Cranberry Walnut Bagel, French Toast, and Isaiah 65

Breakfast in the Redding house is all but normal sometimes, the preparation can be challenging. With the Coffee brewing it is hard to keep the Duchess asleep to surprise her with a Breakfast completed ...see... you have to sneak out of bed, not bang the pots and pans too loud and get r' going: Steel cut oat meal(which she later will make enticingly delicious but adding nuts, berries, spices and secrets), Black bean scrambled eggs w/ melted provolone cheese, bacon (prepared crispy not burnt),fresh grapefruit and clementine slices, and Cranberry Walnut Bagel French Toast (deadly) ....and SoMe white tea. All that preparation to let the Duchess of Redding know she is special, she is loved, and she is all the world to me.

What does Isaiah 65 have to do with breakfast (not much but hang in there):
Isaiah 65:1 - I am sought of them that asked not for me; I am found of them that sought me not:
I said , Behold me, behold me, unto a nation that was not called by my name.
The next 22 verses will describe a New kingdom for those who respond to His call...those who receive His love...a wonderful place where love overwhelmingly is serving up lasting satisfaction and joy.
24 And it shall come to pass, that before they call , I will answer ; and while they are yet speaking ,
I will hear.

Oh if there was a way we could breathe in the Heavenly preparation daily ... let it overwhelm us with its aroma of sweet intoxicating security. Oh if we could hear the still small voice, feel the mighty rushing wind, sense the cleansing rain, by truly knowing Jesus and the power of His Resurrection.

STOP...Hear His call: Matthew 11:28
Come unto me, all ye that labour
• grow weary, tired, exhausted (with toil or burdens or grief)
• labour with wearisome effort, to toil of bodily labour
and are heavy laden,
• burdened with an unwarranted load - GUILT
• loaded one with a burden of rites and unwarranted precepts - SPIRITUAL DUTIES
and I will give you rest.
• ceasing from any movement or labour in order to recover and collect strength
• giving rest, refreshment, to provide self rest
• quiet, calm and patient expectation

THE CROSS ... THE EMPTY TOMB... THE RISEN LORD all prepared for you, calling your name, telling you: You are special, you are loved, you mean all the world to Him ....
BUT will you COME TO HIM or remain in the guilt of your sin?

Keeping my sin ensures eternal Hell, Trusting Him with the payment of my sin ensures Heaven as my home..... While I was ungodly, while I was an enemy, while I was a sinner ...Christ Died for ME.
Cranberry Walnut Bagel French Toast...don't just look...taste and see!

