If It Came Natural He Wouldn't Have Prayed

I'm not sure if I am getting it yet????
... it must be nice to be
oblivious to the struggle with worldliness within the very fabric of what we call "worship" within our local churches.

My wonder so many times is... who in the world is in charge of this display of religiosity?
No wonder I can't make a connection with the "lost" and even the "saved" around me.

Have you ever been in a meeting where you could feel a heavy suffocating tension between those in the room?
Woe! With this overt disunity there is no way one can focus on anything BUT the disunity.
Who cares what is being said; Who even listens to the direction given; Who even plans on moving in that direction?
What direction? Too where? and what for? ...it makes no sense to MOVE unless unity is sensed or experienced.

Too much "look at ME" in the service of the King
Too many egos needing to be fed AND
Too little time spent in the Word and prayer
To get our hearts in tune with the pulse of God

John 17 is truly the Lord's prayer for Us as His in the midst of this conflict.
What is God's Will????
God's will is what the Father and Jesus desire.
This chapter is a simple:
Treasure chest of the gifted desire He has for us and the supply available to fulfill His desire.

If this came Natural He wouldn't have endowed us with such a prayer, loaded with the necessary supernatural gifts to secure us for unity... which Him and the Father are directly involved in IF WE LINE UP WITH THEIR DESIRE.

Jesus spoke so personally in John 17:20-21
Neither pray I for these alone, (the Apostles) but for them also which shall believe on me through their word; (any believers to follow, including us) that they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.

Sorry no spoon feeding this time...open up your Bibles, kneel beside Jesus as He prays through this chapter. Read it out loud! He his voice through your voice...let the fullness of the plan of the of being ONE:
Verse 20 & 21 has the potential...
"The Father in Jesus, Jesus in the Father, that we may also be one in them"...ONE...indivisible...ONE.
"That they may be one in us" (Jesus requests of the Father)

That "they (we) may be one"...that "the world may believe"...that Thou (the Father) hast sent Me (Jesus).

If the world just believes that we are good people...and the church is a good place to go but the world doesn't sense our "oneness" (because we don't desire what He desires) then the potential for the world to understand the Gospel has been neutralized.

Does Jesus get His prayers answered?
Will you hear His prayer...and answer the call?

