that even the greatest events that could negatively impact our lives will become the greatest source of God's love story to us and through us.

Sometimes following Jesus means that we turn by direction of His Voice, to show His compassion in the places we may have caused devastation. “Amor Conquista Todo” (Love conquers all) Live for Jesus!!!

