Christian Car???? Christ's Care for You.

I wonder if my car is a Christian Car? It doesn't curse or swear, It doesn't drink booze or do drugs, it never has entered a bar or seen an x-rated movie, It is kind to all its passengers, it has a 5 star crash rating - ready to protect me, It plays Christian CDs and Christian Radio Stations, and is always willing to take me to church (even carries my Bibles)...So far this is fairly typical stupid thinking, but even more stupid than this is for me to drag Jesus' Name through the mud of my disappointment with the way He is "Supposed" to take care of me...

I am pretty good at whining and complaining and rarely good at asking, I'm even better at blaming instead of truly seeking, and when I do FIND... I lack gratitude because I deserve it, because I was knocking, wasn't I???

Troubled to the max? Life got you to the place that you are ready to explode? Cry out to Him ... really cry out... and expect his answer through His Word.

This was a rough week for me. I was carrying a burden for my wife that was about to kill me (I was even feeling it physically). While driving in my car (the best way to drive) early Friday morning alone (no other passengers) --- I screamed (yep, a full bodied, blood curdling roar) out to Jesus for help (kind of shocked myself) and then went on with my drive and day without much thought for the incident.

However; Friday night He began to open the Word to me and Saturday A.M. was "bucket dumper".

What about His care for me, my wife , for you, for those who he ransomed with His blood?
Hang on, and before you read on,
PRAY .... PRAY (stop -- don't pass over this part) ... PRAY.
In Ephesians 5:27 - Paul describes the love of a Husband for his Wife by Looking at the love of Christ Jesus for His Church (Those called out to be His) this Love that He actively bestows on us day by day. Moment by moment - breath by breath care:

"That He might present it (his Wife the Church) to Himself"
     He presents us to Himself, He pulls us near, He supports and stands beside us;
"a glorious church, "
     He holds us in His highest esteem
"not having spot, "
     He provides advocacy so that "no spot", no fault, no moral blemish will be levied to our account.
"or wrinkle",
     And when He rescues us, His gentle hand doesn't cause damage, wrinkle or bruising.
"or any such thing;"
"but that it (she) should be holy"
     We are set apart with as "cherished"; with full "life purpose" because of His eternal desire is for us.
"and without blemish".
     From Him, we will never receive disgrace, insult or censure because He jealously defends our reputation.

Sorry this may be heavy to read, but if we understand these things we will begin to truly live in Him in all His fullness. Truly live that abundant life He offers... HE IS OUR EVERYTHING!

