SO you think you are smart enough to fly solo?no time to pause to hear from Him, the Bible that was over there on the counter has walked away to an unknown hiding place ... Oh! there it is ... but look at the time??? How time flys and I've got so much to do.

Think you're able to sort through all the "air wave babble"Radio, TV, IPOD, Billboards, People Chatter, Gossip, Stereo "all-a-blaring Ready to rock! and still come away with pure thoughts, pure motives and reasonably pure actions?even though my mind is so cluttered with all the "crap" being jammed into my senses ...NO FILTER ...NO CONTROL ...NO SHUT OFF VALVE ... EYES AND EARS WIDE OPEN.
OPEN TO WHAT ...DEFINITELY NOT HIM ... though possibly willing and longing..... We really don't understand our terminal condition...

We have Spiritual Myopia w/ terminal distortion! 

1 Corinthians 13:12
For now we see through a glass, darkly * ; For at this present, moment by moment, "NOW" ...the perception of our vision is enigma-tized as one staring into a crudely polished steel mirror.... our perception without His Reception only creates more and more unanswered questions.

Web definitions for myopia  

(ophthalmology) eyesight abnormality resulting from the eye's faulty refractive ability; distant objects appear blurred

"DISTANT OBJECTS APPEAR BLURRED" ....this is the reality... we desperately need His lense ...HIS WORD... until the cure is either introduced via a trumpet or a still small voice that says "Come on Home!"

but then face to face:
now I know in part; (at best)
but then shall I know even as also I am known .

I can't do this without Him ... what about you?

